Chapter 655

Shen Ze was calm and his face did not change.

He seemed to sigh with emotion and said lightly: "I didn't expect that Huang Shiping would not be able to hold on so soon. He restored my position faster than I expected."

After listening to Shen Ze, Qin Chao nodded.

Then, he said in a straight tone: "I said that Huang Shiping, the leaders of the national assembly, had a brain problem."

"If they hadn't removed your position as Grand Marshal of the army and the title of Dragon God, they wouldn't have done so much now."

"When the trouble happens, they want to resume your position as the master to make up for it. I think they are just fed up and have nothing to look for!"

Qin Chaoyue said that the more angry he was, the more rebellious he said.

"That old guy Huang Shiping is really not suitable to be the top leader of the Dragon kingdom. We should let him step down and change him to be the top leader of the Dragon kingdom."

"If you let him continue to lead, I don't know how much more trouble there will be in Longguo!"

Speaking of this, Qin Chao had a pause. It seemed that he suddenly thought of something and said, "I think thunder is very good. It's much more enlightened and reasonable than Huang Shiping."

"I think it's much better to let Lei Ming be the top leader of the Dragon Kingdom than Huang Shiping."

This time, many propositions are strongly supported by thunder.

For example, he made a lot of efforts in pursuing the title of the dead soldiers of the Qilin army and the Qinglong army, and in restoring Shen Ze's position as Grand Marshal of the military department and commander in chief of the Western Theater.

It's not that leiming is not in Huang Shiping's camp, so it doesn't occupy Huang Shiping's side. It's just that in leiming's opinion, it's worth doing so, so we do it.

If you compare Lei Ming with Huang Shiping, they may have the same leadership ability, but Lei Ming is much more than Huang Shiping in terms of the overall situation and the mind of serving the country and the people.

Because of this, both Shen Ze and Qin Chao think that Lei Ming is more suitable to be the top leader of the Dragon Kingdom than Huang Shiping.

Of course, Lei Ming is now the second leader of the state of dragon. He has a great voice in the national assembly, and his ideas can also play a great role.

Shen Ze did not reprimand or stop Qin Chao's rebellious words.

Shen Ze looked at Qin Chao with a smile, and said, "you rough old man, when do you see that Lei Ming is more suitable to be the top leader of the Dragon Kingdom than Huang Shiping?"

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he scratched his head with his hand.

"I don't know how to see it. I just think thunder is better."

Shen Ze smelled the speech and laughed. Then he said, "I also think Lei Ming is more suitable to be the top leader of the Dragon Kingdom than Huang Shiping."


Qin Chao smelled the speech, as if he had got a huge surprise, and his face showed a bright smile.

"I didn't expect that the master's idea was the same as mine. Ha ha, then I'm not wrong!"

Qin Chao laughed and was as happy as a fat man.

Looking at Qin Chao's simple appearance, Shen Ze smiles.

After a while, Qin Chao calmed down and said to Shen Ze in a very serious manner, "master, since you also think that Lei Ming is more suitable to be the top leader of the Dragon Kingdom than Huang Shiping, why don't you give him a hand and let him take the first place and let Huang Shiping retire?"

"If Lei Ming gets the first place in the Dragon Kingdom, I think the Dragon kingdom will surely develop better."

Shen Ze pondered for a while, then said: "this matter involves too much, not to do can do."

"The change of the supreme leader will cause a lot of turbulence every time, which is not as simple as imagined."

"Besides, with Huang Shiping's character of striving for fame and fortune, he will not willingly retire."

"If you want Lei Ming to take the upper position, you must take some measures to force Huang Shiping to step down. Then Huang Shiping will definitely fight back, and there will be a lot of trouble."

Shen Ze buttoned the table with his fingers, and then said, "the state of dragon has a lot of things to deal with now, so it won't be Huang Shiping down for the time being."

"Let's wait until all these things have been dealt with, and then talk about other things."

Qin Chao knew that Shen Ze was telling the truth, so after listening, he nodded and said nothing more.

Later, Qin Chao seemed to think of something, and said to Shen Ze with a smile, "master, it's great that you can resume the posts of commander in chief and Grand Marshal of the western war zone. Shall we celebrate tonight?"

"The brothers are very happy to learn about it."

Shen Ze shook his head, said: "now is the state of war, do not engage in those fancy."

Qin Chao's face became dignified when he heard the speech. He said coldly, "the master has resumed his position as the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, and is personally in charge of the western war zone. I don't believe that rat Kingdom dares to use force against our dragon kingdom!"

"I don't think rat kingdom will dare to do it again because it is afraid of its master."

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Shen Ze smiles and says, "I'm not so confident. Where do you get this confidence?"

Qin Chao said seriously: "this is the confidence that the master gave me. I don't think it's a problem at all!"

Shen Ze smile, said: "self confidence is a good thing, but you don't overconfident."

"It's really unclear whether the rat kingdom will use force against our dragon kingdom."

"Sometimes, even if the rat kingdom does not dare to use force against the Dragon Kingdom, it does not mean that the rat kingdom will not use force against the Dragon kingdom."

Shen Ze knew very well that when he was in charge of the western war zone, he had no fighting power against the rat Kingdom, and let the rat Kingdom give up invading the Dragon kingdom.

Because of too much blood and sacrifice, there is a great feud between the rat Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom, which can be called National feud. The two countries have almost reached the point where fire and water are hard to tolerate.

Over the years, the Dragon Kingdom has been advocating development and does not want to have any conflicts with the rat Kingdom, but this does not mean that the Dragon Kingdom has not suppressed the rat kingdom from all aspects.

But the rat country because in other places competition but dragon country, in the heart has been holding a bad breath.

What's more, the rat Kingdom has always wanted to retaliate against the Dragon kingdom. Since it can't win in other places, why not use force?

Now, there has been a big conflict between the rat Kingdom and the Dragon kingdom. Even if it is not a full-scale war, it is not far away.

The Dragon Kingdom sacrificed tens of thousands of soldiers, while the rat Kingdom sacrificed more than 100000 soldiers, which is enough to make the two countries become endless blood feuds.

Shen Ze thought about it and said, "if I want to see it, most of the rat kingdom will use force against the Dragon Kingdom, or even directly launch an all-out war."

When Qin Chao heard the words, he flashed a fierce light in his eyes and said: "if the rat Kingdom dares to use force against the Dragon kingdom again, we will directly destroy it!"