Chapter 701

Although Shen Ze doesn't want to admit that Xiong's troops are more powerful than long's troops, he still has to accept the reality and recognize this.

In his opinion, even if the basaltic army can use the steep terrain of JIANMENGUAN to defend the Xiong troops, because of the gap in weapons, the steep terrain of JIANMENGUAN will not play such a big role.

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao also realized the problem.

He frowned and his face became a little gloomy.

After a while, Qin Chao said with an angry tone: "is there such a big gap between our weapons and Xiong's?"

Shen Ze smell speech, the corner of the mouth raised a helpless smile.

He pondered for a while, with a sense of helplessness in his tone, and said, "compared with bear's weapons, our weapons are similar to shotguns and cannons. Do you think there is a big gap?"

Qin Chao smell speech, the brow wrinkly more tight some.

"How can there be such a big gap in weapons between us and bear state?" Qin Chao's tone is full of anger, which becomes more intense.

Shen Ze said helplessly: "Xiong is one of the only two superpowers in the world. It's normal that their weapons are so advanced."

After a pause, Shen Ze said: "although the Dragon Kingdom has developed very well in recent years and has become the third largest country in the world, we still have to admit that we still have a big gap with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, especially in the strength of the arms department."

"There is a big gap between the Dragon Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom in all kinds of modern weapons."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao felt powerless.

He thought that the Dragon Kingdom has developed rapidly in recent years, and there is no big gap between the Dragon Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, but now it seems that this is just his wishful thinking.

As the only two superpowers in the world, both bear and Eagle countries have a very strong foundation, and their strength can not be measured by common sense.

Since the beginning of this century, both the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom have been recognized as the two most powerful countries in the world.

People in other countries can't find out how strong their national strength is, but people in other countries all know that their own country is far from bear country and Eagle country.

Some things can catch up, but it needs enough time and space for development.

Some things may not be able to catch up for a long time. For example, both bear country and Eagle country have the most advanced technology in the world today. No matter what is used for life or weapon preparation, they are the most advanced in the world today.

Now, there seems to be an inevitable war between Xiong and long, which has to make Shen Ze and Qin Chao face up to the gap between the two countries in the strength of the arms.

"Well, it's really hard for the basaltic army to resist Xiong Guo's 300000 elite troops equipped with the most advanced thermal weapons in the world." Qin Chao's face was ugly and his voice was low.

Shen Ze pondered for a while, and then said: "it's not irresistible, but it will pay a great price."

Qin Chao's heart became a little heavy when he heard the speech.

He naturally understood what Shen Ze said in his words was the price to pay.

In the situation of great disparity between the two sides, if we want to resist each other, we must pay a great price.

In the war, the price is the soldiers' sacrifice.

Shen Ze means that if Xiong's 300000 elite troops equipped with the most advanced weapons in the world launch an attack, the Dragon side will have to sacrifice a lot of soldiers to resist Xiong's troops.

No matter Shen Ze or Qin Chao, they obviously don't want to see such a thing happen.

If xiongguo's troops want to launch an attack, Longguo's side naturally has to resist with all its strength, but neither of them wants to see too many casualties among the soldiers on Longguo's side.

After all, as paoze, how can you bear to see each other sacrifice?

It's just that war is so cruel.

No matter whether the war is big or small, it will always be accompanied by blood and fire. After all, this is a bloody war!

Shen Ze and Qin Chao are veterans who have been through the battle for a long time. They are very clear about these.

Even if I can't bear to see paoze sacrifice, there is no better way or more to say.

For the sake of the nation and the people, some sacrifices are necessary and worthwhile.

Every soldier is a respectable and lovely person.

After a long time, Qin Chao clenched his hands into a fist and squeezed it hard. Then he said in a very low voice: "no matter whether Xiong's troops will attack or not, I just hope to spend more time to let the Silver Dragon carving reach the Jianmen pass."

After hearing the speech, Shen Ze said: "according to the current situation, Silver Dragon carving should be in time. Of course, this is only my speculation. I'm not sure whether it can be in time or not."

Qin Chao nodded, then said: "mind him, a little more time is a little more time."

Although it's not sure whether Xiong's troops will attack Longguo or when they will, Shen Ze and Qin Chao hope that all this will happen later.

After all, if the silver dragon Eagle arrives at Jianmen pass, it can reduce many casualties while assisting the basaltic army to resist the Xiong troops.

Although the Silver Dragon carving has only 30000 people, it has the fighting capacity of 100000 green dragon troops.

With the help of the Silver Dragon carving, the basaltic army can not only resist the Xiong army, but also launch a counter attack.

Qin Chao suddenly thought of something, and said in a sonorous tone: "Grand Marshal, the fighting capacity of the Silver Dragon carving is very high. If we talk about it alone, the members of the Silver Dragon carving are better than the soldiers of any nation."

"Compared with the elite soldiers of Xiong state, the members of the Silver Dragon carving are also strong."

"Marshal, when the Silver Dragon carving arrives, can we let the basaltic army try our best to stop it, and let the Silver Dragon carving find a chance to kill those Xiong soldiers who break into the Dragon kingdom?"

Qin Chao's idea is very good, and also in line with the reality.

Because every member of the Silver Dragon carving is a martial arts expert. Even though the Silver Dragon carving has only 30000 people, its combat effectiveness is very strong and terrifying.

Even the elite troops of Xiong kingdom are much worse than the Silver Dragon carving.

Qin Chao's idea is in line with the reality. With the basaltic army's full efforts to stop Xiong's troops, he can really let yinlongdiao wait for the opportunity to hang those Xiong's soldiers.

Qin Chao can think of it, so can Shen Ze.

Shen Ze said calmly: "just now I said that those soldiers who attack the Dragon kingdom will never come back. I just thought of making the Silver Dragon carving a wonder, and then I will give a fatal blow to the Bear Kingdom!"

Qin Chao smell speech, eyes suddenly become bright a lot!