Chapter 700

In terms of the quality of soldiers, the soldiers of the state of long are obviously not inferior to those of the state of Xiong. The reason why the basaltic army can not resist the 300000 elite troops of the state of Xiong is that the 300000 elite troops of the state of Xiong are equipped with the most advanced weapons in the world.

The weapons of Xiong's 300000 elite troops are more advanced and powerful than those of the soldiers of the Dragon kingdom. It's normal and natural that the basaltic army can't resist Xiong's 300000 elite troops in the same number of people.

Shen Ze and Qin Chao both know that if the two sides fight now, the Dragon kingdom will suffer. Even if the Xuanwu army resists Xiong Kingdom's 300000 elite troops at Jianmen pass, it will pay a great price, which is the sacrifice of Da haoerlang.

No matter Shen Ze or Qin Chao, they obviously don't want to see the Dragon soldiers die, let alone many people. They don't want to see any dragon soldiers die.

If the war starts now, the dragon's son will sacrifice a lot. This is not the situation Shen Ze and Qin Chao want to see.

Therefore, Shen Ze and Qin Chao do not want to fight now.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that war will not break out for a while.

Both the 300000 elite troops of Xiong state and the 300000 basaltic troops are standing on both sides of Jianmen pass, facing each other across the pass. Both sides just stand in the same place, and they don't mean to act rashly.

However, the surface looks very calm, but there is undercurrent surging in the dark.

The war may break out in the next moment. No one can say clearly. Even Shen Ze can't see it or guess it.

After all, the battlefield is ever-changing, and he can't guess what the leader of Xiong kingdom is thinking.

Before that, many people thought that Xiong would not engage in a big fight or invade the Dragon kingdom.

But who can imagine that Xiong soon sent these 300000 elite troops to Jianmen pass, and wanted to cross Jianmen pass and enter the territory of the Dragon kingdom.

Moreover, before that, there had been a lot of conflicts between the two countries at the border, and the two sides had been at war, causing a lot of casualties.

Therefore, no one can imagine what Xiong Guo will do.

Of course, as the world recognized rogue states, Xiong and Ying are also very normal to do things that people don't expect.

If you do normal things, it's not called the country of bear and the country of eagle.

As for what kind of action Xiong will take, the whole dragon kingdom can't fully guess. What it can do is to go all out to be well prepared and strangle all bad things in the cradle.

Before that, Xiong's 300000 elite troops were stationed in Xiong's barracks, and they didn't mean to attack on a large scale.

Now, the 300000 elite troops of Xiong state have come to Jianmen pass, which means they want to enter the Dragon state.

From the point of view of the state of dragon, we also think that Xiong's troops will invade the territory of the state of dragon, but it is different from what everyone guessed that Xiong's troops did not directly cross the Jianmen pass and invade the territory of the state of dragon.

Instead, he stopped at the Jianmen pass and did not move on.

However, although Xiong's 300000 elite troops have no intention of crossing the Jianmen pass and entering the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, it is obvious that the Dragon Kingdom has not taken it lightly, but has made the greatest possible precautions.

After all, no one can say whether Xiong's 300000 elite troops will invade the territory of the Dragon kingdom.

Although xiongguo's 300 000 elite troops have stopped at Jianmen pass, it doesn't mean xiongguo has changed his mind and won't attack Longguo any more.

In doing so, Xiong is likely to reorganize his troops and then launch a large-scale attack.

It is the so-called work hard, and then decline, three and exhausted.

It's impossible for Xiong's troops to make a good rectification and then break through the Jianmen pass and enter the territory of the Dragon kingdom.

Qin Chao watched Xiong's 300000 elite troops pause before Jianmen pass. He said with some doubts, "marshal, what do you think Xiong's troops are doing?"

"Did they change their mind and no longer want to invade the Dragon kingdom?"

Qin Chao does have this idea.

Because in Qin Chao's view, the Dragon Kingdom has been well prepared, and all the 300000 basaltic troops have arrived at Jianmen pass, and they are ready and ready.

It is obviously not easy for Xiong's troops to cross the Jianmen pass and enter the territory of the Dragon kingdom.

Although Jianmen pass is the best place to pass, the terrain here is still a little steep and difficult to pass.

If the Dragon Army defends here at the Jianmen pass, if it wants to keep Xiong's army out of the country, it can rely on the terrain of the Jianmen pass.

As the defensive side, the Dragon kingdom can take advantage of the terrain of Jianmen pass. As the offensive side, Jianmen pass is a headache for Xiong kingdom.

At the moment, the Dragon Kingdom has dispatched 300000 basaltic troops to prepare for defense in front of Jianmen pass.

When Xiong Guo sees this, he may be reluctant to invade the Dragon kingdom.

After all, if Xiong really wants to cross the Jianmen pass and enter the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, he will pay a great price, even a price that they can't bear.

"It's only possible."

Shen Ze first responded to Qin Chao, and then said, "but Xiong Guo may be recuperating. When their troops are recuperating, they will attack Jianmen pass in a big way."

Qin Chao knew that what Shen Ze said was also very likely. After listening to Shen Ze's words, he nodded in agreement.

Then, Qin Chao seemed to think of something, and said: "even if Xiong's troops are in recuperation, they will attack Jianmen pass after recuperation, but they are the attackers, we are the defenders."

"We can take advantage of the precipitous terrain of Jianmen pass, which is a headache for Xiong kingdom."

"With the help of Jianmen pass, we can defend Xiong's troops more easily, and Xiong's troops are more difficult to cross Jianmen pass."

"I think we can teach Xiong Guo a good lesson with the help of Jianmen pass."

For what Qin Chao said, Shen Ze nodded in agreement.

Shen Ze pondered for a moment and said, "we can really defend Xiong's troops with the help of Jianmen pass, but in the real gun competition, this Jianmen pass also helps us a lot."

"In addition, Xiong's troops are equipped with the most advanced thermal weapons in the world. Xiong's troops have a lot of pressure on our dragon's troops. If we really fight, even if we are defenders, we still have a lot of pressure."