Chapter 669

The common people in Xiong state have a strong sense of fighting.

Of course, the reason why they want to use force against the state of dragon is that they are used to arrogance and feel that the state of dragon should not make any resistance in the face of the oppression of the state of bear.

As for the sanctions against bear state, we should not take counter measures, but should be obedient and let bear state suppress us.

At the same time, the Dragon kingdom should not make military defense, always on guard against the Bear Kingdom.

Another reason is that the people of the state of bear think that the state of bear is very strong, and the state of dragon can't resist the state of bear at all, so they want to use force against the state of dragon to teach the state of dragon a lesson.

Although the ideas of the ordinary people in Xiong can also play a certain role, the actions of the country mainly depend on how the leadership of Xiong decides.

Similar to Shen Ze's inference, Xiong didn't want to attack the Dragon Kingdom directly. The actions Xiong took just wanted to put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom, which meant that he wanted to make the Dragon Kingdom yield to Xiong's power.

Of course, this is only a temporary action taken by bear state, and it is also the first step.

As for what actions bear will take in the future, or change actions according to the situation, it is possible.

The fact that the state of long dispatched Shen Ze to the Northern War Zone to command the Northern War Zone to defend Xiong state in an all-round way has attracted great attention from the leadership of Xiong state.

Xiong's leadership convened a Congress to discuss the matter.

"The state of the Dragon dispatched Shen Diaolong to the Northern War Zone. It seems that the state of the Dragon wants to defend the state of the bear."

"If we really want to use force against the Dragon Kingdom, even if there is Shen Diaolong, his dragon kingdom can't resist our attack."

"The military strength of our country Xiong is more than one level stronger than that of the dragon country. If we use force, the dragon country will not be able to stop it."

"If the Dragon kingdom does this, it's just a mantis arm serving as a cart. It's useless for eggs."

"Judging from what the state of dragon has done, the state of dragon does not intend to be soft on the state of bear."

"Long Guo doesn't accept soft, we move a bit real, let him know to hurt, otherwise he doesn't know to accept soft."

"It's not a trivial matter to use force against the Dragon kingdom. We can't make a decision easily."

"Yes, although Xiong is stronger than long, long is not a small country that can be bullied at will. We need to respect the facts. Long is a big country with Shen Diaolong. The military strength of long can not be underestimated."

"If the Bear Kingdom uses force against the Dragon Kingdom, it is likely to fall into the mire of war, and even if the Bear Kingdom can defeat the Dragon Kingdom, it will pay a great price."

"The use of force against the Dragon state still needs careful consideration."

"The country of eagle and our country of bear have always been in a state of competition and hostility. The country of Eagle has not launched a large-scale war. If we launch a large-scale war, our competitiveness will certainly be weakened, and the country that gains the most benefits will become the country of eagle."

"We need to suppress the Dragon state, but the benefits from using force against the Dragon state are not great. There is no need for the bear state to use force against the Dragon state."

"From all aspects, there is no need for us to use force against the Dragon kingdom. If we use force, it will really do more harm than good, and the gain is not worth the loss."

"If we don't teach the Dragon kingdom a lesson, the Dragon Kingdom won't be honest. If we punish him, he will give us some counter measures, so that our own interests of Bear Kingdom will be damaged."

"I think it's still necessary to use force against the state of long. At least we should teach the state of long a lesson so that he can be honest and can't resist the sanctions imposed by the state of Xiong to the maximum extent."

"Yes, we can not launch a large-scale war, we can launch a small-scale battle and beat the Dragon kingdom to make him honest."

"Yes, I also think it's necessary to beat the Dragon kingdom. Now the best way is to launch a small-scale war."

"With the military strength of our bear country, the dragon country certainly does not dare to resist, and he can only let us teach him a lesson."

"Our country of bear is not a country of rat. Even if our country of bear beat his country of dragon, his country of dragon dare not say anything. He can only eat Coptis and dare not be presumptuous!"

"Although it's better not to wage war or conflict, there is no better choice now. In order to make Longguo honest, we can only beat him up!"

"For the benefit of Xiong, it's necessary to use force against the Dragon state to make it honest."

"That's the decision. Let's teach Longguo a lesson according to the situation." In the end, the supreme leader of bear made such a decision.


As for the 100000 troops dispatched by the state of bear to the border between the state of dragon and the state of bear, from the leadership of the state of dragon to the common people of the state of dragon, they feel a lot of pressure.

If there is a conflict with the rat Kingdom, the whole dragon kingdom will not have so much pressure and tension, but the Bear Kingdom is different.

Xiongguo is one of the only two superpowers in the world, which is stronger than Longguo in both military and economic aspects.

If there is a conflict between the state of dragon and the state of bear, they will fight each other to death. All the people in the state of dragon know that the state of dragon will lose to the state of bear in the end. Although under normal circumstances, the state of dragon and the state of bear will not go on forever, who can make some things clear?

Before that, even if Shen Ze personally led the battle and clashed with the rat Kingdom, even if he was victorious in the end, he paid a great price.

For example, in terms of the casualties of soldiers, although the number of soldiers killed in rat kingdom is more than 100000, the cost of 40000 soldiers killed in long kingdom is still unacceptable.

The state of rat is different from the state of bear. The state of rat is weaker than the state of dragon, but the state of bear is a super power, stronger than the state of dragon in all aspects.

Therefore, if the state of dragon and the state of bear fight, even if they can resist the attack of the state of bear, they will pay a great price.

The situation of the Bear Kingdom beating the Dragon kingdom is likely to be the situation of the Dragon Kingdom beating the rat kingdom. The Dragon kingdom will suffer more casualties and pay a greater price.

Because of this, the whole dragon Kingdom doesn't want a war between the Dragon Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom.

After all, no one wants to do things that suffer losses.

Of course, another reason is that there was a war between the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom before, and the losses were not small. In addition, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom have been suppressing and imposing sanctions on the Dragon kingdom. The current situation of the Dragon kingdom is very bad. If the Dragon Kingdom falls into the war again, it will make the situation worse.

"The current situation of the Dragon Kingdom really can't have a big conflict with the Bear Kingdom, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with."

"The Dragon Kingdom needs stable development now. We really can't have a war with the Bear Kingdom."

"The state of bear is a super power, and our country of dragon can't compare with the state of bear. If we really fight, we can't get any good, we still can't fight well."

"I don't know what Xiong sent troops to the border to do. They don't really want to attack our dragon Kingdom, do they?"