Chapter 702

If Xiong's troops really cross the Jianmen pass and want to invade the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, Shen Ze and Qin Chao want to bring the thieves into the territory of the Dragon kingdom to justice.

After all, as a nation, it is the most basic thing not to let the soldiers of other countries invade.

Once Xiong's troops cross the Jianmen pass and enter the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, they are violating internationally recognized laws and regulations and must be severely punished.

No matter Shen Ze or Qin Chao, they are all cruel to the enemy, so they don't want to capture the prisoners, but intend to kill them directly!

How many come, how many kill!

When the enemy is killed, he is so scared and afraid that he dare not offend the Dragon kingdom again!

We should never be soft hearted to the enemy, or this kind of offense will happen again. Shen Ze and Qin Chao both know this truth well.

Just like the war between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom in those years, the western war zone has an unforgivable mind for the soldiers who break into the Dragon kingdom in the rat kingdom. They will kill as many as they come.

Even though he had captured many soldiers of rat Kingdom, Shen Ze never let them go. He once made a killing incident that shocked the world, killing 100000 soldiers of rat Kingdom overnight.

For the enemy, we always hold a kind of mind that we would rather kill by mistake than let it go!

This time, Shen Ze and Qin Chao have the same idea.

It's not only to resist and prevent Xiong's troops from entering the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, but also to let all Xiong's soldiers who break into the territory of the Dragon Kingdom never come back!

"In that case, I'm still looking forward to Xiong Guo's 300000 elite troops crossing the Jianmen pass."

Qin chaoleng said: "the last time I broke into the territory of Xiong state, I killed a ten thousand troops in Xiong state. Although many people were killed, I didn't do my best."

"The state of Xiong, a shameless rogue state, has been engaged in our dragon state for many years. It's too cheap to kill them only 10000 soldiers. We should kill them a little more to get rid of our hatred."

Speaking of this, Qin Chao seemed to think of something, and then he said: "the two bad birds, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, almost all the bad things in the world are caused by them. In my opinion, we should completely eliminate them!"

"If I can, I really want to be the leading force and go straight to the capital of bear state!"

When Qin Chao said these words, his tone was sonorous and forceful, and he had great courage and courage. Of course, he was not joking, but a very serious attitude.

Qin Chao does have such an idea, because his dislike of Xiong Guo is obviously in a certain situation, and he hopes to destroy Xiong Guo as soon as possible.

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Shen Ze seems to have a sense to say: "after all, war is not what we want. It's not good to fight and kill all day long."

"If you start a war, there will be blood and sacrifice. All the young men in the Dragon kingdom can't die in the battle."

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he said in a deep voice, "where there are people, there are fights. We don't want to fight, but there are some things we can't do!"

"If you can, who doesn't want to live a comfortable life, don't fight, don't kill, don't shed blood."

Shen Ze nodded and said, "yes, who doesn't want to live in peace."

"Let's leave it to our generation, and the next generation won't do it."

Shen Ze said with high spirits: "we want to turn this era into our own. We have to finish what our predecessors failed to accomplish.

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he inquired with all his thoughts: "marshal, what are the unfinished things you said before?"

Shen Zemu looked into the distance and pondered for a while before he said, "let the Dragon Kingdom become the only and most powerful nation in the world."

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he suddenly felt a surge of blood in his body, and his calm mood became turbulent.

Qin Chao could not help but said with high spirits: "well, let's work together to make the Dragon Kingdom the most powerful nation in the world!"

Qin Chao's eyes changed. He seemed to see the day when the Dragon kingdom became the most powerful nation in the world. He said with some longing, "when the Dragon Kingdom becomes the most powerful nation in the world, the world order will be written and formulated by the Dragon kingdom."

"At that time, let us live in peace, develop together, and let mankind enter a new era."

Long Guo's idea has always been one of great harmony and peaceful development. Qin Chao clearly knew this. That's why he said this.

"We will develop peacefully. Without war and sacrifice, our lives will only be better."

"By then, the world will be very beautiful!"

Shen Ze said: "there is still a long way to go for that day. There are many problems and difficulties to solve and overcome."

Qin Chao said with great fighting spirit: "it's OK. Anyway, everything is a problem to be solved and a difficulty to overcome. We in the Dragon Kingdom have experienced all kinds of sufferings, which is not a big deal."

The Dragon kingdom was fought and killed.

A few years ago, the Dragon kingdom was still very weak and often bullied or even invaded by other countries. The people of this generation suffered a lot.

We have not forgotten our roots, so we will have a peaceful and optimistic attitude towards those difficulties and problems.

Of course, if the goal of the Dragon Kingdom becomes to become the most powerful nation in the world, I believe all the people of the Dragon kingdom will be full of energy, and they will not care so much about those problems and difficulties.

Moreover, we will have enough patience and willpower to complete this matter.

After all, the people of any nation are willing to do anything as long as they can make their own nation the most powerful nation in the world.

It's a wonderful vision and a wonderful idea.

After all, if one's own state becomes the most powerful state in the world, one can make the world order, prevent one's own state from suffering from war, and the people can live a stable and good life.

Such a state is obviously what everyone wants to have.

"The Grand Marshal is still ambitious, not trapped in the immediate predicament, and has a very long-term view."

Although Qin Chao is in the emotion, but these words are from the heart, said to Shen Ze's admiration.

Shen Ze didn't say anything about Qin Chao's praise.

Shen Ze doesn't think it's a big deal. He's just in a high position and thinks about the long term.

Of course, he is a man with ideals and ambitions.

Shen Ze had such an idea for a long time to make the Dragon Kingdom the most powerful nation in the world.

Now, he has achieved the position of one person below ten thousand people above, and many things have nothing to do. It is indeed a good goal and ideal to make the Dragon Kingdom the most powerful nation in the world.