Chapter 662

Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.

Every man is responsible for his country's difficulties.

Now, Longguo is in a very dangerous situation, and the situation is not optimistic.

Longguo people are nervous and depressed.

At this time, Shen Ze stood up and made bold words to threaten and intimidate the rat kingdom. He couldn't say he was overbearing!

How can Shen Ze's behavior not inspire and excite the people of Longguo?

The people of Longguo almost unanimously praised and supported Shen Ze.

The will of the people is invincible!

At this moment, Shen Ze has this feeling.

Shen Ze once again raised a degree in the hearts of the people of the state of dragon, which means that the Duke of Zhou would like to return to the world.

For Shen Ze to come forward at this time, not only the people of Longguo praise and support him, but also many people in the court agree and affirm him, but Huang Shiping is not one of them.

Huang Shiping doesn't want to see the hearts and minds of the people of Longguo turn to Shen Ze, because in his opinion, Shen Ze will threaten his position.

Supporting the army with self-respect and achieving great success can help us understand why Huang Shiping thinks so.

From ancient times to the present, imperial power is nothing more than those vulgar things.

Shen Ze and Huang Shiping, as old rivals, have never dealt with each other. Huang Shiping obviously doesn't want to see Shen Ze not only take charge of the army, but also win the support of the people.

In addition, the people of Longguo had their opinions on Huang Shiping and the whole national assembly, which made Huang Shiping even more reluctant to see such a situation happen.

Huang Shiping is very jealous of Shen Ze's winning the hearts of the people so easily.

"Shen Diaolong really has a way of playing with people's hearts!"

"I deliberately provoked such a scandal. First, I asked the people to propose the restoration of his post and let him regain the power of the army. Now I come forward to speak and win the hearts of the people. This is really interesting!"

"If I had known that, I should not have restored your position in the Ministry of war!"

"I really don't believe that without you, Shen Diaolong, these things can't be solved."

Huang Shiping regretted that he restored Shen Zebing's position in the military department.

Of course, it's no use for him to regret now. Things have happened and can't be changed now.

At the same time, even if he wants to remove Shen Ze's position again, it's not right now, and he may not succeed if he wants to do so.

Although Huang Shiping is the highest leader of the dragon, many things can be decided by making decisions. But some important things are not his has the final say, but also need Congress to decide.

This time, Shen Ze not only won the hearts of ordinary people, but also won the hearts of a member of the national assembly.

Therefore, even if Huang Shiping wanted to remove Shen Ze, it was not as easy as before.

What's more, the most important thing is what Shen Ze means.

If Shen Ze doesn't want to leave his post, no one can help him, not even the State Council led by Huang Shiping!

Although Huang Shiping didn't want to see people's hearts turn to Shen Ze, he had no choice, and he could only work harder to do his own thing, so as to compare with Shen Ze.

The only thing Huang Shiping can do is to lead the National People's court and deal with all kinds of complicated things.

Of course, Huang Shiping still wants to make a stumbling block for Shen Ze. For example, in the name of the National People's court, he should come out and accuse Shen zemang of being impulsive. He should not come out and speak harshly to rat state at this tense time.

However, despite such an idea, Huang Shiping finally gave up.

Because it is the general trend to praise Shen Ze, Huang Shiping can't fight against the people, otherwise it will only make the people more dissatisfied with him.

Therefore, Huang Shiping thought about it and didn't do it in the end.

Huang Shiping is just like a dumb person eating Coptis chinensis. He has a lot of bitterness, and he is very depressed.

Moreover, in order to achieve the best effect of Shen Ze's cruel words, Huang Shiping also led the court to cooperate with Shen Ze and build momentum for him.

Let the whole dragon Kingdom make a decision. If the rat Kingdom chooses to launch a war against the Dragon kingdom because of the coercion of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, it will fight to the capital of the rat Kingdom at all costs!

Obviously, the cooperation of the national court makes things clearer and makes Shen Ze's words more frightening.

For rat country, Shen Ze's cruel words are like a slap in the face, which makes them feel real pressure.

Of course, the people of rat country are very indignant and unhappy about this.

"This Shen Diaolong really has a big tone. He said that when he hits the capital of our rat Kingdom, does he really think he can fight it?"

"Although Shen Diaolong is the world's first God of war, an unparalleled general and has never been defeated, our country of rat is not a soft persimmon. He can't fight if he wants to, let alone directly fight to the capital of our country!"

"Does Shen Diaolong really think that he is invincible? He is too arrogant. He doesn't know that heaven is superior to earth at all!"

"I understand everyone's indignation, but we need to think about it rationally. Shen Diaolong is not an ordinary person, and his ability can't be underestimated. If he really leads the troops to attack our country, many things are really hard to say."

"I don't believe that Shen Diaolong really has such great ability. If he can fight to the capital of our country, I will kneel down and call him grandfather!"

"I don't believe that Shen Diaolong has this ability, and I think he's just cooperating with Huang Shiping to put pressure on our rat Kingdom, mainly to scare people."

"No matter whether Shen Diaolong is cooperating with Huang Shiping or what he wants to do, we can't be carried away by anger. National affairs must be treated with caution and we can't be careless. After all, if there is a little carelessness, there will be no turning back."

"I feel that our country is now a bit difficult to ride a tiger. On the one hand, it is the pressure and threat from the bear country and the eagle country, and on the other hand, it is the challenge from the dragon country. I feel that both sides are not easy to deal with."

"Everyone is not a fool. Everyone knows that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom put pressure on the rat kingdom to attack the Dragon Kingdom, which is to make use of the rat Kingdom and make it a pawn."

"There are no winners in front of the war. If we really start a full-scale war with the Dragon Kingdom, there will be no winners in the end. Neither the Dragon kingdom nor the rat kingdom will get any benefits. On the contrary, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom can reap the benefits."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, I don't think we should go to war with the Dragon kingdom. Instead, we can unite with the Dragon kingdom to resist the pressure from the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom."

"I'm afraid you're crazy to be an ally with the Dragon kingdom? This is absolutely impossible! We have a deep blood feud between the rat Kingdom and the Dragon kingdom. We can't just let it go, let alone turn enemies into friends! "

"In this world, there are no eternal enemies or friends, only eternal interests. For the sake of interests, I also feel it necessary to turn enemies into friends with the Dragon kingdom!"