Chapter 656

After listening to Qin Chao's heroic words, Shen Ze couldn't help laughing.

"The Dragon Kingdom has such great ability to destroy the rat kingdom?"

Qin Chao thought about it, and said: "at the beginning, master, you led 300000 green dragon troops, and you could beat the rat kingdom without fighting back. You could beat the rat army to scurry, and the bottom of it was pissed."

"If we gather all the forces of the Dragon Kingdom, I really think we can destroy the rat kingdom."

Shen Ze said with a smile: "your idea is very good, but the reality is very hard."

"Rat country is not a soft persimmon. It's not so easy to destroy the country."

Qin Chao thought Shen Ze was right. He thought about it, and then said, "even if we don't destroy the rat Kingdom, I think it's necessary to fight directly to the capital of the rat Kingdom, so that the people of the rat kingdom can know our strength, and let the rat Kingdom dare not offend the Dragon kingdom again!"

"It can be considered," Shen said

Listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao's eyes flashed a trace of excitement.

"Master, if the rat Kingdom uses force against the Dragon kingdom again, you can lead your troops to the capital of the rat kingdom!"

Shen Ze stares at Qin Chao and says, "I just said that we should think about it. Don't try."

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he began to smile.

After that, Qin Chao changed the topic and said, "master, this time you have restored your position, don't go back to the field."

With these words, Qin Chao looks at Shen Ze with a pitiful look.

Seeing Qin Chao's appearance, Shen Ze couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"It depends on my mood whether I want to go home or not."

Qin Chao smell speech, immediately wrinkled a face, showing a pair of bitter appearance.

Shen Ze said coldly, "if you do this again, get out of here."

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he suddenly returned to normal.

Then, Qin Chao seemed to think of something and said to Shen Ze, "master, now you are in charge of the army. Should you give some color to the country that offends the Dragon kingdom?"

"The country of rat has already taught a lesson, but the country of bear and the country of eagle, who have been doing evil in the dark, should we also teach a lesson?"

Shen Ze pondered for a moment, said: "now still focus on the rat country, bear country and Eagle country temporarily don't care."

"As long as the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom don't use force, they don't have to fight with each other. As for the bad things they do, let the national court deal with them by itself."

Both Shen Ze and Qin Chao knew that the court took counter measures against Xiong and Ying.

In Shen Ze's view, it is obviously inappropriate for the Dragon kingdom to use force against the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

After all, both Xiong and Ying are superpowers with strong national strength and one of the best military capabilities.

Now, there is a huge conflict between the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom. If there is another armed conflict with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, the Dragon kingdom will be difficult to cope with and fall into a very difficult situation.

In fact, Qin Chao also knows that Xiong and Ying can't be easily provoked. If they can avoid war as much as possible, they can.

The reason why he said these words is just to vent his emotions, because what Xiong and Ying have done to the Dragon Kingdom recently is enough to cause the anger of every Dragon people.

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao nodded and said nothing more.

At this moment, Shen Ze suddenly thought of something and said to Qin Chao, "in my name, immediately let all the 150000 troops transferred from the southern and Eastern war zones return to their respective war zones."

"Yes, I'll get your message right away." Qin Chao nodded.

Shen Ze then said, "please call Zhao Xinghua by the way."


Qin Chao nodded.

Shen Ze waved.

After bowing to Shen Ze, Qin Chao turned and left.

Qin Chao conveyed Shen Ze's meaning to the leaders of the southern and Eastern war zones.

These two war zones, with a total of 300000 troops, returned to their respective war zones at the first time after receiving the instructions from Shen Ze, the Grand Marshal of the army.

After conveying Shen Ze's order, Qin Chao went to Zhao Xinghua's camp and called Zhao Xinghua to the Shuai mansion.

"Brother Shen, congratulations on your return to your original post!"

After meeting Shen Ze, Zhao Xinghua immediately congratulated Shen Ze with a smile.

For Zhao Xinghua's congratulations, Shen Ze nodded and said nothing more.

Zhao Xinghua then asked, "brother Shen, what's the matter with you coming to me?"

Shen Ze said: "now the Western Theater does not need military support. I want you to take the Kirin army and return to the central theater."

When Zhao Xinghua heard the speech, a color of loss flashed in his eyes.

He gave a wry smile, and then told the truth: "I want to fight with elder brother Shen more. Now I'm reluctant to leave with my soldiers."

Shen Ze smelled the speech and laughed. "There will still be opportunities in the future. Don't rush for a while."

Zhao Xinghua nodded, but still couldn't help saying: "that's what I said, but this kind of opportunity is really available."

"Who can tell the future clearly?"

In Zhao Xinghua's opinion, Shen Ze is the commander of the Qinglong army, and even the Grand Marshal of the army. As Shen Ze's identity and status, he often doesn't have to fight in person.

Zhao Xinghua was surprised to think that there would not be many opportunities to fight with Shen Ze, even in the future.

After all, the era when Shen Ze was needed to lead the battle is over.

It's a pity that Zhao Xinghua didn't live in the same era as Shen Zesheng. For this, he still envies his brother Zhao Xingyang.

After all, at that time, Zhao Xingyang had been fighting with Shen Ze.

For Zhao Xinghua, it's a very lucky thing to fight with Shen Ze.

Although Zhao Xinghua and Shen Ze have been fighting against the rat Kingdom this time, and they have come out of the encirclement together, Zhao Xinghua still wants to fight with Shen Ze.

However, Zhao Xinghua still understands the truth that contentment makes happiness.

It's lucky enough to fight with Shen Ze this time. Don't ask for more.

Shen Ze can guess Zhao Xinghua's mind.

After listening to Zhao Xinghua's words, Shen Ze started to smile. He looked at Zhao Xinghua and asked, "why, do you think I'm old or not? I can't fight in the future?"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Xinghua immediately shook his head and said, "brother Shen, I don't mean that."

Shen Ze knew that Zhao Xinghua didn't mean that. He was just joking.

"OK, don't think about it so much. I'll call you again next time I have a chance. Don't think about it this time. Lead the soldiers back to the central war zone!"


Although some lost, but Zhao Xinghua still nodded.

Later, Shen Ze chatted with Zhao Xinghua for a while, and then let Zhao Xinghua leave.

After leaving the mansion, Zhao Xinghua asked the Qilin army to clean up and prepare to leave.

On that day, the forces in the southern and Eastern theater, as well as the Qilin army led by Zhao Xinghua, all withdrew from the Western Theater.