Chapter 677

"Don't be upset."

At this time, on the contrary, Huang Shiping is the most calm, let everyone not be impatient.

When Huang Shiping spoke, people still had to listen to him, so they didn't complain any more. They didn't say any more useless words.

"Let's have a good talk with rat country and try to give up the least benefit."

"Yes, it's still necessary for us to cooperate with rat country now, so that the interests can be accepted."

"At this time, the Dragon Kingdom really needs the help of the rat kingdom. If the rat Kingdom wants to get benefits from the Dragon Kingdom, we will give it to him, but we need to have a good talk and give a plan acceptable to both sides."

"We in the Dragon Kingdom want to have a good talk, but the rat Kingdom doesn't necessarily want to have a good talk with us. If the rat Kingdom insists on such requirements and conditions at this time, what should it do?"

"I think after the two countries cooperate together, they can give the leading power to rat country. After all, this right doesn't play much role. If dragon country doesn't agree, even if rat country dominates, it's useless."

"As for the economic benefits and advanced military technology that the rat country wants, we should have a good talk with the rat country and try to give the least."

"Let's talk to rat country first. If we don't get along with each other, let's talk about something else."

After discussion, we all agreed that we should have a good talk with the rat state to maximize the requirements and conditions put forward by the rat state.

After the meeting, Huang Shiping took the negotiation team and had a video negotiation with rat country.

As for the negotiation between countries, it is obvious that there will be no result for a while. Therefore, the negotiation between dragon country and rat country will be a long-term affair.

Of course, the intelligence departments of bear and eagle can get information about the negotiation and cooperation between dragon and rat.

Bear and Eagle never want to see dragon and mouse united, so both bear and Eagle are very reluctant and do not want to see the negotiation and cooperation between the two countries.

In this regard, bear and eagle will naturally prevent dragon and mouse from uniting.

As a result, bear country and Eagle country imposed more sanctions and pressure on dragon country, and also made some verbal or substantive threats and threats to rat country.

Everyone knows that the Dragon Kingdom wants to go to the United Nations, so the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom put pressure on the mouse kingdom to not allow the mouse kingdom to agree to unite with the Dragon kingdom.

After making the decision to negotiate with the Dragon Kingdom and try to unite, the rat Kingdom thought that it would be obstructed and targeted by the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

Because of psychological preparation, in the face of threats and threats from bear and Eagle countries, rat country has no response. Just like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, it continues to negotiate with dragon country.

However, the behavior of the rat Kingdom angered the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, which also imposed sanctions and suppression on the rat kingdom.

In doing so, bear and Eagle countries promoted the union of dragon and mouse countries.

Of course, even if both bear and Eagle are superpowers, it would be terrible for them to join forces and impose sanctions. But both rat and dragon are superpowers, and they are not so easy to deal with. Even if bear and Eagle join forces in imposing sanctions, they will not be able to bring down rat and Dragon for a while.

However, the sanctions imposed by bear country and Eagle country make it difficult for mouse country and dragon country. The domestic situation becomes very unstable, and once it is unstable, it is easy to make trouble.

It's like the country of dragon has become a bit chaotic.

Because of the joint efforts of Xiong and Ying to impose economic sanctions on Longguo, the economic system of Longguo has not collapsed directly, but it has also become very complicated and chaotic.

Of course, the overall situation of Longguo's economy is very bad.

As a result, some of the powerful people in the state of dragon did whatever they could to consolidate and safeguard their own interests.

This part of the dignitaries only think about their own interests, regardless of the safety of the country and the life or death of the people. On the contrary, they take advantage of the chaos to obtain interests.

In doing so, they are obviously very bad for the country and the people.

As the focus of Longguo is now on the outside, it is not able to deal with the internal affairs, which leads to more and more chaos in the domestic situation.

Northern theater, inside the commander-in-chief's camp.

Qin Chao's face was gloomy. He angrily said to Shen Ze, "the state of bear and the state of Eagle are just too much. They oppress and punish our dragon state so much that there are a lot of troubles in our dragon state. Everything is done badly."

"Now this kind of situation can only force us to unite with the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom, and the rat Kingdom takes advantage of the opportunity to seize the interests of the Dragon kingdom. It's not a good thing to take advantage of the fire."

"These from the outside are not good, even if our own people in the Dragon kingdom are still running out to create chaos at this time, which makes people angry!"

"In order to protect their own interests, some dignitaries even want to go further, regardless of the safety of the country and the life or death of the people, and strive for all kinds of interests, which has reached a very crazy level!"

"Those scum and scum are very unpleasant. If I can, I really want to kill them all!"

At this point, Qin Chao was more and more angry, and his face became very gloomy and ugly.

His face turned black into a piece of carbon, as if it could drip ink.

When the country is in danger or in turmoil, some people will stand up, make selfless contributions and do things for the country and the people, while some people will do things that are heartless, inhuman and very selfish for their own interests.

In order to obtain or capture more benefits, they can do whatever they want, which makes people very shameless and angry.

"Master, I really can't stand what those scum do. I want you to stand up and teach them a lesson!"

After hesitating for a moment, Qin Chao could not help saying these words to Shen Ze in a low voice.

Qin Chao knew that with Shen Ze's identity, status and prestige, as long as Shen Ze stood up and did something, he would certainly have a deterrent effect on those powerful people who were crazy to seize interests.

"We can't manage external affairs, but we can always manage internal affairs."

Qin Chao is really loyal to his country. He doesn't want the Dragon Kingdom and its people to be made worse by those bastards.

Shen Ze is very clear about Qin Chao's thoughts.

At the same time, like Qin Chao, he was disgusted by those powerful people who were crazy to take advantage of the Dragon kingdom in crisis.

Let however, he also has to clean up these dignitaries.

"I'll take care of it." Shen Ze hardly hesitated and gave Qin Chao such a response.

After listening, Qin Chao nodded heavily.

He didn't say anything, but he had some thoughts in his heart.

As long as Shen Ze moves, those unhealthy tendencies will be eliminated!