Chapter 686

Shen Ze is the Grand Marshal of the Army Department. He can dispatch all the troops of the Dragon kingdom.

Because the fifth World War Zone of the state of dragon has always been divided and ruled, Shen Ze is very familiar with the western war zone under his command, but he doesn't know much about the Northern War Zone.

As for the deployment of the Northern War Zone, it is absolutely necessary for Shen Ze to call Li Guangrong, the commander-in-chief of the Northern War Zone, to do it together.

Qin Chao first conveyed Shen Ze's instructions, and then called Li Guangrong.

Learning that Shen Ze wants to see himself, Li Guangrong goes to the commander-in-chief camp where Shen Ze is for the first time.

After seeing Shen Ze, Li Guangrong first saluted Shen Ze, then asked, "marshal, what do you want to do when you come to me?"

Shen Ze took a look at Li Guangrong and said faintly, "you should know the news from the national court that the Northern War Zone is going to attack Xiong."

Li Guangrong nodded solemnly and said, "well, I already know."

"Do you have any good ideas?" Shen asked

Li Guangrong pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't have any good ideas."

After a pause, Li Guangrong said: "everything should be done according to the idea of Grand Marshal!"

In fact, Li Guangrong has some ideas, but because of Shen Ze's presence, he also thinks that it would be the best result if Shen Ze was responsible for everything.

Therefore, Li Guangrong said that he had no idea and left everything to Shen Ze for deployment.

Shen Ze saw through Li Guangrong's idea, but he didn't say it.

"All right, let me deploy it."

"Good." Hearing the speech, Li Guangrong nodded without hesitation.

Then, without any nonsense, Shen Ze began to deploy.

Although we can't fight against Xiong this time, we still need to make Xiong feel pain. So we need to be a little fierce this time.

In Shen Ze's mind, although the 100000 troops sent by Xiong Guo will not be given to one pot, at least part of it has to be solved.

Shen Ze's plan is to collect information in the early stage and recruit 10000 Xiong soldiers.

Ten thousand people are not too many, but they are not too many. It's just about right.

Shen Ze is going to kill ten thousand soldiers of Xiong state and let Xiong state know how powerful he is.

Of course, Xiong is a superpower. It's not easy to wipe out 10000 soldiers in Xiong, which requires good deployment. Otherwise, we can't achieve this goal.

In order to ensure that things can be done smoothly, Li Guangrong called all the important leaders of the northern theater to Shen Ze's camp to discuss the deployment.

When the Dragon side deployed, the rat side also began to deploy.

As for the movement of the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are closely watching. It is impossible to say that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom have not found any clues. However, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom still don't know what the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom will do.

Of course, both the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are wily old hooligans. Even if they don't know what the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom are going to do, they should be well prepared.

At the same time, the bear and Eagle countries increased the sanctions against the dragon and the mouse countries. The reason for this is that the dragon and the mouse countries showed no sign of softening. The bear and the eagle countries were very upset, so they increased the sanctions.

If the state of dragon and the state of rat are not soft and take counter measures one day, the state of bear and the state of eagle will not give up one day.

As a result, the contradictions among the four countries have become more and more serious, and the people of their respective countries have become more and more hostile to each other.

Almost a week later, the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom took military action together.

Rat country launched a encirclement attack on the eagle Navy going to the territorial sea of rat country.

The state of dragon sent 50000 basaltic troops from the Northern War Zone, led by Qin Chao, to encircle Xiong's 10000 troops on the border.

The battles on both sides started almost at the same time, which made the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom have no reaction for the first time.

Of course, both bear and Eagle never thought that dragon and mouse would take the initiative to launch a war.

Since the beginning of this century, no country has taken the initiative to launch a war against the bear country and the eagle country. Now, this unbelievable thing has happened.

Dragon country and mouse country are out at the same time, attacking bear country and Eagle country respectively!

Because bear and Eagle are the only two superpowers in the world, no other country dares to use force against bear and eagle.

Today, the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom use force against the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom respectively, which not only makes the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom very shocked and unbelievable, but also makes other countries feel unbelievable and shocked!

It's the first time for a country to dare to take the initiative to fight against the bear country and the eagle country!

This is a strange thing!

Because Xiong and Ying had no idea that dragon and rat would suddenly use force against them, they were not prepared enough, so they learned a painful lesson.

The eagle Navy in the territorial waters of the rat kingdom was either hanged on the spot or arrested.

On the other hand, the Dragon kingdom is even more bloody. The 50000 basaltic army directly encircles and suppresses the 10000 troops of Xiong Kingdom, and without mercy, directly fights to the death.

Xiong's army had no warning or defense. This ten thousand man army was completely annihilated by the fifty thousand basaltic army.

Of course, the basaltic army also sacrificed thousands of soldiers and paid a great price.

Because it wasn't meant to fight against Xiong state, after killing the 10000 troops of Xiong state, the basaltic army withdrew to the Northern War Zone. It was only two hours before and after that, and it was over.

Ten thousand soldiers of Xiong state were completely annihilated, and thousands of navies of Ying state were annihilated. Once the news came out, it caused a sensation all over the world.

"Damn, the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are so powerful that they attack the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom on their own initiative. It's unbelievable!"

"The courage of the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom is really great. They have done what other countries dare not do!"

"It's the first time that the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom have taken the initiative to attack and killed many soldiers of the eagle Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom!"

"In the past, both bear and Eagle fought against other countries, and they never lost. This time, they fell into the hands of other countries. This is really the first time!"

"I used to think that the troops of bear and Eagle were invincible, but now it seems that there are still some accidents."

"The Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are really big powers that can't be underestimated. Their military strength is extraordinary."

"Now it seems that the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom are really rising, and they dare to challenge the authority of the superpower!"

"This time, the prestige of the superpower has been broken. I'm afraid there will be great changes from now on!"

"The pattern of the world should really change!"