Chapter 643

"It's reasonable to say that bear country is engaged in affairs on the northern border. It really can't transfer the troops from the Northern War Zone. In case bear country takes advantage of the situation, there will be very bad results."

"One hundred and fifty thousand troops can be drawn from the eastern theater and the southern theater respectively, and the 100000 troops in the northern theater can be filled in."

"Well, I support that."

"I support it, too."

After listening to the discussion, Huang Shiping clapped his hand and said, "OK, then we will send 150000 troops to the western border from the eastern theater and the southern theater respectively."

After talking about the transfer of troops, another person suggested: "Mr. Huang, our dragon kingdom is now fighting against the rat Kingdom, and the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom will certainly obstruct us from doing so. I think it is necessary to take countermeasures against our dragon kingdom."

"The country of bear and the country of Eagle are not good birds all the time. They are always covetous to our country of dragon. Now they will definitely seize this opportunity to build our country of dragon."

"The Dragon kingdom is not a weak country that can be bullied, but a big country and a powerful country. If the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom dare to advance, we will have a good fight with them."

"The state of bear and the state of Eagle have already done a lot of actions secretly. It is really necessary for the state of dragon to take some counter measures, otherwise the state of bear and the state of Eagle really think that we are easy to bully."

"Yes, we must take strong counter measures against the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom to let them know the strength of our dragon Kingdom and dare not target our dragon Kingdom at will."

People in the imperial court were very dissatisfied with Xiong and Ying who took the opportunity to make trouble for long. They proposed to fight against Xiong and Ying one after another.

Huang Shiping is also very dissatisfied with the state of bear and the state of eagle, so he took all the people's suggestions.

"Make a plan immediately to fight against bear and eagle. Of course, we should also negotiate with bear and eagle."

Huang Shiping plans to work together in two ways to contain the bear state and the eagle state against the Dragon state as much as possible.

Now, the war between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom has begun. It is obviously not suitable for the Dragon kingdom to make too many enemies.

Both Xiong and Ying are world powers. It is obviously necessary for the Dragon kingdom to try its best not to aggravate the conflict between the two powers.

In doing so, Huang Shiping did not want to aggravate the conflicts between the Dragon Kingdom, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

They also understood Huang's meaning and nodded in agreement.

After the meeting, the court took action according to the resolution.

The National People's court ordered the eastern and southern war zones to send 150000 troops to the western border.

On the same day, the national court came up with a plan to strongly counter bear and eagle, both economically and militarily.

On the same day, leiming took a special plane to the western war zone.

Lei Ming's identity is unusual. The Western Theater did not put him under house arrest, but let him temporarily coordinate the Western Theater.

Of course, thunder's command didn't work.

The western war zone is just like using the tactic of delaying the war. First, it's perfunctory thunder. After Shen Ze's return, it's better to let Shen Ze continue to lead the western war zone.

Leiming doesn't know that Shen Ze has returned to the western war zone. He takes it for granted that he can control the western war zone, but the fact is totally different from what he imagined.

What does thunder want to do to mobilize, completely unable to implement, which makes thunder very angry, but there is no way.

If the Western Theater doesn't listen to him, he has no choice but to sulk.


Under the global attention, Shen Ze led a hundred thousand green dragon troops to enter the territory of rat country from the route Zhao Xinghua had taken before.

As Zhao Xinghua had cleared the obstacles before, the road of the Qinglong army was smooth.

It took about two hours for Shen Ze and Zhao Xinghua to get close to their trapped city.

Shen Ze did not take his troops directly to Zhao Xinghua's trapped City, but stopped not far away.

He let the troops rest at the same time, ITU Zhao Xinghua and them.

Although rat Kingdom cut off the communication signal, Zhao Xinghua's troops were able to contact Shen Ze. It can be seen that dragon Kingdom's technology is still better than rat kingdom.

After the call, Shen Ze directly asked to talk to Zhao Xinghua.

After a while, Shen Ze and Zhao Xinghua got on the phone.

"Xinghua, I've come to your trapped city with my troops."

Shen Ze said his side of the situation, asked: "what is your side now?"

Zhao Xinghua was very moved and excited to learn that Shen Ze himself came to the rescue with his troops. At the same time, he was also very happy.

Shen Ze comes to the rescue with his troops. They will be out of danger. How can they be unhappy?

After Zhao Xinghua held back his excitement and calmed down, he said in a deep voice: "brother Shen, we are defending in the city now, but the enemy did not attack."

"And since the enemy didn't come in, I don't know how many enemies there are out there."

Shen Ze said: "in this way, I'll first explore the number of enemy troops surrounding you, and then I'll contact you."

"Good." Zhao Xinghua answered.

Shen Ze immediately hung up the phone, and then he sent scouts to explore how many people surrounded Zhao Xinghua's rat army.

After getting Shen Ze's instructions, the Scout set out.

It wasn't long before the scouts came back.

"Long Shuai, after exploration, there are almost 200000 enemy troops besieging the Qilin army." The scout reported respectfully to Shen Zechen.

Shen Ze frowned at the words.

There were more enemy forces besieging Zhao Xinghua than he thought.

Shen Ze looked at the scout and asked calmly, "are you sure?"

On hearing this, the Scout immediately said in a positive tone: "sure!"

"Well, hard work."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Ze waved to the Scout.

After bowing to Shen Ze, the Scout turned and left.

"200000 troops, this rat country still has some ability to gather so many troops."

Shen Ze's face became a little dignified, but he didn't worry too much.

Shen Ze has brought 100000 Qinglong troops and tens of thousands of Qilin troops in the city, which is enough to meet 200000 enemy troops. It's just a little troublesome to deal with them.

After all, if we really fight with these 200000 enemy troops, there will certainly be a lot of casualties.

Although Shen Ze does not want to see many casualties, he knows that there is no better choice now.

Now we can only fight head-on with the enemy in order to rescue Zhao Xinghua. There is no other way.