Chapter 635

"If Shen Diaolong is determined not to come out, it will not help to restore his position."

"Moreover, there is no news of Shen Diaolong now. I don't know where he is. Many things are not easy to do."

"If you can find Shen Diaolong and have a good talk with him face to face, it may be useful. It's just like empty talk to restore his position."

"It's ridiculous that you still want to invite Shen Diaolong out of the mountain and resume his position as Grand Marshal of the army. Don't you know that Shen Diaolong is responsible for all these things?"

"If Shen Diaolong didn't return to the army and take the initiative to step down from his post in the western war zone, these things wouldn't happen now."

"These things are caused by Shen Diaolong. You don't want to blame him, but you want to ask him out of the mountain and resume his position. I don't know how you think about it."

At the regular meeting, some people supported and supported the restoration of Shen Ze's position and asked him to leave the mountain, while others opposed and blamed Shen Ze.

"Even if there is no Shen Diaolong, the imperial court can deal with the current situation. Even if there is a war with the rat Kingdom, it can deal with it. I don't think it's necessary to restore Shen Diaolong's position or ask him out of the mountain."

"Yes, even without Shen Diaolong, the Dragon kingdom can cope with and deal with all the things that are happening now."

"Now these things are really caused by Shen Diaolong. Instead of being restored to his position, he should be punished."

"Shen Diaolong's ability is obvious to all. If we can invite Shen Diaolong out of the mountain, will these things be handled well?"

"Even if these things are caused by Shen Diaolong, they have already happened and can't be changed. What we have to do now is to solve them as soon as possible and let the Dragon Kingdom minimize its losses."

"As for the merits and demerits, we will decide later. Now the main thing to do is to solve everything as soon as possible and better."

"Now the best solution is to ask Shen Diaolong to come out of the mountain and let Shen Diaolong take command of the western war zone again to resist the Japanese."

"I don't think it's necessary to invite Shen Diaolong out of the mountain. Several war zones in our dragon Kingdom have developed very well now, and they don't need Shen Diaolong any more."

"Even without Shen Diaolong, our war zones can cope with the aggression of the rat kingdom."

"I know I can handle it, but it's not the optimal solution."

"If Shen Diaolong comes out of the mountain, he can even make bad things never happen again. If he can solve the problem without using force, isn't that good?"

One side supported Shen Ze's coming out of the mountain, and the other side didn't, so the two sides had a big argument.

This kind of argument is very normal and not a big deal. After all, everything can only seek common ground while reserving differences.

After a long time, Huang Shiping couldn't help but yell: "don't say it!"

Huang Shiping was the leader. When he spoke, other people naturally didn't dare to say anything more. They all shut their mouths bitterly.

Huang Shiping's eyes swept the whole audience fiercely. Then he said angrily, "I don't know what you are arguing about. Aren't these things obvious?"

"Now these things are caused by Shen Diaolong's irresponsibility and failure to take on his responsibilities because of some trifles."

"Not only can we not restore his position, we should also criticize him and let the world take warning."

"As for these things, I believe we can deal with them. We don't need to use Shen Diaolong."

"I'll decide this matter directly. Let's stop arguing!"

Huang Shiping said in an indisputable tone: "in the future, we will stop talking about Shen Diaolong. We will try our best to deal with everything by ourselves."

Huang Shiping said that. All those who wanted to move out of Shen Diaolong nodded, but they didn't dare to say anything more.

There was a moment's silence.

Someone said, "the rat kingdom is constantly provoking. It has no intention of peace talks at all. I don't think it's necessary to have peace talks with the rat Kingdom now. We can only use force."

"The use of force is not a small matter. We must treat it with caution and consider it carefully."

"Yes, it's better not to use force as a last resort. A war has something to do with the national movement. If you win, it's OK to say. If you lose, you may lose everything."

"Rat country is also a big country and a powerful country. We should not underestimate it. Even if we use force, we may not be able to defeat rat country absolutely."

"It's still not a good fight. If you are careless, you may lose everything."

"The situation is that we should not fight or fight, but we can not has the final say. If the rat country insists on attacking us, it will attack us, then we will not fight.

"At present, the pressure on the Dragon kingdom is already very great, and the domestic people are excited. Everyone's mood to fight against the rat kingdom is very high. On the contrary, I think it's necessary to launch an attack on the rat kingdom to release the pressure."

"Of course, before launching an attack on the rat Kingdom, we must be fully prepared, and strive to repel the enemy and achieve a complete victory!"

"Starting a war now can really release the pressure. We can really think about it."

"Let's see again. If it's time to start a war, let's fight!"

The people discussed for a while.

After listening to everyone's opinions, Huang Shiping clapped and said, "if rat country is stubborn, we'll fight him!"