Chapter 663

"The abacus between bear and eagle is the best. They just want to fight between rat and dragon without a single soldier. Then they can take the opportunity to get the benefits they want and achieve the goals they want. We rat country can never be used by them."

"Yes, we can't let bear country and Eagle country take advantage of it. The enmity between rat country and dragon country should be solved by ourselves. Whether we want to fight with dragon country or not should be decided by ourselves, rather than let bear country and Eagle country interfere."

"Bear country and Eagle country just hope that we rat country and dragon country fight, so that they can benefit from it. We can't take advantage of them."

"If we fight with the Dragon Kingdom, we will not have a good result in the end. No one can say for sure. When we fight with the Dragon Kingdom, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom will not target our rat kingdom."

"Xiongguo and Yingguo just don't want other countries to develop and grow, which will threaten their status. If they take advantage of our rat country to clean up the dragon country, they will surely turn around and suppress our rat country and prevent our rat country from developing and growing."

"Although I really want to take revenge on the Dragon Kingdom and end the old and new hatred, now is not the time to fight with the Dragon kingdom."

"In this world of the jungle, there are no forever friends or enemies, only forever interests. For the benefit of rat country, rat country really has to sit down and have a good talk with dragon country."

"In the current situation, for both the rat state and the Dragon state, only peace talks are in their best interests."

"Well, at this time, we can only turn enemies into friends and fight against the bear and Eagle countries together."

As the only two superpowers in the world, bear country and Eagle country are also the excrement stirring sticks of the whole world.

For the sake of their own country's interests, or to maintain their own country's interests, Xiong and Ying have been doing things everywhere. They have always been the main culprits for provoking wars or making trouble.

Whether it's the people of the rat kingdom or the people of the Dragon Kingdom, they all know that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are the people who are waiting to reap benefits and plunder everything.

For the people of both countries, it's a surprise that they don't want to be taken advantage of by the countries of bear and eagle.

Both Bear Kingdom and Eagle kingdom are those countries that eat people and do not spit out bones, and can clean up all interests. Mouse Kingdom and dragon Kingdom do not want to give Bear Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom this opportunity.

The people of rat country can think of having a good talk with dragon country, so can the leadership of rat country.

After several years of development, the Dragon Kingdom has become one of the top countries in the world, and its size is very large. Even if it can't compare with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, it can be regarded as a big country just like the rat kingdom.

Now, because the bear country and the eagle country have exerted pressure on both the dragon country and the mouse country, they are pushing the two countries to the same camp.

In order to get rid of the pressure from the bear country and the eagle country, the mouse country and the dragon country should not only shake hands and make peace, but also work together to resist the pressure from the bear country and the eagle country.

In the end, despite the opposition of Xiong and Ying, the state of rat insisted on contacting the state of dragon, intending to meet and talk with the top leaders.

The meeting and meeting of the country's top leaders represents an attitude and an extraordinary significance.

The meeting and talks between the top leaders of the two countries is obviously a very sincere peace talk.

If the peace talks can be reached, it means that both sides have a strong sense of shaking hands and making peace.

As for the proposal of meeting and talking with the supreme leader of the state of rat, the state of long did not refuse, because the state of long also knew that sitting down with the state of rat was the best situation now, so the state of long agreed.

However, both sides still have to discuss the place and time of the meeting, and the time is still uncertain.

Both bear and Eagle want to see the war between rat and dragon, because only in this way can they benefit from it.

In the eyes of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, the Dragon kingdom is the most dangerous to them, and after the Dragon kingdom is the rat kingdom.

The war between the rat Kingdom and the Dragon kingdom is obviously what the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom want to see most.

The last thing Xiong and Ying want to see is the peace talks between rat and eagle, or even join hands to resist the pressure from them.

It's a bit hard to deal with one, let alone the two.

Both bear and Eagle know that if rat and dragon unite, it will be difficult for them to exert any more pressure on rat and dragon.

This is not in the interests of the two superpowers, the bear state and the eagle state. Naturally, the two superpowers will prevent the peace talks between the rat state and the Dragon state.

Xiongguo and Yingguo continue to exert pressure on the rat Kingdom, and try not to let the top leaders of the rat Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom meet for peace talks.

"Shen Diaolong is not a God, he is just a mortal. He can't change everything by himself. Don't go against the trend in rat kingdom. If you make peace with dragon Kingdom, you will die!"

"He who knows current affairs is a hero. If rat country doesn't want to decline, it should not go against the trend. It should follow the trend and follow the big army!"

"Some countries should not stand in the wrong team, otherwise the end will be very miserable."

"It's not good for some countries to unite. It's just a mantis arm. Don't waste your time and energy. If you know what to do, you should know how to choose."

"Some countries should not think that after a few years of development, they feel that their wings are hard enough to compete with the superpowers. Don't be naive or naive, or they will learn a painful lesson at that time!"

Bear country and Eagle country make a sound one after another, intimidate and threaten mouse country and dragon country.

And the more bear and Eagle do this, the more they don't want to see rat and dragon United.

Of course, Xiong and Ying not only threatened orally, but also took practical actions. Both of them imposed more severe economic sanctions on the dragon and rat countries.

Although the sanctions imposed by the bear and Eagle countries on the dragon and the mouse countries can not directly bring down the dragon and the mouse countries, they will make the dragon and the mouse countries very uncomfortable, cause economic turmoil, make the domestic situation very unstable, and make the leadership of the two countries very headache.

For the unilateral sanctions imposed by the bear and Eagle countries, the mouse and dragon countries will obviously not buy it.

In this regard, both the state of rat and the state of dragon have taken some counter measures at the right time.

In this world of the jungle, many things are cruel and bloody.

Both the rat Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom know a truth. In the face of bullying and repression from powerful countries, they can't bear to swallow their anger. They have to resist. Otherwise, these powerful countries will think that you are a soft persimmon who is good at bullying, and then make greater efforts.

Therefore, in the face of bear and Eagle sanctions, both dragon and mouse countries have made a strong counterattack!