Chapter 676

"There is really no other way for the Dragon Kingdom now. We have to seek the help of the rat kingdom. If we ask for some benefits from the Dragon Kingdom on the condition of helping the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon kingdom will not refuse."

"Let's ask for more benefits from the Dragon kingdom as much as possible. Anyway, if the Dragon Kingdom doesn't agree, we won't help the Dragon kingdom."

"Now it's the state of dragon asking us. We can put forward more conditions to force the state of dragon to compromise. As for cooperation, the state of rat should always take the initiative and arrange everything as a leader."

"No matter how many conditions Longguo can promise, let's just mention them. Anyway, we have plenty of time and capital."

"Yes, the Dragon kingdom can't afford it now. It needs the help of the rat Kingdom very much. If the Dragon Kingdom knows its interest, it will give in and compromise."

"Let the leader talk to Huang Shiping about this matter and put forward the requirements and conditions of our country."

The highest leader of rat Kingdom listened to the suggestions and nodded. Then he said, "let's discuss the conditions and requirements again."

"What kind of requirements and conditions do you think we should put forward to the Dragon kingdom?"

Someone immediately said, "our first condition is to take a leading position in the cooperation between rat country and dragon country."

"Yes, the leading position of cooperation between the two countries must be in our hands."

"We can show the Dragon Kingdom what damage our rat kingdom will have if we help other dragon states. We need the Dragon kingdom to make up for this part of the loss, and the Dragon Kingdom has to make other compensations, whether it's economic, military or other aspects."

"I think it's very necessary for the Dragon kingdom to yield its economic interests to the rat kingdom. Of course, it's also very good to let the Dragon Kingdom inform us of some advanced technologies."

"Compared with the collapse of the country, these conditions are not a big deal for the Dragon kingdom. Let's just mention them. I think the Dragon kingdom will agree in all likelihood."

"Many of our places are on a par with the state of dragon. We may not mention the others, but these three conditions still need to be mentioned, and the state of dragon needs to agree."

"If the state of dragon agrees to our three conditions, the state of rat can help him tide over the difficulties."

"I also thought of one of the advantages. If we unite with dragon Kingdom, we will become a superpower and attract more countries to join in. If we expand the camp, we will get more benefits."

"That's right, but there are risks in it. No one knows what will happen in the future. Any situation may happen. We should prepare for the worst."

"It's meaningless to look ahead and backward in some things. A lot of things can only be put together. Of course, some things also need to be gambled. If you bet right, you'll lose everything. But if you don't bet, there will be nothing."

"Opportunities are naturally accompanied by risks. Let's not think so much about it. Let's do a good job!"

"Let's talk to Longguo directly. Let's talk about the matter well first. As for the implementation, we'll see later."

"OK, I'll contact Huang Shiping." In the end, the supreme leader of the rat kingdom made a decision.

After the meeting, the top leader of rat state contacted Huang Shiping.

The highest leader of rat state informed Huang Shiping of the conditions and requirements after the discussion.

The highest leader of the rat state simply and comprehensively expressed the meaning of the rat state. Of course, he asked the Dragon state to agree to these, and then he would consider helping the Dragon state.

Huang Shiping obviously did not agree to the requirements and conditions put forward by the state of rat at the first time. Instead, he decided to hold a Congress to discuss them.

The highest leader of rat country understood Huang Shiping's meaning and didn't say much.

After they made their respective points, they ended the call.

Now the situation is very urgent. After Huang Shiping hung up the phone, he convened the Congress for the first time.

At the meeting, Huang Shiping described the requirements and conditions of the rat state as stated by the highest leader of the rat state.

"Rat state and our dragon state cooperate with each other, but we want our dragon state to agree to their requirements and conditions."

"The first requirement is that if the rat state cooperates with our dragon state, the rat state should take the lead, even the leadership."

"In addition, there are two conditions. One is to let the Dragon state give away part of its economic benefits to the rat state, and the other is to let the Dragon state inform the rat state of some of its advanced technologies."

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, the councillors of Longguo all frowned.

Someone said: "rat country's appetite is really big, unexpectedly put forward these requirements and conditions!"

"These requirements and conditions put forward by the state of rat are similar to taking advantage of a fire and looting."

Most people are indignant at the demands and conditions put forward by rat country, but they are more frustrated and helpless.

The Dragon kingdom is now asking for help from the rat kingdom. Isn't it normal for the rat kingdom to put forward these requirements and conditions?

If the rat state wants the Dragon state, the Dragon state will even put forward more excessive requirements and conditions.

"It's normal for the Dragon kingdom to ask for the rat kingdom. It's good for the rat kingdom not to ask for more requirements and conditions."

"Hum, if other countries put forward more demands and conditions, our dragon country will not cooperate with him. That is to say, our dragon country is in a very bad situation now. We have the courage to ask for help from other countries, but it's not that we don't have the courage to break the bridge."

"If you get angry, we dragon kingdom will not care about anything. We will directly launch a world war to make it easier for everyone!"

"Our Dragon kingdom is not a small country. If we can't help it, let's break the pot and burn the jade to see who is afraid of whom!"

"Whether it's the country of bear or the country of eagle, they just want us to fight an economic war, not a hot war, so we can fight against it. Whoever targets US, we will fight against it!"

"This country of rats wants to cooperate with each other. When we put forward these requirements and conditions, we just want to slaughter our dragon country. We can't be lambs to be slaughtered."

The recent situation in Longguo is very bad, which makes everyone in a bad mood.

In the face of the requirements and conditions put forward by rat country, everyone was a little angry. For a time, they all had the idea of breaking the pot.

Huang Shiping is also very uncomfortable. He is very clear that the requirements and conditions put forward by the state of rat are obviously taking advantage of the danger of others.

Can clearly know so, there is no way to change, after all, now is the dragon country have to ask from the mouse country!