Chapter 685

After the discussion, most of the leaders of dragon and rat agreed to take military action.

Since the majority is in favor of military action, the matter is almost settled.

Both dragon and rat will take military action!

After determining the general direction, we began to discuss what military actions to take.

"Let's take military action in the territorial sea."

"The navy of the eagle country has been making trouble in the territorial waters of the rat country. We can dispose of all the navy of the eagle country!"

"As for the Dragon Kingdom, you can give it to Bear Kingdom at the border!"

"OK, let's take military actions in the territorial sea and the northern border respectively."

"Let's choose a good time to start!"

"In order not to let bear country and Eagle country warn, dragon country and mouse country had better take action at the same time!"

"All right, take action at the same time!"

After discussion, the leaders of dragon and mouse reached a consensus that they intend to launch war against bear and eagle and take military action at the same time.

Of course, military action can not be done casually, but needs to be well planned.

However, the executive power of the two countries was very good. After the decision of the meeting, the preparatory work began.

As a Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, Shen Ze knew for the first time that the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom were going to take military action.

"The court finally knew that it was going to use force to contain the country of bear and the country of eagle. All the waiting flowers are going to die!"

Qin chaoleng said: "we, the Dragon Kingdom, must give bear a painful blow this time, let bear know the pain, and let bear dare not come to the northern border to do business in the future."

"This time, it's better to cast a psychological shadow on the state of bear, so that the state of bear will not dare to punish and suppress our dragon state in the future."

Qin Chaoxin said angrily, "the state of bear has done so many things for the state of dragon. This time, we must seize the opportunity and get all of them back!"

"Grand Marshal, shall we give Xiong guona's 100000 troops to the border this time?"

"If we give Xiong's 100000 troops to one pot, it must be a heavy blow to Xiong."

Qin Chao said maliciously: "the 100000 troops sent by Xiong Guo are watching things along the border all day. I've always thought that they are not agreeable, so I want to clean them up!"

"Grand Marshal, let's start with the 100000 troops of Xiong state!" Qin Chao suggested.

When Shen Ze heard the speech, he had no words for the first time.

After a while, he said, "if you give Xiong's 100000 troops a pot, Xiong won't give up."

Qin Chao angrily said: "we have given Xiong's 100000 troops to one pot. It's also Xiong's own fault. We can't blame him."

"Who asked the other Xiong kingdom to dispatch those 100000 troops to the northern border of our dragon kingdom to engage in affairs all the time? High conflict, we engage in them, which is self-defense and justified!"

Shen Ze light said: "the reason is this reason, but the meaning of the court, and my own meaning, do not want to make things too big!"

"Although xiongguo doesn't want to fall into the mire of war, our dragon kingdom can't stand too much trouble."

"If we take the 100000 troops of bear country to one pot, it will probably cause strong retaliation from bear country, and then there will probably be a large-scale war between bear country and dragon country, which is not the result we want."

Generally speaking, bear country and Eagle country are opposite, so their cooperation is mixed with water, and their relationship is not solid.

In addition, in order to maintain competitiveness, not to be compared with each other, and consolidate their position and interests in the international arena, both bear and Eagle countries do not want to fall into the mire of war.

Both the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom are big powers. Bear Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom know very well that if there is a military conflict with the Dragon kingdom or the rat Kingdom, they will be trapped in the mire of war. After all, the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom are very strong and terrible.

It's very unwise for bear and eagle to fight with dragon or rat, so they won't do it.

Bear country and Eagle country don't want to use force against dragon country and mouse country. Although dragon country and mouse country decide to take military action, they don't want or can't get into the mire of war.

Before that, there was a conflict between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom, plus the strong sanctions from the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, the situation and situation of the country were not very good, and the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom could not engage in a big war, because that would make the national strength of the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom even weaker.

This time, although the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are going to take military action, it is only to the end, in order to force the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom to converge more, rather than to launch a complete war.

Shen Ze understood the power of it, so he said those words.

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao also realized the power of it. He nodded and said, "it's a pity. I thought I had a chance to clean up Xiong Guo's 100000 clowns. It seems that I can only wait a little longer."

Qin Chao said in a sonorous tone: "if we can't clean up this time, we'll clean up the Dragon Kingdom when it's stronger than the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom in the future."

When Shen Ze heard the words, he picked his eyebrows.

He looked up at Qin Chao and said, "do you think the Dragon kingdom will be stronger than the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom?"

Hearing the speech, Qin Chao nodded without hesitation: "yes, I think our dragon kingdom will definitely surpass other countries and become the most powerful country in the world!"

Shen Ze pondered for a while, then said: "the idea is very good, but it's really hard to say whether it can be realized."

In fact, Qin Chao doesn't know if the Dragon kingdom can become the most powerful country in the world, but he thinks so.

"No matter whether he can achieve it or not, just try to do it!" Qin Chao said firmly.

Shen Ze nodded, "it's a good idea. Just work hard."

Qin Chao said with a smile, "we in the Dragon kingdom can certainly do it."

Seeing Qin Chao's simple appearance, Shen Ze nodded with a smile.

After a while, Shen Ze gathered his smile on his face and said with a straight face, "send me the command, let the whole theater enter the combat readiness state. In addition, collect the information of Xiong Guo's troops and start the layout. Report any information to me as soon as possible."

"Yes, Grand Marshal!" Qin Chao immediately nodded his head solemnly.

Shen Ze waved to Qin Chao.

Seeing this, Qin Chao bowed to Shen Ze, then he turned and left.

At this time, Shen Ze seemed to suddenly think of something, said: "by the way, call Li Guangrong."

"Good." Qin Chao answered without looking back.