Chapter 684

The Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom unite to resist the suppression and sanctions of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

Today, although the bear country and the eagle country have converged a lot, they still have not stopped the sanctions and suppression with the dragon country and the mouse country.

In this regard, the state of dragon and the state of rat obviously will not allow the state of bear and the state of eagle to continue to impose sanctions and suppress.

Both the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom took measures against the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, but they played too little role to break the situation for a while.

"When the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom unite, the power they have formed is no less powerful than that of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom. We don't have to bear it any longer. Let's take the most powerful measures to counter the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom."

"In the past, when there was no alliance, we could only let bear and Eagle bully us. Now that we are united, we don't have to be afraid of bear and eagle. We should fight back."

"Although the combination of the Dragon Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom has become very powerful, there is still a gap between them and the old superpowers. I think we should bear it for a while, wait for stability, and then fight with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom."

"Don't wait, just do it, otherwise Xiong and Ying really think we are easy to bully!"

"Isn't the purpose of the alliance between the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom to compete with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom? Now that we have united, it's time to fight! "

"Yes, it's time to fight. I can't stand it any more!"

"It's not a matter of being impatient, it's just that we can't find a good way to fight against the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom."

"Although the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are united now, forming a very powerful force, they are not a complete whole after all. In today's economic war, we still can't beat the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom."

"In addition, bear and Eagle have united their allies to blockade our dragon and mouse countries. If this goes on, we can't fight!"

"If you want me to say that the best way to break the situation is to use force against bear country and Eagle country. They don't want us to have a better time, and we don't want them to have a better time. They don't want to start a war, so we will do the opposite and take the initiative to start a war with them."

"Not to mention, it's really a good way to take the initiative to start a war now."

"If there is really no other good way, then start a war!"

"It's impossible for us to keep the Bear Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom under pressure and sanction. Otherwise, we can't develop. We are always in a weak position and can't hold our heads up. That's not a human life. In order to get rid of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom once and for all, we really need to clean them up and let them know that the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom are not easy to bully."

"Yes, we need to fight a beautiful war to make bear and Eagle aware of its power. From then on, we will not fight against dragon and mouse, which will make dragon and mouse continue to develop well."

"Although the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom also have risks, as long as they can counter the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, it is worth doing so!"

"I don't want to talk about it any more. Let's just launch a war against it."

In addition to the people of bear country and Eagle country, the people of other countries do not like bear country and Eagle country. After all, bear country and Eagle country are two big hooligans in the world and often do something unpleasant.

Most people, including the people of the rat Kingdom and the people of the Dragon Kingdom, are unhappy with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

In addition, the Bear Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom have been suppressing and sanctioning the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom recently, which makes the people of the rat Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom have a bad breath in their hearts, and they are very angry with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

Now, in order to fight against the bear and Eagle countries, the people of the rat country and the people of the dragon country support the use of force to solve this last resort.

The voice of the people is very important, but the decision-making of the state is mainly decided by the leaders.

Of course, the leaders of dragon country and mouse country will also consider the people's ideas.

Both the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom have convened a Congress to discuss how to fight against the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

And because dragon and rat now form a camp, so the two sides held a video conference to discuss the matter.

"Xiong and Ying are now fighting an economic war with us. We can't fight back on it. Even if we can make some counter-measures, the effect is not very good."

"Bear country and Eagle country have joined their allies to blockade dragon country and mouse country. If things go on like this, the situation will become more and more unfavorable for us."

"If we really can't find other good ways to break the situation, we should try to start a war."

"Although Xiong and Ying didn't start war, they still took actions from the Ministry of war. They frequently engaged in affairs on the border between dragon and mouse and on the territorial sea. We can fight back against them."

"The Dragon kingdom can fight back against the Bear Kingdom, the mouse kingdom can fight back against the eagle Kingdom, and make Counter-measures on the border and territorial waters respectively."

"We should all know that neither the eagle kingdom nor the Bear Kingdom nor the Dragon kingdom nor the rat Kingdom want or can fall into the mire of war. If we take the initiative to start a war, it is likely that we will lose our wife and lose our troops, which is not worth the loss."

"If you can, it would be better not to start a war. But there is no good way to change the situation. I personally support the use of force."

"We can try the water. We don't have to fight as soon as we come up. Let's try it first and see what kind of reaction Xiong and Ying have."

"Yes, we can try it first. We can make further plans after seeing the reaction of bear and eagle."