Chapter 642

Huang Shiping also knows that if he doesn't go to the western war zone, it won't make any difference.

When Huang Shiping offered to go, everyone was silent.

After a while, someone worried and said, "Mr. Huang, if you go to the western war zone, who will preside over the national court?"

When Huang Shiping heard the speech, he frowned and fell into meditation.

After a while, Huang Shiping said impatiently, "I will coordinate everything in the Western Theater, hold a video conference, and keep in touch at any time."

"If it's so troublesome, move the office of the National People's court directly to the western war zone!"

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, everyone frowned.

Someone suggested: "Mr. Huang, it's a bit inappropriate to move the office of the National Academy of Sciences to the western war zone. Let's hold a video conference and keep in touch at any time."

"Yes, it would be a bit inappropriate for the office of the National Academy of Sciences to move to the western war zone."

The crowd nodded and agreed with this view.

Then someone suddenly thought of something and said, "it's not good for Mr. Huang to go to the western war zone at this time."

"There is such a big conflict between the rat Kingdom and the Dragon kingdom. If the rat Kingdom launches a retaliatory attack on the Dragon Kingdom, the western war zone will bear the brunt. If Huang Lao goes to the western war zone, his safety will not be guaranteed!"

After listening to this person's words, other people's faces became a little dignified, because what this person said was very reasonable.

Because Zhao Xinghua led a hundred thousand Kirin troops into the territory of rat Kingdom, leveled five cities of rat kingdom in a row, killed tens of thousands of soldiers of rat Kingdom, and blood feud has been formed between the two countries.

You don't have to think about it. The rat kingdom will certainly launch a retaliatory attack on the Dragon kingdom.

The rat Kingdom borders on the western border of the Dragon kingdom. At that time, the rat kingdom will launch an attack on the Dragon Kingdom, starting from the western border. At that time, the western war zone will become the primary target of the rat kingdom.

If Huang Shiping went to the western war zone, he would be in a risky situation.

"Yes, when the rat Kingdom launches a retaliatory attack on the Dragon Kingdom, the western war zone will bear the brunt of the attack. Huang really can't go to the western war zone."

"The rat kingdom may be planning how to attack the western war zone now. It's really not safe for Mr. Huang to go now."

"Mr. Huang, you'd better not go to the western war zone."

"Yes, don't go to the Western Theater."

"Don't go, Mr. Huang."

Aware of the danger, they all urged Huang Shiping not to go to the western war zone.

When the audience said that, Huang Shiping was obviously aware of the power.

Although he wanted to control the western war zone and let it stop looking for trouble for him, he didn't want to put himself in a dangerous situation.

Man is not for himself.

In Huang Shiping's eyes, his safety is more important than anything else.

He didn't want to risk his life to do something thankless.

Almost without hesitation, Huang Shiping said, "OK, I won't go to the western war zone."

Hearing the words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, someone suggested: "Mr. Huang doesn't go to the western war zone, but he still has to choose a person from the national court. If he doesn't care about the western war zone any more, he's really afraid that the western war zone will become a mess."

"Yes, it's better to choose one person to go to the western war zone and take charge of the western war zone. Otherwise, the western war zone will continue to be in chaos and create a bigger mess."

"I also support the election of another person to run the western war zone!"

After listening to the suggestions, Huang Shiping nodded and asked, "who should be chosen to go to the western war zone?"

Someone suggested, "choose a person from the Presbyterian Council."

All the members of the Presbyterian Council are high-ranking figures. It is indeed a good way to choose a Presbyterian Council member to go to the western war zone.

"Then choose a member of the Presbyterian Church."

After Huang Shiping made the decision, he glanced at several members of the Presbyterian Council, and then asked, "has anyone volunteered?"

Several members of the Presbyterian Council heard the words, looked at each other, and did not say a word for a moment.

Everyone present knows that it is a very dangerous thing to go to the Western Theater at this time.

It's human nature not to want to take risks and seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. It's normal that no one wants to go.

After a while, a member of the Presbyterian Council said, "I'll go."

This is a middle-aged man in his late 40s. His name is Lei Ming. He has a very high qualification and can be regarded as the second leader of the state of long.

Lei Ming may be a little worse than Huang Shiping, but it is much better than other people in the National People's court.

In the case that Huang Shiping can't go to the Western Theater, leiming's going to the Western Theater is really the best choice.

In the face of Lei Ming's volunteering, everyone didn't say anything, it was like acquiescence.

Huang Shiping also thought that it was the best choice for Lei Ming to go to the Western Theater, so he immediately made a decision and said, "OK, let Lei Ming go to the Western Theater."

"I want you to set out immediately, get to the Western Theater as soon as possible, take control of the Western Theater, and let the Western Theater act according to the instructions of the National People's court!"

Huang Shiping seemed to be giving an order. He said these words to Lei Ming very seriously.

"Yes, thunder must live up to its mission!"

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, Lei Ming also solemnly assured.

"All right, you can go now!" Huang Shiping waved to thunder.


Thunder nodded, then got up and left.

After Lei Ming left, Huang Shiping organized a meeting again.

Huang Shiping said in a deep voice: "because Zhao Xinghua and the western war zone are so involved, the war between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom is inevitable. We should be prepared to deal with all this."

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, everyone looked dignified and nodded in agreement.

Someone suggested: "this time, because of the scuffle between the two sides, the rat kingdom is more likely to launch a large-scale attack from China's western border. I think it is necessary to dispatch some troops from the other four war zones to defend."

"100000 Kirin troops have been deployed from the central theater. I think 100000 troops can be deployed from the eastern theater, the southern theater and the northern theater to the western border."

"I think we can transfer more troops to the West from the eastern theater and the southern theater, but there is no need to transfer troops from the northern theater. Xiong has been doing business in the northern border recently, so we need the northern theater to take good care of Xiong and not to transfer troops."