Chapter 670

"Although the Dragon kingdom can't compare with the Bear Kingdom, it's not a weak country that can bully at will. I don't think the Bear Kingdom will easily use force against the Dragon kingdom. We don't have to worry so much."

"It is said that the 100000 troops dispatched by Xiong state are fully armed, and they have been practicing in actual combat. They look like they are ready to fight at any time."

"Neither the Dragon kingdom nor the Bear Kingdom wants to fall into a big war. Under normal circumstances, the Bear Kingdom will not use force against our dragon kingdom."

"There are some things that are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Let's get ready."

"It's said that Shen Diaolong has already gone to the Northern War Zone. If Shen Diaolong is in charge of the Northern War Zone himself, even if something really happens, it's not a big problem."

"Whether Shen Diaolong goes to the northern war zone or not, I still hope that the state of dragon will not fight with the state of bear."

"There are some things that we can't control. Let the leaders operate them."

As for Xiong's dispatching 100000 troops to the northern border of the Dragon Kingdom, the people of the Dragon kingdom are worried, and most of them are pessimistic.

Of course, all worries are unnecessary before things happen.

However, it is said that, but some worries are inevitable.

Compared with ordinary people, the leadership of Longguo is more worried about it.

Every country has an intelligence service.

Due to the recent tense situation with bear state, the Intelligence Department of dragon state has been keeping a close eye on bear state to get all the information about bear state.

There is no airtight wall in the world. No matter how well Xiong protects the news, it will eventually be revealed.

Through various means, the Intelligence Department of the Dragon Kingdom inquires into the internal information of the Bear Kingdom and learns that the Bear Kingdom will launch a small-scale war on the northern border of the Dragon Kingdom, which will give a heavy blow to the Dragon kingdom.

After learning the news, Huang Shiping immediately convened the Congress to discuss the matter.

"Intelligence got the news that bear state will launch an attack on our northern border." Huang Shiping scanned the hall and said in a deep voice.

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, everyone on the scene frowned, and their faces became very dignified.

What's going on?

Xiongguo is a superpower with terrible military strength, which is higher than that of Longguo. If xiongguo launches an attack on Longguo, how can it resist it?

I don't know how much to lose

Seeing that everyone was frowning and silent, Huang Shiping frowned and his face became a little ugly.

He broke the silence and said in a deep voice, "let's find a way to stop the Bear Kingdom from using force against our dragon kingdom."

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, all of them began to think of ways.

After a while, someone said, "I don't think we have any good way now. We have to negotiate with the bear state to give up some interests and let the bear state not use force against our dragon state."

"The state of bear is one of those people who eat people and don't spit out bones. If we make peace with him and take the initiative to give up our interests, the state of bear will certainly open its mouth and seize as many interests as possible from the state of dragon. At that time, I'm afraid the state of dragon will not be able to give the interests that the state of bear wants."

"Yes, both Xiong and Ying are old hooligans. They are used to looting. They have a big appetite and are not so satisfied. If we are soft hearted and take the initiative to negotiate with Xiong to let them benefit, Xiong will certainly make further efforts."

"I don't think we can have peace talks with the bear state. If we take the initiative to make peace talks this time and let the bear state enjoy the benefits, then if the bear state does this again, or the eagle state does the same thing, how much benefits will we take to fill their wolf ambition?"

"We can't start this business. Once this business is started, bad things will happen one after another. So I think we can't negotiate peace with Xiong Guo, we should stick to it!"

"Although xiongguo's military strength is strong, it's not so strong that it can crush our dragon kingdom. Even if xiongguo attacks our dragon Kingdom, he will pay a great price. We just want to make xiongguo headache and make him unable to continue to use force against our dragon kingdom."

"According to this news, Xiong did not want to launch a large-scale war against our dragon Kingdom, just a small-scale war. The main purpose is to make our dragon Kingdom soft and let other bear countries gain benefits. We can't follow his will."

"I don't think we can compromise and follow Xiong Guo's wishes. Once Xiong Guo has tasted the sweetness this time, Xiong Guo will surely take the interests of our dragon Kingdom more seriously. For the development of the Dragon Kingdom, even if we have to sacrifice some people and lose some interests this time, we have to fight to the end and never give in!"

"Xiongguo is not that strong country. We don't have to be so pessimistic. Even though there is a gap between our dragon Kingdom and xiongguo in military strength, it's not a natural chasm. I think as long as we are prepared, we can defend against xiongguo's attack."

"What's more, Shen Diaolong is now in the Northern War Zone, and he should be able to cope with it when he knows Xiong Guo is going to fight in advance."

"The military strength of our dragon kingdom is not weak either. Don't be afraid of the other Bear Kingdom. If the other Bear Kingdom really uses force against us, we will fight with him to the end. It's a big deal."

"Let's not be too pessimistic now. It's still uncertain whether xiongguo will use force against our dragon kingdom. There are variables in it."

"No matter whether the Bear Kingdom is right or not, let's just be prepared. If it doesn't happen, it's better. If it does happen, let's have a good fight with the Bear Kingdom!"

"Fight, fight. Before we fought with the rat Kingdom, we dragon kingdom was in the upper hand, and we didn't exert all our strength. Now if we can fight with the Bear Kingdom, we can just show the muscles of our dragon kingdom to the whole world, and tell the whole world how strong our Dragon kingdom is now!"

"We should make more preparations for this matter. We can fight against Xiong Guo, but some battles are better not to fight."

"On the one hand, we should prepare for the attack of bear country, on the other hand, we should start negotiations with bear country. If we can solve it peacefully, we will solve it peacefully. If we can't, we will meet with bear country on the battlefield."

"We can talk about it, but we can't give the interest to Xiong Guo."

"If we can really avoid a big fight, I think we can give up a small part of our acceptable interests."

"Let's not give up our interests. Let's talk to Xiong directly. If we don't give up any interests, we will show that we are not afraid to fight. If Xiong really wants to fight with us, we will fight with him!"

"We must not be soft at this time, or our efforts in recent years will be in vain!"