Chapter 694

It has to be said that bear country and Eagle country are really shameless hooligans.

It is clear that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom punish and suppress the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom first, thus causing the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom's resistance and counter-control. This is what happened after.

The culprits for all this are the bear and the eagle.

But now, bear country and Eagle country are all the blame and fault to the dragon country and mouse country's head, can be said to be shameless to beat.

As for the meaning of bear and eagle, it seems that it is because dragon and rat deliberately pick up trouble that they retaliate against dragon and rat.

Of course, because they are powerful, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom have a lot of say.

Although other countries are persuading peace, there are still many countries that support the voice of Xiong and Ying. They also think Xiong and Ying are right, while dragon and rat are wrong.

However, some things are just superficial, just like supporting Xiong Kingdom and Ying kingdom is just superficial. They are fair and comfortable. Everyone's heart is like a mirror, and many things are clear.

We all know the shamelessness of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom. It's only because of the strength of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom that our words are right and wrong.

In this world of the jungle, as long as you are strong enough, there will be people who follow you and help you speak.

As the only two superpowers in the world, bear and Eagle countries obviously have the right to say what they say.

Even if we don't agree with each other, it doesn't affect the voice of the outside world.

Of course, xiongguo and Yingguo control the right to speak in this way, just to achieve their purpose. They retaliate against the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom, and let the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom have no reason to fight back or resist.

However, although the bear and Eagle countries control the international discourse, there are still many voices calling on them to exercise restraint and not to intensify conflicts.

However, no matter how these voices appeal, bear country and Eagle country will not listen to them.

Both Xiong and Ying dispatched troops and started to do things.

Instead of letting 300000 elite troops directly enter the Dragon Kingdom, Xiong first sent a small force to do business on the northern border of the Dragon kingdom.

Eagle sent a warship, just like returning to its own territorial sea, swaggered to the shoreline of rat country, and swayed back and forth.

By doing so, the bear army and the eagle navy are provoking the dragon country and the mouse country.

The Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom have no forbearance or fear, and have taken corresponding actions.

Under Shen Ze's command, the Northern War Zone also sent a force to confront Xiong's troops who came to the northern border of Longguo to make trouble.

Although the rat's navy is not as powerful as the eagle's navy, its weapons and equipment are not as good, and its warships are not as advanced as the eagle's, so it is certain that it will not win the battle. However, the rat sent its navy to accompany and restrict the action of the eagle's navy.

Of course, in doing so, the rat Navy will inevitably have friction and conflict with the eagle Navy, but the friction and conflict are not big.

However, if such friction and conflict continue, it will increase the conflict and friction, which will cause things to become uncontrollable.

Whether it is the confrontation between the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom and the soldiers of the Bear Kingdom, or the confrontation between the navy of the rat Kingdom and the navy of the eagle Kingdom, there is a risk of conflict.

All parties have been following the trend of the four countries.

When the news came out that the soldiers of the four countries were facing each other, it was a surprise that more worried voices were heard.

"Xiongguo soldiers and Longguo soldiers have already had conflicts and frictions on the border between the two countries. I feel like they are going to fight. This is not a good omen!"

"The eagle Navy and the rat Navy also have conflicts and frictions in the territorial waters of the rat country. The smell of gunpowder is very strong on both sides. If they don't feel a little suppressed, there will be an exchange of fire!"

"Now it seems that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom did not keep calm and restraint. Instead, they were all grumpy. They all wanted to be tough, and they did not bear to be soft."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, if the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom retaliate against the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom respectively, the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom will not tolerate it, but will fight with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom to the end."

"If it goes on like this, I feel that their four countries are really going to fight. At that time, the global economic crisis and the world war will break out. Although I don't want to see such a thing happen, it seems that everything has become a foregone conclusion and people can't change it."

"Now the only feeling that can prevent everything from happening is the bear country and the eagle country. The bear country and the eagle country are the only two superpowers in the world, and all the initiative is in their hands. If they do not increase the conflict, the conflict will certainly not become bigger."

"You don't have to think and know that the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom don't want to fight with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom. The Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom do these things to prevent the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom from continuing to suppress and punish the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom. If they can, the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom obviously won't do these things."

"To put it bluntly, bear country and Eagle country are the culprits that lead to all this. These two rogue countries are just scumbags. If they hadn't run out to pick things up, none of these things would have happened."

"We can all have peaceful development and jointly promote the development of human beings, but bear and Eagle countries are doing things that people and gods share indignation for the sake of their own national interests, making the world worse and worse."

"As the only two superpowers in the world, Eagle country and bear country should take responsibility and stop this happening!"

"Yes, for the sake of all mankind and the world, the eagle and bear countries should stop all operations!"

"If bear country and Eagle country don't stop all actions and continue to be stubborn, we should unite to boycott bear country and Eagle country!"

"If you want me to say that the state of bear and the state of Eagle are the source of all the turmoil, let's remove the state of bear and the state of eagle from the world, and the world will be really peaceful and beautiful!"

"If the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom can't shoulder their responsibilities, we will deal with them together and let them lose their right to speak, their right to rule and all their hegemony."

"If the bear and Eagle countries do not stop their current actions, other countries can join hands to deal with the bear and Eagle countries, and work together to prevent the global economic crisis and the outbreak of world war!"

"Needless to say, if the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom do not promote the development of the world, we will wipe them out and make the world a better place."

People in the world often like to sympathize with the weak. Compared with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are obviously in a weak position. In addition, we all know that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are responsible for the trouble, so we all criticize the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.