Chapter 690

For people all over the world, we all want economic stability and world peace, because only in this way can we live a good life.

In the face of survival, it doesn't matter what rights and wealth, what national status, even survival has become a problem, what's the use of thinking about these.

In this world, although some careerists want the world to be chaotic in order to get the benefits they want, most people still want the world to be peaceful and live a good life.

Nowadays, the four most powerful countries in the world, namely, bear country and Eagle country, dragon country and mouse country, are fighting, and the contradiction and conflict between the four countries is a growing trend.

The economic wars fought by the four countries have made the world's economy unstable and affected people's lives.

If there is a hot war among the four big countries, it will involve other countries, and it is likely to cause a world war, which will lead to the whole world falling into the flames of war. In this way, people will not be able to live a good life, and even their lives will be in danger.

After all, with the fire of war, it is accompanied by blood and fire!

The current situation is very bad, and there is a trend of deterioration, people can not do not worry.

"I don't want the global economic crisis to break out or the world war to break out!"

"Yes, if the global economic crisis and world war break out, people all over the world will not be able to live well!"

"Bear country and Eagle country, dragon country and mouse country, all need to restrain some, don't let the situation become worse and worse."

"We all don't want the global economic crisis and World War to break out. You four countries should not lead to the suffering of people all over the world because of private fights!"

"You are a superpower. You are a big power. You need to take the lead instead of taking everyone into the mud ditch!"

"You big powers need to take responsibility to make the world better, not worse!"

"You all need to calm down and think about it. If you have anything to say, sit down and talk about it. Don't make it difficult for everyone."

"It's not just for the sake of other countries and other people. When you four powerful countries fight to death, no one can completely destroy anyone. You will only lose both sides and make no effort to please, and no one will be able to do well!"

"It's not good for everyone to fight. We'd better have a good talk and come up with a way of doing things that are good for everyone. Don't do things that are not worth the loss."

"Whether it's for your own country or for others, you four countries should sit down and talk about it and stop fighting."

In the past, we all held a kind of mentality of watching good plays, but after we realized the power of them, we began to make peace again.

Of course, there are still some people who want to see and support the four countries to continue their fight. However, these people are in a small number and can not make the climate.

Therefore, there are more voices for peace in all countries and places.

Of course, there are more people in the world calling for peace.

But for these appeals, the angry countries of bear and Eagle didn't listen much.

And the dragon and the mouse also because of the things out, there is no much way, bear and eagle to retaliate, the dragon and the mouse can only do a good job to prevent, deal with all the unexpected.

Of course, what the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom did before was to make the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom converge and stop suppressing and punishing the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom.

In general, the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom do not want to fight against the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

Because the leadership of the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are not lunatics. They also know that if they meet with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, even if the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are united and powerful, it will only make everyone feel bad.

In any case, fighting each other is almost like fighting each other. No country can be a real winner, and every country will have its own interests damaged.

Even if the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom unite, they are worse than the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom in many aspects. If they fight, the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom are the weak side, so they will suffer more damage.

Therefore, no matter what the reason is, the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom do not want to fight with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

Of course, both the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are expected to take the lead in taking military action against the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, causing damage to the interests of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, thus angering the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, and being retaliated by the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom.

In addition to guarding against the retaliation of bear and Eagle countries, dragon and rat countries will try their best to minimize the loss and the war as much as possible.

As for the more serious economic war that Xiong and Ying started before they launched a military strike, the dragon and rat countries can only bite their teeth, but the necessary countermeasures will still be taken.

Both the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are very clear that they can't let the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom come here, and they can't let the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom suppress them. Instead, they should show a tough attitude, so that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom can't do things recklessly.

Both the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are those countries that eat hard but not soft. Both the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom know this very well, so they will never accept soft, because they can't get any benefits from soft, and they won't let the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom be soft hearted and let the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom go.

In the face of absolute interests, as long as they are ruthless to the end, Xiong and Ying have always played such roles. In order to gain the greatest interests and consolidate their international status, Xiong and Ying are hooligans who can do anything.

Both the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom know very well that if they don't resist, they just have to wait for decline.

Therefore, even if the road ahead is unknown, and at great risk, the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom will not be soft, but intend to work hard with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom to the end.

Only when the bear and Eagle countries fully realize that they can't destroy the dragon and the rat countries, and the disadvantages of suppressing and punishing the dragon and the rat countries, and the bear and Eagle countries realize that only peaceful development can win-win situation, can the dragon and the rat countries achieve their goals.

At present, it seems that it is very difficult for the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom to achieve this goal, but it is not without hope.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom will continue.

Of course, both the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom have a clear idea of what the price will be.

In order to fight for a better tomorrow, some costs need to be paid, and some sacrifices still need to be made.

However, although they have to deal with bear and eagle, dragon and mouse will still implement the soft side. At the same time, dragon and mouse have formed a negotiation team to negotiate with bear and eagle. They can talk as much as they can, but can't talk any more!