Chapter 665

There is an old saying that there is no forever enemy, no forever friend, only forever interest, which is obviously right.

Today, both the dragon and the mouse are facing pressure and sanctions from the bear and the eagle countries, which makes the two peoples no longer hostile to each other, but more eager to unite against the bear and the eagle countries.

Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of his country.

When there is a crisis in the rise and fall of a country, other things obviously become unimportant, and all new and old hatreds are unimportant.

Because the quality of a country is related to the vital interests of every civilian.

When the country is bad and the people can't live a good life, other things don't matter, although it's not a very good thing to use force against the Dragon state.

Today's situation, let the people of the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom let go of their hatred, first solve the problems of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, and then talk about the enmity between the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom.

Of course, this is also the wisest choice for the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom.

What's more, there is no other choice for the dragon country and the mouse country. After all, if they fight alone, no country can withstand the joint sanctions and suppression of the bear country and the eagle country.

Under the pressure of bear and Eagle countries, dragon and mouse countries are getting closer and closer. As a result, bear and Eagle countries continue to increase their efforts.

Because bear country and Eagle country are the only two superpowers in the world, they have many allies. They are proud to let their allies join in the ranks of dragon country and mouse country.

In this regard, the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom also took corresponding measures to pull up the friendly countries to fight together.

The struggle between several superpowers is like a global scuffle.

In this era of gradual globalization, no one can stay out of it.

The international situation has become more unstable, the whole world seems to have become turbulent, everything has become simple and blurred.

For some careerists, they want to see the international situation become turbulent, but for most civilians, they want to see the world stable without any turbulence, especially without war.

But there are some things that ordinary people can't control.

As a result of mutual sanctions, conflicts between countries become more and more serious. In a fit of anger, bear country and Eagle country are making waves on the border between dragon country and rat country, carrying out a kind of military provocation.

Among them, the Bear Kingdom does business on the northern border of the Dragon Kingdom, while the eagle kingdom does business on the territorial sea of the rat kingdom.

As the only two superpowers in the world, the military capabilities of bear and Eagle are very strong, which can be said to be among the best. Even the Dragon kingdom with Shen Ze's military headquarters can't compete with bear and eagle.

In the face of the military provocation from the bear country and the eagle country, both the rat country and the dragon country are under great pressure.


Due to the pressure exerted by bear and Eagle countries, as well as the consideration of various aspects, dragon and mouse countries calm down and did not fight again.

The situation along the western border of Longguo has become much more stable, less tense and less stressful.

Although the western war zone will still carry out investigation and stand guard, we all know that there will be no more fighting between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom for a while.

Normally speaking, there is no pressure on the western border. Shen Ze does not need to stay in the western war zone, but he does not leave. Instead, he still stays in the western war zone.

The international situation is very unstable now. Shen Ze thinks it's better to stay in the war zone, so that he can get first-hand information at the first time.

Although as Shen Ze, he does not need to stay in the war zone in person, but can coordinate everything in Yanjing, but he does not do so.

That day, Qin Chao, who just got the first-hand news, came to the Shuai mansion where Shen Ze lived.

After seeing Shen Ze, Qin Chao, with a dignified face and a low voice, reported to Shen Zechen: "long Shuai, Xiong Guo has sent more than 100000 troops to our northern border. It looks like he is going to do something important."

When Shen Ze heard the words, he nodded quietly.

Then he looked up at Qin Chao and said in a soft voice, "do you think Congress Xiong has used force against our dragon kingdom?"

"It's hard to say."

Qin Chao pondered for a moment, and said: "at the beginning, there were many conflicts between the Dragon Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom. Although there was no war, there were always contradictions."

"What's more, I think the Bear Kingdom has always had the ambition of being a wolf, and always wanted to seize the interests of our dragon Kingdom and occupy our land."

"At that time, because of the land, there was no small conflict between the Dragon Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom."

"At this time, it's hard to say that the Bear Kingdom will not use force against our dragon kingdom."

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Shen Ze nodded and said nothing for the first time.

He pondered for a while, then said: "at this time, the Bear Kingdom really has the possibility to use force against our dragon kingdom."

Qin Chao's face became more dignified.

He took a look at Shen Ze, and then said in a deep voice, "if Xiong really wants to use force against our dragon Kingdom, the pressure on our dragon kingdom is much greater than that on the rat kingdom!"

Bear country and Eagle country are the only two superpowers in the world. The military capabilities of each country are very terrible, which can not be matched and countered by other countries.

If Xiong uses force against the Dragon Kingdom, the pressure on the Dragon kingdom will obviously be very great.

Both Qin Chao and Shen Ze can think of this, but Shen Ze is not as pessimistic and dignified as Qin Chao.

Shen Ze said calmly: "even if the Bear Kingdom uses force against our dragon Kingdom, it will not launch a big war. At most, it is to do something in the northern border and make a little friction and conflict."

"Our Dragon kingdom is not a soft persimmon now. It doesn't mean that we can fight. Even the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom dare not easily launch a war against our dragon kingdom. After all, the price is too high."

Qin Chao thinks Shen Ze is right, but he is still worried.

"Under normal circumstances, the state of bear will not fight with the state of dragon, but I'm afraid the state of bear will make things worse."

As we all know, Xiong is the most war loving country in the world. If you don't agree with each other, you will use force, and if you fight, you will fight to death. It's like a tendon, and you won't change your mind.

For any country in conflict with bear state, it's really a headache to fight with bear state, because bear state is the kind of country that kills red eyes when fighting.

Qin Chao's worry is obviously reasonable.

Judging from what Xiong Guo has done, as long as there is a conflict with Xiong Guo, how things will develop then is really out of control!

Listen to Qin Chao say so, Shen Ze also realized this, the facial expression also becomes a little dignified.