Chapter 681

Longguo wants the United Nations, and the two sides continue to negotiate.

On the surface, cooperation between dragon and mouse has become a matter of certainty. It's only a matter of time.

For bear and eagle, they don't want to see rat and dragon working together to form a unified camp.

Because if the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom unite, they will form a very powerful group.

Both dragon and mouse are big countries. Although they can't compare with bear and eagle, they can join hands with bear and eagle to become the "third" superpower in the world.

That kind of situation is not what the countries of bear and Eagle want to see.

So, in any case, bear and eagle will prevent dragon and mouse from uniting.

Today, dragon and mouse are negotiating and have been speeding up cooperation.

The bear country and the eagle country are standing out before the dragon country and the mouse country are completely united, and they frequently obstruct.

"If you dare to unite with the Dragon Kingdom, you will accept the same sanctions and get into a difficult situation. You must think clearly!"

At this time, everyone knows that the Dragon kingdom is forced to be helpless, so they will seek to join hands with the mouse kingdom.

Bear country and Eagle country constantly put pressure on rat country, no matter in words or in other actions.

Bear country and Eagle country have greatly increased the sanctions of rat country, and the two countries have sent their navies to frequently engage in affairs in the territorial waters of rat country, so as to cause threats and threats to rat country.

Facing the repression and sanctions of the two superpowers, the rat state is under great pressure, but it does not make the rat state retreat.

Because these things have been psychologically prepared for a long time, and these things will happen sooner or later. Now it's just ahead of time. It's no big deal.

The rat Kingdom did not stop negotiating with the Dragon kingdom because of the suppression and sanctions of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom. Instead, it accelerated the negotiation process between the two sides.

After all, at this time, no matter for the dragon country or the mouse country, only by joining hands as soon as possible can we resist the suppression and sanctions from the bear country and the eagle country, and only in this way can we reduce the pressure on the two countries.

Of course, because the Dragon Kingdom wants to unite with the rat Kingdom, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom have exerted the greatest force they can on the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom, which has put unprecedented pressure on the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom.

Whether it's dragon country or rat country, the situation is worse than ever.

Bear and Eagle did not launch a hot war, but launched the most intense economic war, which led to the collapse of the economic system of dragon and mouse.

With the passage of time, the economic systems of dragon and mouse can not escape the collapse, and once the economic systems of the two countries collapse, the consequences are obviously unimaginable!

Both the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom are under great pressure.

Of course, the Dragon state and the mouse state are doing their best to resist, and will not let the bear state and the eagle state collapse their economic system.

However, no matter the Dragon kingdom or the rat Kingdom, they could not find a good way to counteract or confront for a while.

The top leaders of the two countries have convened congresses one after another to discuss countermeasures, but they have not found a good way to break the situation, which makes the leadership of the two countries very anxious and uneasy.

Because there is no good way to deal with it, the situation of dragon country and rat country is getting worse and worse.

Under this situation, not only the leadership has become more and more anxious, but also it has caused people's panic and uneasiness. Both countries are in a state of panic.

In this way, both the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom give people the feeling of breaking free.

Of course, if the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are punished and suppressed, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom will also pay a great price.

The reason why Xiong and Ying have done this is that they can afford it because of their own big business.

Bear country and Eagle country have made plans to consume dragon country and mouse country alive.

The Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom, which were forced to a desperate situation, could only unite together as soon as possible to resist the external pressure.

Of course, if the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom do so, they will be more severely retaliated by the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

"Now the situation has reached a very critical time, we must come up with a way to break the situation, otherwise the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom will not be able to afford it, and will only be consumed alive in the end!"

"The Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are exerting the greatest efforts to build the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom. They can't fight now!"

"Now it seems that no matter what the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom do, they can't resist the suppression and sanctions from the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom."

"If the economic systems of the dragon and the rat countries are destroyed by the bear and the eagle countries, it will be very difficult for the dragon and the rat countries to turn over again."

"This time, Xiong and Ying want to press the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom to death. They won't give the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom another chance."

"In any case, if the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom want not to be destroyed by the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, they must come up with a way to break the situation."

"I don't think there's any good way to break the game now. I can only break the boat and do some tough moves!"

"What kind of moves, what kind of moves can dragon country and mouse country launch now?"

Of course, there is a kind of helpless element in this change of thought.

After all, the country is going to be destroyed, so we can only do our best to seek stability.

"Is there something wrong with the brain of our country's leadership? Why cooperate with Longguo? If the rat Kingdom doesn't cooperate with the Dragon Kingdom, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom won't target the rat Kingdom, and the rat Kingdom won't fall into this bad situation! "

"The leadership is really caught by the door. The Dragon kingdom is the enemy of the rat kingdom. The Dragon kingdom is suppressed and sanctioned by the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom. This is something that the rat kingdom should be happy to see. How can we help the Dragon Kingdom when the Dragon kingdom is in danger? I can't figure out the decision of the leadership!"

"Our leadership is a group of pig brains, trying to do something thankless!"