Chapter 680

Huang Shiping is just like a little bewildered now. As long as Shen Ze does something, he thinks it's bad.

But Huang Shiping like this, impressively will appear his belly is very small.

"Shen Diaolong's doing this seems to be good for the dragon country on the surface, but it is actually making more trouble for the dragon country!"

"Doesn't Shen Diaolong know that this will make the economic situation of the Dragon Kingdom worse? Dealing with powerful people will only make the Dragon Kingdom more chaotic! "

"What's more, even if he suddenly does something, he only does half of it, but not all of it. Now the powerful people in the Dragon kingdom are afraid that they are already in a panic, which will lead to more instability."

At the Congress, Huang Shiping rebuked Shen Ze in front of members of the house of Representatives, saying that Shen Ze was wrong.

Some people agree with this, while others hold the opposite view.

Among these people, Lei bin is the most representative. Although this will lead to a lot of turbulence in the Dragon Kingdom, on the whole, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Even if there will be some trouble, we still have to do it.

And now it has forced the National People's court to do so. If it doesn't want to do so, it has to do so.

Then, the national court conveyed the order of elimination to the local authorities.

The patrols of various places were dispatched to carry out all-round cleaning.

For a moment, there was quite a stir in every part of the Dragon kingdom.

The operation efficiency of each patrol Bureau in Longguo is very fast, but in one day, the garbage dignitaries in various places are swept away.

This time, it was an overall order directly issued by the National People's court. Those powerful people who committed crimes could not be protected. They were all eliminated.

In the past, those powerful people might be protected by some big men, but this time they really can't.

For a long time, the National People's court has turned a blind eye to these malignant tumors, but it does not mean that the National People's court can not get rid of them.

Just like now, if the imperial court really wants to clean up, no one can escape.

After all, no matter how powerful and capable an individual is, he cannot be compared with the whole country.

As soon as the national machine takes action, it will soon clean up all the rubbish.

In just one day, all the rubbish is cleaned up!

"The action of the national court is fairly quick, and it has cleaned up all the rubbish dignitaries who have committed the crime!"

"Shen Diaolong and the imperial court are very happy to do so."

"If we clean up these garbage, we can focus on dealing with external affairs."

"These malignant tumors have finally been cleaned up, and our country of dragon has become a sunny day!"

"Even if there is some chaos and turbulence, it is very worthwhile to clean up the rubbish."

"Thank you to Shen Diaolong, thank you to the National Academy!"

The National People's Court issued an order to clean up the garbage in other places within one day, which was praised by the people of Longguo.

"The royal court has finally acted quickly this time. If everything can be handled so quickly, no one will say that he is not good."

"Well, if Shen Diaolong hadn't made a start this time, the court would not have taken action."

"Now there's no need to delay. Since the National People's court has done such a thing, we should be satisfied."

"Well, as long as the final result is good, nothing else matters."

"Criticize when you should criticize, praise or praise when you should praise. The academy has done a good job this time."

"It's a good thing for the Dragon kingdom that the internal affairs of the Dragon Kingdom have been dealt with. Now we can do our best to deal with the external affairs."

"Without the existence of these malignant tumors, our dragon kingdom should be able to deal with external affairs better. I hope our dragon kingdom can tide over the difficulties as soon as possible."

"Without those malignant tumors, we should be able to tide over the difficulties soon."

"I hope everything goes well, I hope everything goes according to my imagination."

"The internal affairs of the Dragon Kingdom have been dealt with. Now I think that the external affairs can be dealt with smoothly."

"I'm afraid external affairs are not so easy to deal with. There's too much pressure from outside. I don't know if Longguo can hold on!"

"I believe the Dragon kingdom can support it. It can't be destroyed by the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom!"

"Don't talk nonsense, do your own thing well, support the country more, and don't make trouble for the country."

"Yes, let's join hands and tide over the difficulties together."

It's a good thing for the people of the Dragon kingdom to clean up all the garbage in the Dragon kingdom. It's also a slightly exciting thing.

After all, it is good for Longguo as a whole to deal with these malignant tumors.

Of course, the clean-up of Longguo has put an end to those who want to do something.

As a result, an unprecedented situation of unity has been achieved within the Dragon state.

And such a dragon kingdom is obviously stronger than before, and more difficult to deal with.

This time, the elimination of the internal affairs of the state of dragon caused quite a lot of chaos and turbulence, but the national court soon dealt with it in a timely manner, so that these disturbances were quickly eliminated.

Then, the Dragon Kingdom suddenly put all the focus on dealing with the external affairs, and wanted to have a good hand with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom!