Chapter 633

I just want to be an idle person and live a leisurely life.

After listening to Shen Ze's reply, Zhao Xinghua was a little surprised.

"Brother Shen, your reason is so simple?"

Shen Ze smiles, nods and says, "it's so simple."

"All right!"

Listening to Shen Ze's words, Zhao Xinghua nodded and said nothing more.

In fact, in Zhao Xinghua's eyes, Shen Ze is the kind of extraordinary person, destined to live an extraordinary life.

He didn't expect that Shen Ze just wanted to be an idle person and live a leisurely life.

In Zhao Xinghua's view, a person like Shen Ze should do a great thing to make his name famous and benefit the country and the people.

However, although he thought so, Zhao Xinghua did not express it.

Because he knows that people have their own aspirations, others can not force.

Moreover, Shen Ze's thoughts can't be controlled, even if he wants to.

Of course, Shen Ze's idea is not what he can guess.

Therefore, Zhao Xinghua did not think much about it.

Later, Zhao Xinghua and Shen Ze talked about the current situation and military affairs.

"Elder brother Shen, I learned that the army of rat country has opened its front at the border. Can the troops in the Western Theater defend it?"

Zhao Xinghua asked, "should I send the 100000 Kirin army I brought here to defend?"

Shen Ze thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't need it for the moment."

"At present, the Western theater can still defend."

"Good." Zhao Xinghua nodded.

Then, Shen Ze suddenly thought of something. He said to Zhao Xinghua, "you haven't led a war yet. Do you want to try?"

Zhao Xinghua smell speech, picked pick eyebrow, "how to say?"

Shen Ze said: "I have a plan. If the enemy attacks the Dragon kingdom again, I want to send troops to take the initiative and enter the territory of rat kingdom to kill the enemy."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Xinghua felt awe inspiring and his face became a little dignified.

This sent troops into the territory of rat country to kill the enemy, brother Shen's courage is really great!

Zhao Xinghua exclaimed in his heart.

Then he frowned and pondered.

Shen Ze's plan is quite risky.

After all, the risk of entering rat country to kill the enemy is very high.

Because the territory is different, once entering the territory of rat country, it is likely to be encircled and annihilated. It is likely that the enemy will be annihilated instead of being killed.

I have to say that it's very risky to do so, and it's likely that there will be no return!

Most people obviously do not have the courage to do so.

Zhao Xinghua knew that Shen Ze had such courage and courage when he had this plan, which made him admire him very much.

Of course, he is not stupid either. The reason why Shen Ze said this to him has other meanings.

Zhao Xinghua asked thoughtfully, "brother Shen, do you want to say that if you really want to send troops to kill the enemy in rat Kingdom, let me lead them?"

Shen Ze nodded, "that's the meaning."

Then, Shen Ze asked with a smile, "dare you go?"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Xinghua laughed: "what dare not go?"

Zhao Xinghua patted his chest and said, "dare to go!"

Zhao Xinghua used to fight black boxing in the underground boxing hall. He pinned his life on his belt at any time. Obviously, he exercised his courage. He was not the kind of people who were greedy and afraid of death.

Zhao Xinghua has the courage to lead the troops into the territory of rat kingdom. At the same time, he also has plans in this regard, because in his view, it is not only to protect the country, but also to make contributions.

Of course, this also has the meaning of living up to the expectations of Shen Ze and Zhao Xingyang.

Shen Ze promoted Zhao Xinghua to be commander in chief of the central war zone. Zhao Xinghua wanted to prove that Shen Ze was right. He needed to make contributions to prove all this, even if Shen Ze didn't need him to prove it.

Shen Ze also knows that Zhao Xinghua is not the kind of person who is greedy and afraid of death. He is not surprised that Zhao Xinghua agrees without hesitation.

Of course, the reason why he intends to let Zhao Xinghua go is not a random decision.

In his opinion, although Zhao Xinghua does not have much experience in war, he has enough strength and his own strength is strong enough.

As long as it is well deployed, there won't be much problem.

At the same time, Shen Ze also wants to exercise Zhao Xinghua. After all, real generals have to experience the baptism of blood and fire.

Besides, this kind of war is a rare opportunity.

Shen Ze didn't talk much nonsense either. Seeing Zhao Xinghua's promise, he said, "OK, you can go if you really need it."

"Good!" Zhao Xinghua nodded heavily.

Thinking that he might lead the army in the future, Zhao Xinghua then asked Shen Ze about his knowledge and experience in leading the army.

Shen Ze is recognized as the world's first God of war, is the first general, he has a very rich experience in leading the war, the ability to lead the war is very strong.

Shen Ze is happy to teach Zhao Xinghua.

In the face of Zhao Xinghua's advice, he said everything he knew.

In this way, Zhao Xinghua, who was on his way all night, did not go to rest. Instead, he asked Shen Ze for advice for a day and asked all the questions.

Shen Ze is very patient and answers for Zhao Xinghua one by one.

It was not until it was dark that Zhao Xinghua left the mansion.

On the night of that day, an enemy and a green dragon army team clashed, and both sides engaged in a fight, resulting in casualties.

Although this kind of conflict is normal, it does not prevent the soldiers on both sides from becoming more and more hostile.

In this bloody conflict, immediately after the border between the two countries, the conflict happened again and again.

Although these conflicts are not big, because of the many incidents, the casualties have become more and more.

Over the course of the night, there were hundreds of casualties in both countries.

The number of hundreds of casualties is obviously quite a lot, and the conflict between the two sides has obviously intensified to a certain extent.

Increased conflict makes things worse.

In the early morning of the next day, rat country launched another sneak attack on a small city on the border of dragon country, causing thousands of civilian casualties.

This sneak attack of the rat Kingdom ignited the anger of the people of the Dragon kingdom again, and it was more serious than the last one.

"The rat kingdom is so despicable that it launched a sneak attack again. It's all about sneaking around!"

"This rat country is not on the table, only dare to launch a sneak attack!"

"The rat kingdom is completely ungrateful and has to die. We dragon kingdom can't bear it any longer. We should fight back!"

"Damn it, I'm for killing the rat kingdom!"

"Yes, fight!"

"Other people are riding on their heads. We have to fight this battle if we don't fight it!"

"I can't bear it. Even if it costs too much, I will fight against the rat kingdom!"

"Damn, it's time to invite Shen Diaolong out of the mountain and fight the Dingding battle again, so that the rat kingdom will be defeated again!"