Chapter 699

The Northern War Zone is not far from the northern border. With full speed, Shen Ze and Qin Chao arrived at the border in about half an hour.

There is a long distance between the state of dragon and the state of bear, while Shen Ze and Qin Chao are at an important juncture of the two countries, and they are also an important place for military strategists to fight.

Jianmen pass is very steep, but compared with the other two countries, it is the best one.

The other border areas of the two countries are towering mountains. Except for the most advanced fighter planes in the world, nothing else can pass through them.

If Xiong's troops want to enter the Dragon Kingdom, Jianmen pass is the first choice for Xiong's troops.

After all, this is the only place where soldiers and chariots can pass, not anywhere else.

As for the use of the world's most advanced fighter, it is totally out of bear's consideration.

Because even if Xiong is a superpower, there are only a few of the most advanced fighters in the world today.

With only a few state-of-the-art fighters, Xiong obviously can't transport soldiers into the territory of Longguo with fighters.

Therefore, if Xiong's troops want to enter the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, they have to go through Jianmen pass, which is relatively the best.

As a matter of fact, Xiong did concentrate all his troops at Jianmen pass.

The Dragon Kingdom naturally knew this, so it arranged all the troops at Jianmen pass to defend here.

When Shen Ze and Qin Chao came to Jianmen pass, the two armies were already separated on both sides, facing each other across the pass.

On one side are 300000 elite Xiong troops, and on the other side are 300000 basaltic troops.

Both armies are fully armed, majestic and murderous!

The atmosphere of the whole Jianmen pass is very tense and depressing. The sword is in full swing, and the war is imminent!

Qin Chao drove his chariot to the camp where the Xuanwu army was stationed in front of Jianmen pass.

After the car stopped, Shen Ze and Qin Chao got off the car one after another.

"Let's go to a higher place." Shen Ze suggested.

"Good." Qin Chao nodded.

Later, Shen Ze and Qin Chao went to the top of the highest mountain in front of Jianmen pass with their superb martial arts strength.

Standing on a huge stone protruding from the mountain, Shen Ze, with both hands on his back and electric eyes, overlooks the whole Jianmen pass.

Qin Chao stands behind Shen Ze, also overlooking the whole Jianmen pass.

Shen Ze's eyes first swept over Xiong's 300000 elite troops, and then looked at his own 300000 basaltic troops.

Don't know is to see what good thing is the same, the corner of Shen Ze's mouth raised a light radian.

Shen Ze seems to have the same feeling, the tone is not salty to say such a sentence: "super power's elite troops are just like this."

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he first picked his eyebrows and then frowned.

Qin Chao hesitated for a moment and asked, "marshal, what do you mean by that?"

Qin Chao was a little confused. He didn't know why Shen Ze said such a sentence.

Because in his view, Xiong is a superpower, and the strength of the Ministry of arms is at the top level in the world.

At present, the 300000 Xiong troops are the elite troops of Xiong, and are equipped with the most advanced thermal weapons in the world. It can be said that they are the strongest troops in the world.

Qin Chao couldn't understand why Shen Ze said that Xiong's elite troops were just like this.

Shen Ze knew what Qin Chao was puzzled about, but he didn't show off. He answered, "I have a look and found that the Xuanwu army of the Dragon kingdom is no different from the 300000 elite troops of the Bear Kingdom in terms of momentum or other aspects."

Qin Chao smell speech, nodded, "this pour is true."

"In my heart, I always feel that the soldiers of our dragon kingdom are no worse than those of other countries. There is a gap, but the weapons are not advanced enough."

"With the same weapons, our soldiers in the Dragon state will not lose to those of any other state."

Qin Chao said in a positive tone: "if the soldiers of Xiong country were not equipped with the most advanced weapons in the world, the 300000 basaltic army would definitely be able to stop them!"

Shen Ze nodded slightly. He looked at the 300000 elite troops of Xiong kingdom. His eyes twinkled, and his tone sonorous said: "I don't just want to stop Xiong Kingdom's troops, I have other ideas."

Qin Chao smelled speech, picked to pick eyebrow, curiously open mouth to ask a way: "big Marshal still have what idea?"

"Those who violate our territory will be punished even though they are far away!"

Shen Ze said: "if these Xiong soldiers dare to cross the Jianmen pass, I will let them never come back!"

Qin Chao heard that Qi and blood in his body seemed to boil up, and his expression became a little excited.

"Yes, that is to make sure that those who invade our territory will never come back!"

Whether as a soldier or as a member of the Dragon Kingdom, Qin Chao did not want Xiong's soldiers to cross the Jianmen pass and enter the Dragon kingdom.

In his opinion, if Xiong soldiers cross the Jianmen pass and enter the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, they will offend the Dragon Kingdom and need to be slaughtered.

Every inch of mountains and rivers, every inch of blood, is the land of our dragon country where thieves from other countries can set foot?

Anyone who dares to come, let his blood splashed on the spot, head!

This is not only the idea of Shen Ze and Qin Chao, but also the persistence and belief of all the Dragon soldiers!

For every soldier of the Dragon Kingdom, it is the most basic responsibility and obligation not to let the thieves of any other country invade the territory.

If anyone dares to invade, fight him to the end, either you or I!

As long as they dare to invade, they will be killed!

It's normal for Shen Ze and Qin Chao to think that if Xiong's troops cross the Jianmen pass and invade the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, they will commit a capital crime and need to be killed.

Of course, it's one thing whether we can kill or not, but we must have such an idea, because this is the basic literacy of every dragon soldier.

If we don't even have this belief and idea, how can we resist the enemy outside our country?

Qin Chao said in a sonorous voice: "marshal, let's have a good fight. If these Xiong soldiers really cross the Jianmen pass, we will kill them all and let them never come back!"

"If they dare to invade the land of our dragon Kingdom, they are looking for death and deserve it!"

After saying these words, Qin Chao's eyes became very sharp, and there was a strong killing opportunity in his eyes.

Shen Ze nodded in agreement and said, "if Xiong really wants to invade our dragon Kingdom, let them never come back!"

As soon as the words were finished, Shen Ze's eyes also showed a cold kill.

At this time, the real war has not yet begun.

Shen Ze and Qin Chao didn't want to start the war now, because at the moment, there are only 300000 basaltic troops defending in front of Jianmen pass. Only when 30000 Silver Dragon Eagles arrive at Jianmen pass, can the battle have a good result.