Chapter 657

For Shen Ze, when he led 300000 Qinglong troops, he was able to fight a million troops of the rat Kingdom, without fighting back.

Now, he is still confident that he can do it.

Therefore, Shen Ze transferred the troops from other war zones back to their respective war zones.

He personally guards the western border, and he wants to invade the territory of the Dragon kingdom!

Shen Ze restored the position of Grand Marshal of the Army Department of the state of dragon and took charge of all the troops of the state of dragon, which had a certain influence on the whole world.

Among all the countries, the countries most affected are mouse, bear and eagle.

Before that, it was because of Shen Ze's return to the field that the rat Kingdom dared to provoke the Dragon Kingdom frequently, even to use force against the Dragon kingdom. As a result, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom dared to take actions against the Dragon Kingdom everywhere and blatantly.

Now, Shen Ze is out of the mountain and has resumed his position in the Ministry of war, which makes the country of rat, bear and Eagle have to pay attention to it.

This makes them have to consider carefully, and do not want to continue to fight with the dragon country.

Of course, the world is very cruel.

Some things are not about whether you want to do them or not, but whether you want to do them or not.

There will be some things that have to be done.

For example, in the eyes of bear and Eagle countries, in order to maintain their international interests, it is absolutely necessary for them to suppress dragon country.

And that will not avoid conflict.

Even if there is reason, it will happen.

This has always been the case when the great wheel of history moves forward.

Although Shen Ze's coming out of the mountain will affect the decision-making of Xiong and Ying States, their general direction of suppressing the Dragon state will not change.

As Shen Ze thought, there was a blood feud between the rat Kingdom and the Dragon kingdom. Now that the blood feud is getting worse, the rat kingdom will still fight with the Dragon Kingdom instead of letting it go.

Even if you can't defeat the Dragon Kingdom, you have to give it a try.

We must fight a dozen, otherwise how can we calm the people's anger.

In the view of the leadership of rat country, only the war with dragon country can offset the domestic contradictions and the anger of the people, and the outcome of the war is not important.

So, the battle between rat and dragon will continue.

"Even if Shen Diaolong comes out of the mountain, he will continue to attack the Dragon kingdom. These things can't be ignored!"

"The troops of the Dragon Kingdom rush into our country and kill so many civilians and soldiers. The blood debt must be paid and the blood revenge must be paid!"

"We're going to give a tooth for a tooth, and we're going to give a fatal blow to the Dragon kingdom!"

"Calm down, everyone. Shen Diaolong, the first general in the world, is guarding the western border of the Dragon kingdom. It's not easy for our rat kingdom to attack. If we fight again rashly, it will probably cause more casualties!"

"Yes, Shen Diaolong is so terrible. If we have him to guard us, we will probably be flying moths into the fire. We can't get revenge, but we will have more soldiers. We need reason!"

"There is nothing to say at this time. No matter what the final result is, this battle must be fought!"

"Yes, we must fight against the Dragon Kingdom, otherwise our rat kingdom will lose face in the international arena and will never be able to look up again!"

"I'm also in favor of fighting against the Dragon Kingdom and avenging the old and the new together!"

"I'm in favor of fighting the Dragon Kingdom, too!"

"You are all too irrational. Longguo doesn't mean to fight. Some things can't be taken for granted."

"Don't you think the soldiers in our country have sacrificed enough? Do you want to sacrifice our people's soldiers again? "

"People all over the world know how powerful Shen Diaolong is. Why do you still have to fight against the Dragon Kingdom at this time?"

"Yes, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge ten years ago. We rat kingdom can take revenge, but we can bear it first and wait until a good time to take revenge on the Dragon kingdom."

"The Dragon Kingdom has restored Shen Diaolong's position as Grand Marshal of the army. Shen Diaolong is in charge of the army of the Dragon Kingdom and personally guards the western border of the Dragon kingdom. It's very unwise for the rat kingdom to attack the Dragon Kingdom now."

"Those who know current affairs are heroes. We rat kingdom should not attack dragon Kingdom now. What we should do is to keep a low profile and wait for revenge. We must be rational."

"Now it's a fart. The troops of the Dragon Kingdom rush into our country and kill civilians and soldiers. If we don't get revenge, we'll never say that our country is a country, let alone rise and become a superpower."

"A scholar can be killed, not humiliated, or defeated, but he must not be spineless. We can't admit our country's advice just because the other dragon Kingdom moved out of Shen Diaolong."

"Yes, you can't just admit it. You have to fight with the Dragon kingdom. You can't make it any better if you fight to death!"

"Don't be too pessimistic. The Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom have been fighting against the Dragon kingdom. The pressure on the Dragon kingdom is greater than that on the rat kingdom. If we really fight, it's hard to say who can last."

"Yes, the development of the Dragon Kingdom has threatened the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom. If the mouse Kingdom joins hands with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, we will not be able to defeat the Dragon kingdom!"

"In this war, if the mouse Kingdom has the support of the eagle Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom, we will surely be able to defeat the Dragon kingdom!"

"This battle is going to be fought, but before fighting, you can contact Xiong state and Ying state well, and then fight against the Dragon state together, so that the Dragon state can't stand it!"

"Well, it's really a good idea, and I support it."

"I support that, too!"

"Let's do it according to our leaders."

The people of rat country are more excited than the people of dragon country.

As for whether to continue to use force against the state of dragon, the people of the state of rat had a very heated discussion.

Because of the old hatred and the new hatred, most of the people in rat Kingdom support the continued use of force against the Dragon Kingdom, so we must take revenge.

Although there are some voices against Shen Ze's restoration, they are too few to be ignored.

In the end, there is only one voice in the rat Kingdom, which is to support the rat kingdom to continue to use force against the Dragon kingdom.

The will of the people is generally the subjective will of the state.

Although the leadership of rat country has a lot to consider and will not make a decision so soon, the leadership can not help conforming to the public opinion because the people's will is so unified.

Therefore, the state of rat is impressively to contact the state of bear and the state of eagle, and plans to fight against the state of dragon together.

Bear country and Eagle country originally wanted to target and suppress dragon country. In the face of contact between mouse country, bear country and Eagle country did not refuse.

In this way, the three countries secretly colluded against the Dragon state.

The Intelligence Department of the Dragon kingdom is not a vegetarian either. The Dragon Kingdom knows for the first time that the rat Kingdom colludes with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

After learning that the rat Kingdom colluded with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom to deal with the Dragon Kingdom, the leaders of the Dragon kingdom were in a bad mood.

A country of rats is a headache.

If the rat Kingdom, Bear Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom unite to deal with the Dragon Kingdom, what should they do?