Chapter 641

"Both Zhao Xinghua and the western war zone are in trouble. They are both lawless and should be severely punished."

"Zhao Xinghua and the western war zone are all in a mess. How dare they act without the instructions of the National People's court?"

"If all the war zones are like them, what is the significance of our national court? How can the Dragon kingdom be better? "

"We can't go on like this. We must stop the western war zone from taking further action!"

"How to stop the western war zone, the western war zone is now clearly not following the instructions of the National People's court."

"I think it must be Shen Tso lung who secretly mobilized the Western Theater, who knows not that the Western Theater is his back garden!"

"Isn't Shen Diaolong going back to the field, determined to be an idle man? How can we secretly mobilize the Western Theater? "

"Don't jump to conclusions about these things until there is no evidence."

"Zhao Xinghua led a hundred thousand Kirin troops into the territory of rat country, which really violated the rules and regulations. However, it is more reasonable for the Western Theater to mobilize one hundred thousand Qinglong troops to rescue, although the Western Theater took action without receiving the instructions of the national court."

"For the sake of Zhao Xinghua's life and safety, it really makes sense for the Western Theater to send troops to rescue them in the past."

"I think Zhao Xinghua's action this time has been discussed with the western war zone. The two sides must have been in contact all the time, so they can cooperate so well."

"If the western war zone and Zhao Xinghua have really negotiated, then they are completely fooling around!"

"The conflict between the rat Kingdom and the Dragon kingdom is big enough. Now Zhao Xinghua, with 100000 Kirin troops, has leveled five cities of the rat Kingdom and killed tens of thousands of enemy troops. This undoubtedly increases the conflict and makes the situation completely uncontrollable."

"This time, even if Zhao Xinghua is encircled and annihilated, the rat kingdom will certainly take action to retaliate against the Dragon kingdom. If the rat Kingdom fails to annihilate Zhao Xinghua and let Zhao Xinghua withdraw from the Dragon Kingdom, the rat Kingdom's hatred for the Dragon kingdom will be deeper, and the two countries will probably go to war in an all-round way at that time!"

"Because of Zhao Xinghua's interference with the western war zone, I think the trend of all-round war between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom is very obvious."

"It's really bad now. There's a way to solve all these problems!"

"The primary task now is to control the Western Theater and prevent it from taking other actions."

The members of the National People's court talked and expressed their views.

Huang Shiping, sitting on the throne, has a gloomy face and doesn't say a word.

Hearing the public's comments, he seemed to be very upset. His brows twisted into a line.

"After the Imperial Envoys who were sent to the western war zone, there was no news. I don't know what happened."

"I think the people sent must have been under house arrest in the western war zone, otherwise there would have been no news at all."

"Is this really going against the sky in the Western Theater? Dare to do these illegal things again and again

"Well, the western war zone that Shen Diaolong brought out is really against discipline, just like himself!"

"Yes, what kind of commander there are, what kind of soldiers there are. If Shen Diaolong had not been in charge of the western war zone, the western war zone would not have been like this!"

"If the western war zone is really against discipline, it will be very difficult to do it!"

"I think it's OK to send a big man to the western war zone, so that he can live in the western war zone!"

"Who should be sent to live in the western war zone? It's hard to find such a person. "

"There is a suitable person." Someone opened his mouth and looked at Huang Shiping sitting on the throne.

This person's meaning is very obvious. He thinks that the right person is Huang Shiping.

In Huang Shiping's capacity and position, he is indeed an absolute great man, who can control the western war zone.

Of course, this town is not a real one, but at least it is very useful. After all, Huang Shiping's identity is there.

If Huang Shiping went to the western war zone, the people in the western war zone would certainly not be against Huang Shiping. They would be more or less restrained.

Of course, the premise is that Huang didn't do anything to Shen Ze.

Before that, the imperial court led by Huang Shiping forcibly removed Shen Ze's position as the Grand Marshal of the military department and the honorary title of the Dragon God, which made the soldiers in the western war zone dissatisfied with Huang Shiping and the imperial court.

Now, even if Huang Shiping went to the western war zone, it really needs to be said twice whether he can be pacified.

However, Huang Shiping is the best candidate, because if you send other people there, you can't see that you can live in the western war zone.

Some people suggested, others echoed: "if Huang Lao goes, he will surely be able to live in the western war zone!"

"If Huang gets old, that's for sure!"

"If Mr. Huang goes to the western war zone, who is going to co-ordinate the national court?"

"I'm afraid it's inconvenient for Mr. Huang to go to the western war zone. It's not easy to deal with Mr. Huang when he goes to the National Academy."

"If Mr. Huang doesn't go to the western war zone, I feel that no one else can live in the western war zone."

Hearing people talking about whether he should go to the western war zone, Huang Shiping's face became more gloomy and ugly as if he had eaten a fly.

During this period of time, Huang Shiping was very busy, and he was depressed and irritable every day.

Huang Shiping was very dissatisfied with Zhao Xinghua's leading troops into the territory of rat Kingdom and taking action without authorization in the western war zone.

Huang Shiping impressively felt that Zhao Xinghua and the western war zone were deliberately looking for trouble for him!

Originally, there was still a little room for negotiation between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom. When Zhao Xinghua and the western war zone got involved, they felt that there was no possibility of peace talks at all!

With so many people dead on both sides, how can we negotiate peace?

At the moment, Huang Shiping is obviously very reluctant and unwilling to be asked to go to the Western Theater town.

He is busy and tired enough, and he has to run to take charge of the western war zone. What a jerk!

However, although Huang Shiping was not happy, he still knew that he was the only one in the imperial court to suppress the western war zone.

After all, the western war zone is under the command of Shen Ze, which is very unusual.

"It must be Shen Diaolong, the son of a bitch, who played tricks behind the scenes and made Zhao Xinghua and the western war zone do these things, deliberately causing trouble to me!"

At this moment, Huang Shiping felt that Shen Ze had done all these things.

In this regard, Huang Shiping is more jealous of Shen Ze and more dissatisfied with him.

"Shen Diaolong, you'd better not be caught by me, or I won't let you go!" Huang Shiping was so angry that he put cruel words in his heart.

After he was angry for a while, Huang Shiping didn't want to see people arguing any more. He said angrily, "don't argue. I'll go to the western war zone in person."