Chapter 667

In fact, the international situation has not reached a particularly bad situation, that is, there are two superpowers in the world, not one.

As the only two superpowers in the world, bear and Eagle have always been a kind of competitive relationship, rarely United.

And, for a long time before that, bear and Eagle were hostile.

The two countries are defending each other and even using some means to suppress each other's development.

Because both bear country and Eagle country want to be the world leader and the only superpower.

Therefore, the two countries are not only competitive, but sometimes hostile.

If the bear country launches a war against the dragon country, it will fall into the mire of war, which will reduce its competitiveness with the eagle country. Obviously, this situation will not be what the bear country wants.

If Xiong's leadership has no problem, it should not launch a war against Longguo.

In Shen Ze's mind, the reason why Xiong sent 100000 troops to the northern border of the Dragon kingdom was just to put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom, or to create a threat and intimidation, not to use force with the Dragon kingdom.

If Xiong really wants to fight with Longguo, the war may have begun.

Of course, there are some reasons why the army is not tired of deceit. These are only Shen Ze's conjectures. It's still uncertain what Xiong Guo plans to do.

All of these things can only be changed with no change. Of course, we should be well prepared.

After thinking for a while, Qin Chao said, "long Shuai, would you like to go to the Northern War Zone in person?"

After a pause, Qin Chao then said, "if you have long Shuai, you should be able to take charge of the Northern War Zone in person, which should have a deterrent effect on Xiong."

Although there is a gap between the military strength of the Dragon Kingdom and that of the Bear Kingdom, it is not a big difference. Moreover, with Shen Ze in the Dragon Kingdom, the situation is very different.

After all, there is no shortage of soldiers, but there is a shortage of generals.

A good general, of course, can play a very big role.

If there is Shen Ze in the Northern War Zone, there will be more things Xiong needs to think about and fear.

Qin Chao's proposal is reasonable and a very pertinent one.

Shen Ze thought about it, nodded and said, "then I'll go to the Northern War Zone."

Qin Chao heard the speech, nodded, and then asked, "when are you going to go?"

Shen Ze said, "let's go today and arrange it for you."


Qin Chao nodded, then turned away and arranged to go.

Not long after Qin Chao left, a phone call came from the Northern War Zone.

In the Northern War Zone, Li Guangrong, commander-in-chief of the basaltic army, wanted to contact Shen Ze.

As a Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, Shen Ze will obviously answer the phone call from Li Guangrong.

After learning the news, Shen Ze answered Li Guangrong's phone for the first time.

As soon as he got through the phone, Li Guangrong said, "Li Guangrong, commander in chief of the Northern War Zone, reported to the Grand Marshal that 100000 troops of Xiong state are pressing down on the border. The situation in the northern border is very tense now, and conflicts may break out at any time."

After listening to Li Guangrong's report, Shen Ze said quietly, "I've already understood what you said."

Li Guangrong answered, and then asked, "what does Grand Marshal think of the current situation on the northern border?"

Shen Ze says what he thinks.

"The state of bear should not easily use force against the state of dragon. If the state of bear makes such a move, it is very likely that it will put pressure on the state of dragon and do something to give the state of dragon a kind of threat. The thunder is loud and the rain is small."

"Just take precautions in your Northern War Zone, and don't pay too much attention to Xiong's deployment."

Li Guangrong first gave a hum, and then said in a deep voice: "marshal, Xiong Guo doesn't look like a fake trick, but it seems to be a real one."

"After investigation, the 100000 troops sent by Xiong are all fully armed. When they came to the border, they began to practice in actual combat, which seems to be preparing for combat."

After listening to Li Guangrong's words, Shen Ze commented, "the more Xiong Guo does this, the more he seems to be bluffing."

Li Guangrong's tone was filled with a strong worry, "I'm afraid that the bear Congress will come for real."

Shen Ze pondered for a moment and said, "I'm going to come to the Northern War Zone to have a look in person. We'll talk about other things when we meet."

Hearing that Shen Ze said he would go to the Northern War Zone in person, Li Guangrong was a little surprised and relieved.

Li Guangrong immediately agreed, "well, Li Guangrong is in the northern theater to welcome the arrival of the Grand Marshal."

Shen Ze gave a hum and then ended the call.

It wasn't long after Shen Ze and Li Guangrong ended their conversation that the national court also called. It was still about Xiong's dispatching 100000 troops to the northern border of the Dragon kingdom.

The court attaches great importance to Xiong's dispatching 100000 troops to the northern border of the Dragon kingdom.

Huang Shiping convened the parliament for the first time. After discussion, the National Assembly agreed that Shen Ze should be allowed to go to the Northern War Zone, and Shen Ze should take charge of the Northern War Zone in person, so as to prevent Xiong kingdom from offending the northern border of dragon kingdom.

It's known all over the world that Xiong Guo is tough.

The leadership of the whole dragon Kingdom dare not be careless and can only take precautions as far as possible.

In the eyes of the court, although Xiong only sent 100000 troops to the northern border of the Dragon Kingdom, he didn't mean to fight with the Dragon Kingdom directly.

In principle, the 35th basaltic army in the northern theater is enough to cope with Xiong's 100000 troops. However, the National People's court agreed that it is necessary to transfer Shen Ze to the northern theater.

Members of the court still know that Shen Ze's presence in the northern war zone can not only deter Xiong Guozhen, but also enable Shen Ze to plan everything and be prepared as much as possible to prevent Xiong Guozhen from using force against the Dragon kingdom.

Even if we all think that the bear state will not do harm to the Dragon state in a rational way.

But some things still need to be prevented. After all, xiongguo is a country that doesn't play cards according to common sense. It's really uncertain whether war will happen or not.

The hand of Xiong Kingdom makes the whole dragon Kingdom feel like a whole army.

You can see the toughness of Xiong kingdom.

There was no superfluous meaning in the national court. There was only one instruction, which was to let Shen Ze go to the Northern War Zone.

Shen Ze was going to the Northern War Zone, so he had no objection to the instructions issued by the national court.

On that day, Shen Ze took a special plane to the Northern War Zone.

After arriving in the Northern War Zone, Shen Ze personally went to investigate the situation on the northern border.

As Li Guangrong said, the 100000 troops dispatched by Xiong are all fully armed, and they are practicing on the border. It's really like fighting.

However, in Shen Ze's view, Xiong Guo is just like a paper tiger.

If Xiong really wants to fight, why should he engage in such extravagant activities?