Chapter 634

"I can't bear it any more this time. I support attacking rat kingdom!"

"You can't give the rat country another chance to sneak attack. You must give him back this time, so that he doesn't dare to offend the dragon country again in the future!"

"I think it's time to send troops to fight directly to the capital of rat kingdom to let rat Kingdom know the power of dragon kingdom!"

"Yes, I support the rat kingdom!"

"I'm for rat Kingdom, too!"

In the Dragon Kingdom, people are excited, and everywhere there are voices supporting the attack on the rat kingdom.

Obviously, the people of the Dragon kingdom are really angry this time.

"I think it's time to invite Shen Diaolong to come out of the mountain and let him lead the western war zone again to beat the rat kingdom to pieces."

"Yes, Shen Diaolong should be able to clean up the rat kingdom."

"In the last battle of Dingding, Shen Diaolong led 300000 Qinglong troops to fight against one million troops of rat kingdom. At last, Shen Diaolong fought against one million troops of rat Kingdom and won a complete victory. Now it is really necessary for Shen Diaolong to reproduce the brilliant achievements of that year!"

"Yes, please let Shen Diaolong do it, and then beat the rat kingdom without backhand power!"

"Ask Shen Diaolong to come out!"

"Long Shuai, please return to the western war zone!"

"Long Shuai, please return to the battlefield and raise the prestige of our country!"

Today's situation makes the people of the Dragon Kingdom feel that a large-scale war can break out between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom at any time.

What's more, the successive provocations of the rat Kingdom make the people of the Dragon Kingdom feel the need to fight back against the rat Kingdom and teach the rat kingdom a painful lesson, so as not to let the rat Kingdom offend the Dragon kingdom again.

At this time, many people suddenly thought of Shen Ze.

Many people speak on various social platforms and want to invite Shen Ze out of the mountain.

"In this special period, we request the national court to restore Shen Diaolong's position as Grand Marshal of the army and the title of Dragon God!"

"Yes, now it is very necessary to restore Shen Diaolong's position as Grand Marshal of the military department and let Shen Diaolong take charge of the military department again."

"At this time, war may break out at any time, and it is really worth doing to restore Shen Diaolong's status as Grand Marshal of the army."

"Shen Diaolong is the head of all generals and the first God of war in the world. It's very good to have him to lead the whole army."

"When there is a large-scale war, it is most suitable for Shen Diaolong to take charge of the military department. I believe that as long as Shen Diaolong leads the military department, any war can be solved and dealt with."

"Yes, Shen Diaolong has made great achievements. Let's believe that he has the ability to do all this. Other people are short of time."

"I support the restoration of Shen Diaolong's position as Grand Marshal of the Ministry of arms by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and he will take charge of the Ministry of arms again!"

"I support it, too!"

"I support it, too!"

First, there was support and appeal for Shen Ze to go out of the army. Later, it quickly evolved into allowing the National People's court to resume Shen Ze's position as Grand Marshal of the military department and let Shen Ze take charge of the military department again.

These voices are so loud that the national court has to pay attention to them and can't ignore them.

During this period of time, Huang Shiping was very busy, very busy every day, and his mood was depressed and depressed.

Presumably, there are endless things to do every day, and there are a lot of troublesome things to deal with, which is not a good thing for anyone.

Today, the conflict between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom is becoming more and more serious. Huang Shiping is very anxious.

Rat country does not talk well, now things have become very troublesome, do not know how to deal with.

Huang Shiping has a terrible headache.

Of course, Huang Shiping still blames Shen Ze for all these problems, instead of looking for problems from himself, or he will not admit that his ability to deal with things is not very good.

"These things are caused by that son of a bitch Shen Diaolong. Now you ask him to go out of the mountain and let the imperial court resume his position as Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war. I don't know what you people think!"

Huang Shiping was very angry when he saw that the people of the Dragon Kingdom appealed for and supported Shen Ze to come out of the mountain, and asked the national court to resume Shen Ze's position as Grand Marshal of the military department.

In Huang Shiping's view, all the things that happen now are provoked by Shen Ze. It is because Shen Ze has returned to the field, that these things happen.

The world should blame Shen Ze, not regard him as the Savior, and let Shen Ze come out at this time.

"Damn, a group of stupid people with brain problems, you should blame Shen Diaolong, not regard him as the Savior!"

"Not only will I not resume his position as Grand Marshal of the army, but I will deal with him after all these things have been dealt with, and pin him on the pillar of shame forever!"

Huang Shiping was very angry and hated Shen Ze.

He plans to put Shen Ze on trial after dealing with everything, and pin him on the pillar of shame forever.

However, although Huang Shiping thinks so, it is still unclear whether he can do so.

After all, there are things he can't do as he wants.

For example, although Huang Shiping didn't want to listen to the voice of the people and restore Shen Ze to the position of Grand Marshal of the military department, and let Shen Ze take charge of the military department again, other people in the National Assembly had such ideas and plans.

At the regular meeting, quite a few people proposed to restore Shen Ze to the position of Grand Marshal of the military department. They asked Shen Ze to come out of the mountain and take charge of the military department again, especially the western war zone, to deal with the aggression of the rat kingdom against the western border.

"At this time, it's really necessary to invite Shen Diaolong out of the mountain. Not to mention restoring his position as Grand Marshal of the army, it's very necessary to restore his position as commander in chief of the Western Theater."

"It should be easier and easier for Shen Diaolong to lead the western war zone to deal with the aggression of the rat kingdom."

"And maybe even because Shen Diaolong took charge of the western war zone again, the rat kingdom was so scared that it did not dare to offend the Dragon Kingdom any more."

"The situation has become very tense now. It's really necessary to ask Shen Diaolong to go out of the mountain. I also support this idea."

"Shen Diaolong doesn't know where he is now. How can he be invited out of the mountain?"

"Since Shen Diaolong left Yanjing, there has been no news of him any more. Even if the imperial court restored his position as Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, he may not come out."

"Yes, the imperial court forcibly removed Shen Diaolong's position as Grand Marshal of the army and the title of Dragon God last time, which must have made him dissatisfied. That's why he came up with the idea of understanding Jia's return to the field. Now, Shen Diaolong is really retired, and there is no news at all."

"If Shen Diaolong is really disheartened, even if the imperial court restores his position as Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, he will probably not come out again."

"No matter whether Shen Diaolong can come out or not, I think it is necessary for the imperial court to restore Shen Diaolong's position as Grand Marshal of the military department first, so as to show his attitude and mind."

"Not to mention the restoration of Shen Diaolong's position as Grand Marshal of the military department, it is OK to restore his position as commander-in-chief of the western war zone first."