Chapter 689

"Although all of us have split our skin and made a big fight, we should have a tacit understanding. We can't make the war too hot, or it will become a bargain for other countries!"

"Don't talk about it now. Don't make it big. People come here and beat you in the face. You can't bear it!"

"I can't bear it now. If I can bear it any more, I'll be beaten in the face by others!"

"We must be cruel, or the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom will not be afraid of us!"

"We must make the dragon people and the mouse people feel deep pain, otherwise we should not take action. Once we take action, we must do it!"

"The attack of dragon country and mouse country has already ignored us. If we don't take revenge on them, they won't even pay attention to us."

"There are some things, the first time there is a second time, if you don't put the dragon country and rat country that kind of resistance idea out completely, in the future, you can't tell what bad things will happen."

"If we want to safeguard our interests in the world, we have to take revenge on the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom this time, otherwise the prestige we built before will be completely destroyed!"

"In order to consolidate and maintain the global interests and status, even if we have to pay a big price, we have to retaliate against the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom!"

This time, the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom fought against the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom respectively, which changed a lot of things. The influence was very big and far-reaching, and the leadership of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom could imagine it.

Therefore, in order to recover the losses in all aspects and consolidate and safeguard their own interests, the leadership of bear and Eagle countries have made great determination to retaliate against dragon and mouse countries.

Of course, even if the bear country and the eagle country are both military powers, they can't act rashly. After all, the dragon country and the mouse country are both big powers. After all, the dragon country and the mouse country have united, and their military strength can't be underestimated.

If you act rashly, bear and eagle will suffer.

Because the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are not weak countries, and their military strength is also good, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom can not pay a great price to retaliate against the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom.

Some people have proposed to raze the capitals of dragon country and rat country, but after consideration, they still have no such choice.

After discussion, everyone unanimously decided to adopt the previous plan, the xiongguo went to the Northern War Zone of dalongguo, and the Yingguo was the military base to the territorial sea of tuguoguo.

After the discussion, Xiong and Ying began to make preparations in this respect.

Even if Xiong and Ying are superpowers, they will make good preparations after they have a goal. After all, they are both superpowers, and there are many uncertain factors in their military actions, so they must make good preparations.


Before using force against the bear and Eagle countries, the dragon and the rat countries were ready to be attacked and retaliated. Of course, they also made strict precautions and defenses militarily.

At the same time, the intelligence departments of the two countries also pay close attention to the news of the bear and Eagle countries.

Of course, the military actions taken by bear and Eagle countries are highly confidential, and information is generally not leaked.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world, and some things can't be done seamlessly after all, so they won't leak out a bit.

Under the full search of the intelligence departments of dragon country and mouse country, some clues have been found.

As for the military actions to be taken by bear and eagle to retaliate against dragon and mouse, both of them are not too surprised. On the contrary, they think it is expected.

If bear and Eagle do not take revenge, it is not bear and eagle.

Of course, once the news is confirmed, both the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom will spare no effort to defend and prepare.

Before taking military action, Xiong and Ying launched a comprehensive economic war again, which maximized the sanctions against dragon and mouse.

In doing so, Xiong and Ying have a sense of rushing over the wall and getting mad.

Although both the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom have been under great pressure, they are still able to hold on, and they are still not weak. They will fight back when they should fight back, and they will take counter measures when they should take counter measures.

Bear country and Eagle country, dragon country and mouse country are the four most powerful countries in the world. Their struggle makes the whole international situation very tense and oppressive.

People all over the world are worried.

"This time, the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom took the initiative to start a war, which was to make the war ignited!"

"Although the two countries have not yet taken military action, they have once again started an economic war, making the global economy unstable."

"I don't think bear country and Eagle country will bear it. They will certainly take military action to retaliate against dragon country and mouse country!"

"If xiongguo and Yingguo take military strikes against Longguo and mousuo, I really don't know how much war it will cause!"

"Bear country and Eagle country are military powers, and their retaliation is certainly extraordinary!"

"I'm really afraid that after the bear and Eagle take revenge, they will make the dragon and the mouse fight back. When the time comes, their four largest countries will go to war, I'm afraid it will cause a world war!"

"The current international situation is really too tense and turbulent, and I'm afraid there will be a world war!"

"If the four countries of bear and eagle, dragon and mouse go to war in an all-round way, it will really start a world war!"

"There is no hot war yet. The economic war between the four countries alone has already affected the whole world and people all over the world!"

"The economic war of their four countries alone has already made people all over the world difficult. If they start a world war again, it will really be impossible for them to survive!"

"The world has been stable for some time. We all want to live in peace and stability, but we don't want to live in turbulence."

"Although I want to see the bear country and the eagle country and the dragon country and the mouse country fighting, so that other countries can find opportunities, I still hope that they will not continue to fight for a stable life, whether it is an economic war or a hot war."

"Yes, the world will be better if their four countries do not fight to death!"

"Now we can only pray that their four countries will not continue to fight with each other."

Bear country and Eagle country are the only two superpowers in the world, while dragon country and mouse country are behind bear country and Eagle country. The four countries almost control the global economic lifeline and military capability.

The economic war between the four countries will make the global economy depressed.

And if the four countries launch an all-out war, it is likely to cause a world war, so that the world is in the middle of war!