Chapter 666

As Qin Chao said, Xiong is a country that doesn't play cards according to common sense, and it is also a country that likes to fight. Once it starts fighting, it is likely that it won't stop.

When that happens, things get out of hand and things get really bad.

And the best choice is not to let the dragon country and bear country conflict, or there is a war, that can avoid all uncontrollable things.

"Both Bear Kingdom and Eagle kingdom are excrement stirring sticks, and these two excrement stirring sticks often come to our dragon kingdom. Especially recently, both Bear Kingdom and Eagle kingdom are so damn angry!"

"However, although I hate bear country and Eagle country, I can't really make up my mind if I really fight against bear country or Eagle country."

"Although I don't want to admit it, some things can't be changed. Bear country and Eagle country are the only two superpowers in the world, and their military capabilities are the best. If we fight bear country, it's hard to say whether we will win or lose."

After Qin Chao said these words in a low voice, he looked worried.

Shen Ze's eyes twinkled for a moment, and then he said, "there is a big gap between the military strength of the Dragon Kingdom and that of the Bear Kingdom, but the Bear Kingdom can't crush us militarily."

"Of course, in my opinion, I don't want to really fight with Xiong."

Shen Ze is not afraid of the state of bear, but does not want to fight with the state of bear, resulting in too many casualties among the soldiers of the state of dragon.

After all, it is a fact that Xiong's military strength is stronger than that of long.

When war really starts, the weak side will naturally suffer more casualties.

Even if dragon kingdom can fight Bear Kingdom, it will pay a great price, which is much higher than Bear Kingdom.

Moreover, the current international situation is very unstable. Once the Bear Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom fight, the eagle kingdom is likely to attack the Dragon kingdom from other places when you are sick. This does not include using force against the Dragon kingdom.

If that happens, the situation of Longguo will be very bad.

Bear country is a super power, which is stronger than rat country by more than one level.

If the Dragon kingdom is fighting against the rat Kingdom, it will at least be able to gain the upper hand at any cost, but if it is fighting against the Bear Kingdom, it is completely gaining the lower hand.

Even if the Bear Kingdom is in a weak position, it can also lead other countries to attack the Dragon Kingdom, or even let other countries attack the Dragon kingdom.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, the war between the Dragon Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom is a hundred harms without any benefits!

Qin Chao sighed, and then said, "long Shuai, I think we'd better swallow our breath this time. We won't face up to the conflict with Xiong Guoqi. When we grow up, we'll come back with this cowardice."

Shen Ze pondered for a while, and then said, "there are some things that we can't swallow our breath and solve."

"With Xiong Guo's temper, if he really wants to fight against our dragon Kingdom, he won't give up just because we swallow our anger."

"This matter, if we choose to swallow it, we must pay a certain price, otherwise this matter will not stop."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao nodded with approval, and then a touch of anger appeared on his face.

It's impossible to fight or not. What should we do?

In fact, Qin Chao also understands that whatever they do, whether it's Xiong or Ying, they want to get their own interests or achieve their own goals.

If the bear state does not use force against the Dragon state, the Dragon state must pay a certain price. To put it bluntly, it must give up some interests to the bear state.

As we all know, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom have always been the lion's big mouth, and the interests they want are very big.

If the Dragon state compromises and wants to give up its interests to the bear state, so that the bear state will not use force against the Dragon state, it is likely that the lion in the bear state will open his mouth and let the Dragon state give up its great interests.

What's more, once such a start is made, xiongguo will even advance an inch to gain more benefits from Longguo. What should be done then?

If at that time the eagle Kingdom sees such a situation again, and thinks that the Bear Kingdom has tasted the sweetness by doing so, so does the eagle Kingdom, so as to obtain the interests of the Dragon Kingdom, what should it do?

For the two hooligans, bear and eagle, they can really do such a thing.

So, once some bad things are started, they are likely to get worse and worse.

"There's no need to make a decision so early now. The thunder and rain in xiongguo are small now, and he may not really use force against our dragon kingdom." Shen Ze said.

In Shen Ze's view, even if Xiong is a superpower, it will not rashly start a war.

Of course, if it's a fight against a small country, Xiong may not have so much fear, but if it's a fight against the dragon country, Xiong obviously can't just fight.

After all, the Dragon kingdom is now regarded as a big country. It is the most powerful country in the world, except for the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom. Moreover, the army of the Dragon kingdom is led by Shen Ze, a legendary General of modern times. Naturally, the military strength of the Dragon Kingdom is extraordinary.

For all countries, unless it is a very important interest, they will not start a war, because the cost of starting a war is too great, and even the superpowers like bear and eagle will not be so easy to bear.

A war, even if it will not bring down a country, will also cause a huge consumption of a country, leading to the decline of national strength.

In Shen Ze's view, although Xiong is a superpower, it will not rashly launch a war. After all, in order to maintain its international competitiveness, Xiong will not launch a big war and let itself fall into the mire of war.

Longguo is a big country, and its military strength should not be underestimated. If Xiong Guozhen and Longguo fight, let alone who wins or loses in the end, it can be imagined that both Longguo and xiongguo will pay a great price.

As for whether there are benefits or not, it is hard to say before the final result appears.

Shen Ze can think of these, and Xiong Guo's leadership can naturally think of them.

In Shen Ze's mind, if bear still wants to maintain the same competitiveness as Eagle in the world, bear will not choose to fight with dragon.

Although it seems that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are on the same front, aiming at the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom together, everyone knows that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom may turn against each other at any time.

Again, there is no forever friend, no forever enemy, only forever interest.

Bear country and Eagle country want to get the same benefits now, so they stand on the same line, but their relationship is not secure, and it will break at any time.

Because bear country and Eagle country have always been competitors. They are old enemies, and hostility is normal.