Chapter 668

During Shen Ze's actual investigation, Li Guangrong, the commander-in-chief of the Northern War Zone, was always with him.

At sunset, they stood on the top of a snowy mountain on the northern border.

Shen Ze directly looks inside the border of Xiong state with his eyes, while Li Guangrong standing beside him looks inside the border of Xiong state with a telescope.

Shen Ze can't see it with the naked eye, but Li Guangrong can only see it with a telescope.

"Marshal, do you think the state of Xiong will use force against our dragon kingdom?" Li Guangrong broke the silence and asked.

Shen Ze looked into the distance with his hands on his back.

In the face of Li Guangrong's inquiry, he pondered for a while before he said: "if Xiong really wanted to use force against our dragon Kingdom, he would not engage in such extravagance."

Li Guangrong felt thoughtful when he heard the speech.

"Grand Marshal means that Xiong state is just trying to make a name, show his muscles, and only exert pressure on our dragon state, not to use force against our dragon state?"

"I'm just looking at the current situation. It's hard to say whether this is the case or not," Shen said

"But one thing is certain, Xiong will not use force against our dragon Kingdom now, but whether it will use force later is uncertain."

When Li Guangrong heard the speech, he had a dignified look on his face.

After a while, Li Guangrong said, "in terms of the current situation, I really don't want Xiong to use force against us."

In Li Guangrong's view, Longguo is under great pressure now.

Before that, there was a huge conflict with the rat Kingdom, and even a large-scale war broke out, resulting in many casualties of soldiers and the consumption of resources.

After that, the bear state and the eagle state imposed economic sanctions and suppression on the Dragon state, making the current situation in the Dragon state very turbulent and unstable.

For today's Dragon Kingdom, if there is another wave of large-scale war, or a big fight with Bear Kingdom, the crisis of dragon kingdom will be aggravated.

If the crisis worsens too much, the situation in Longguo will get worse and worse, and no one can predict what bad results will be.

If you can, Li Guangrong doesn't want to fight with Xiong Guo.

Let's not talk about the strength of the Dragon kingdom to fight again. Let's say that Xiong kingdom is a superpower with strong military strength and is not so easy to fight.

Fighting with bear country will cost a lot.

It's not just Li Guangrong. In fact, many people don't want to go to war with Xiong.

Of course, other countries don't want to fight with bear or eagle.

Bear country and Eagle country are the only two superpowers, any other country and their use of force are not good fruit to eat!

Before that, when Xiong continued to engage in affairs on the northern border of Longguo, Li Guangrong, commander in chief of the Northern War Zone, had a headache.

All along, Li Guangrong didn't want to have any conflict with Xiong.

Previously, in the face of Xiong's provocation on the northern border, Li Guangrong turned a blind eye and ignored it.

It's not that Li Guangrong is bloodless and dare not resist. It's that Xiong Guo is too tough to fight and dare not provoke.

Therefore, Li Guangrong is very worried about Xiong's dispatching 100000 troops to the border. He doesn't think of too much conflict and feels very headache.

Shen Ze can roughly figure out what Li Guangrong is thinking.

Shen Ze took his eyes back from a distance. Then he turned around and took a look at Li Guangrong. He said, "don't worry too much. Just be prepared."

Li Guangrong noticed Shen Ze's eyes. He put down his telescope and turned to look at Shen Ze.

Li Guangrong bowed slightly to Shen Ze and said, "yes, Grand Marshal."

"All right, go back!" Shen Ze said.

"Good." Li Guangrong nodded.

Then Shen Ze and Li Guangrong returned to the Northern War Zone.

Earlier, when Xiong sent troops to the border, Li Guangrong made defensive deployment at the first time.

After returning to the northern theater, Shen Ze learned about the deployment of the northern theater, and then made some detailed changes and optimization to achieve the best effect of defense deployment.

After the deployment, it was already late at night. Shen Ze ate something and then went to have a rest.

Since then, Shen Ze has been in the Northern War Zone!

The news of Shen Ze's going to the Northern War Zone soon spread, and Xiong's intelligence department apparently also received the news.

"Shen Diaolong went to the Northern War Zone of the Dragon kingdom. In doing so, the Dragon kingdom should have prepared for defense."

"Hum, if the Bear Kingdom uses force against the Dragon Kingdom, we can only send one Shen Diaolong to stop our army."

"Although our country of Xiong only sent 100000 troops to the border, it is still no less than the 300000 basaltic troops stationed in the northern border of Longguo!"

"If there is a real fight, the 100000 troops of the Bear Kingdom will level the northern border of the Dragon kingdom!"

"Although our country has only sent 100000 troops, it is enough to fight the Northern War Zone of the Dragon Kingdom, because our weapons are much more advanced."

"When the Dragon Kingdom transferred Shen Diaolong to the Northern War Zone, is he ready to fight against our country Xiong?"

"At this time, I don't believe that the Dragon Kingdom dares to fight against the Bear Kingdom!"

"I'm kidding. Our country Xiong is a superpower, and its military strength is one level stronger than that of the dragon country. What does the dragon country use to fight against our country Xiong?"

"I think the Dragon kingdom called Shen Diaolong to their northern war zone just to better defend our Bear Kingdom. They were afraid."

"Does the Dragon Kingdom think that calling a Shen Diaolong to defend the Bear Kingdom? If we Xiong really want to fight their dragon Kingdom, their dragon kingdom will not be able to defend! "

"With the military strength of our bear country, the dragon country really can't defend it!"

"I think we bear country should give dragon country some color to see, let him know the strength of our bear country, lest let him dare to resist again."

"The Dragon Kingdom has been developing for several years, and I think I can challenge the Bear Kingdom. I also think I should teach the Dragon kingdom a lesson."

"Even if we bear Kingdom don't want to start a large-scale war, we can do something at the border of dragon kingdom to let the Dragon Kingdom know the pain, and then dare not provoke us bear kingdom again!"

"We bear country want interests, dragon country should obediently let out, if he doesn't take the initiative to let out, we need to show his muscles."

"I don't feel like I have anything to say now. If you want me to say it, I'll just level the northern border of the Dragon kingdom. I'll just talk with my strength, and I don't want to do anything fancy with them."

"The Bear Kingdom is not the rat kingdom. Even if we beat the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom doesn't dare to do anything about it!"

"Then stop talking nonsense and teach the Dragon kingdom a lesson."

The people of Xiong kingdom are very aggressive and have strong ideas. Most people propose to use force against the Dragon kingdom!