Chapter 695

Since the beginning of this century, because bear and Eagle are the only two superpowers in the world, they have great power and discourse power in the world. In addition, they have strong national strength. In order to plunder interests, they often bully weak countries.

Many things in the world are caused by the countries of bear and eagle, and the world knows that.

This time, it is also because bear and Eagle want to protect their own interests and consolidate their position, so they will suppress and sanction dragon and mouse, which leads to all this.

If it eventually leads to the outbreak of the global economic crisis and the outbreak of the world war, then bear and Eagle countries should be the biggest burden. After all, bear and Eagle countries are the source of all this.

"It's time for bear and Eagle countries to stop all actions. If it really leads to the outbreak of global economic crisis and World War, then bear and Eagle countries will become a real disaster!"

"If there is a global economic crisis and a world war, it will do no good to bear and Eagle countries. If their leaders have brains, they should stop it from developing."

"Bear country and Eagle country, dragon country and mouse country, really have to restrain, don't let things get worse and worse."

"The struggle between the four most powerful countries in the world is like fighting against each other. No one can get along well with each other. It will also affect other countries and make the whole world very bad. There is really no need to do these things."

"If the four states of bear and eagle, dragon and rat have to fight each other to the end, let's leave them alone. When their national strength is almost exhausted, we will rush to feed them all."

"Yes, if they want to fight, let them fight. Anyway, we can't stop them. What we can do is to preserve our strength. When they kill each other and become weak, we can attack them in groups and wipe out the four malignant countries that are harming the world!"

"It's a good method. It's just the so-called great ruin that will lead to a better tomorrow. The four states have not taken on the responsibility and just want to do damage. Then we can really wait until a good time to wipe them out one by one and then rebuild the world order."

"There is nothing we can do about their four nations fighting to death, and we can only do so."

"Their four countries don't want to make everyone feel better. Then don't blame us for not making them feel better."

"I think the country that should be eradicated most is the country of bear and the country of eagle. After all, these things are done by these two rogue countries."

"Yes, what should be eliminated most is the bear state and the eagle state. Without these two rogue states, these things would not have happened, and the whole world would not have been in a mess."

As a matter of fact, no matter which country or country they are, they all hope for world peace and a stable and beautiful life for all of us, because no one wants to live a happy life in which they are wandering and not at all stable.

Almost all the people in the world don't want to see the fight between bear and eagle, dragon and mouse continue, because they don't want to see the global economic crisis or the world war break out.

As the four most powerful states in the world today, if they fight with each other, they can affect the whole world and make the world fall into turmoil and unrest.

Now we see that there have been conflicts between the Bear Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom, as well as between the eagle Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom, and the situation has intensified. People in other countries are more worried and uneasy.

Many people have called on all parties to calm down and not further aggravate the conflict.

However, some people with bad temper clamor to let the four big powers fight, and then go to wipe them out when they are all weak. Of course, this is a small part of the voice.

In this process, most people are still clamoring to eliminate the bear state and the eagle state. After all, these two rogue states have long caused dissatisfaction and displeasure among the people.

For those bad voices from the outside world, bear country and Eagle country will never pay attention to them.

In this world of the jungle, hard fists are the truth. Both the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom regard themselves as powerful black dragons. How can they ignore the cry of mole ants?

In order to maintain the prestige of our country and retaliate, in order to offset the anger of the domestic people, both the bear country and the eagle country will certainly retaliate against the dragon country and the mouse country.

Now that such a decision has been made, it is natural for us to take practical actions.

Bear country and Eagle country originally intended to retaliate against dragon country and mouse country respectively, so in the face of resistance from dragon country and mouse country, bear country and Eagle country became more angry and unhappy.

The leaders of bear and Eagle have given orders to intensify conflicts and launch attacks when necessary!

Previously, there were only some minor conflicts and frictions between Xiong soldiers and long soldiers, as well as between the eagle Navy and the mouse Navy, and there was no direct conflict.

After the leaders of bear and Eagle gave orders, the conflicts among the four parties suddenly intensified.

This time, the soldiers sent by the bear country and the Navy sent by the eagle country have a kind of anger. They have strong hostility to the dragon country and the mouse country.

After receiving the instructions from the superior, the soldiers of bear country and the navy of Eagle country did not suppress their emotions any more, but broke out, and it was an outbreak without any scruples. They launched an attack directly.

A big conflict is imminent!

The soldiers of Xiong and the navy of Ying took the lead in attacking the soldiers of dragon and the navy of mouse respectively. The soldiers of dragon and the navy of mouse made a striking counterattack. The four sides exchanged fire and the hot war began.

Some things start at a little bit. Once the fight starts, things will become less controllable.

After xiongguo soldiers and Yingguo Navy took the lead in launching the attack, both Longguo soldiers and mouse Navy launched a counterattack, which evolved into a large-scale battle.

There was a fierce exchange of fire between the two sides!

Once there are casualties, the situation will suddenly become very serious, the anger of both sides will be more intense, the fighting will be more fierce, and the scale of the battle will become larger and larger, and the forces of all parties will be more and more.

Of course, even if all parties are hostile and angry, they will not think that there will be more casualties on their own side. After a while of hard work, they all tacitly distance themselves from the battlefield.

This is the first time that several sides have engaged in a war. Although the scale is not particularly large, it has also caused many casualties.

Because of the soldiers of the bear country and the navy of the eagle country, the dragon country and the mouse country are the two sides with more casualties.