Chapter 707

Shen Ze's standing above the Jianmen pass is an inspiring thing for the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom, and a striking thing for the soldiers of the Bear Kingdom.

On the one hand, the will to fight is rising, and on the other hand, the will to fight is falling. This gap will obviously affect the war situation.

It has to be said that Shen Ze's appearance more or less affected the war situation.

Of course, although it didn't change the situation directly and made Xiong stop attacking Jianmen pass, it still played a big role in the end.

Shen Ze came to Jianmen pass, not to stand high to play, but to do something.

Because of the rugged road, although Xiong's armored vehicles didn't move fast, they quickly reached the Jianmen pass.

Bear's armored vehicles can't all keep the same, so only a few hundred armored vehicles rushed to the front.

This rush in front of hundreds of armored vehicles, impressively is the first time to arrive at the gate of Jianmen pass.

And when these hundreds of armored vehicles arrived at the gate of Jianmen pass, Shen Ze, who was standing on the top of Jianmen pass, moved.

Shen Ze's action is very simple.

He raised his right hand and waved it down.


With the wave of Shen Ze's hand, a surge of energy like the sea swept out of his body.


The momentum is like an invisible arrow, from top to bottom, toward the bear armored chariot below.

"Whew, whew..."

The shrill whistling sound startled the air!

Hearing this continuous whistling sound, whether it's the soldiers of the Dragon kingdom or the soldiers of the Bear Kingdom, they will subconsciously raise their heads and look at the sky.

Because the soldiers on the scene were not strong warriors of Shen Ze's level, they could not see the invisible arrows.

What they can see is only the distorted sky. They just feel that the picture of the sky is torn and twisted.

Of course, all the people present could feel the terrible force sweeping down from the sky. They all had the feeling of panic and cold sweat.

As we all know, Shen Ze is a top martial arts man. He once killed a martial arts master, and he was all powerful.

At the moment, although we can't see exactly what happened, we all know that Shen Ze is exerting his force and using that kind of terrorist means.

Looking up at the young figure standing on the Jianmen pass, the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom showed a color of awe in their eyes and a strong color of excitement on their faces.

The Grand Marshal's action must have a great response!

It's better to kill all the thieves in Xiong country!

Three hundred thousand basaltic army hold their breath and look forward to Shen Ze's great power and beating Xiong soldiers to pieces.

Because Shen Ze appeared above the Jianmen pass, the soldiers of Xiong kingdom had already felt awe and fear in their hearts.

At this moment, seeing Shen Ze, the top martial artist, who has used his own terrible means, the soldiers of Xiong country are even more afraid.

Before Shen Ze started, Xiong's soldiers could still say some tough words and go on, but when they really met Shen Ze, they still counseled.

After all, Shen Ze's means are beyond the scope of human beings, which is completely elusive.

This makes bear soldiers have a fear of the unknown, which makes them unable to settle down.

For a moment, the soldiers of Xiong state were made nervous by Shen Ze.

And because Shen Ze, the top warrior, is so skillful, Xiong can't find the top warrior to resist for a while, so the soldiers don't know what to do.

Of course, although the hearts are full of unknown fear, but these bear soldiers still can only harden their heads and continue to move forward.

After all, at this time, there is no retrogression, there is no way out.


At that moment, thousands of invisible arrows roared down and collided with hundreds of armored combat vehicles in the front of Xiong guona.

"Bang bang dang..."

It's like there are thousands of real arrows shooting at these armored vehicles, and all kinds of deafening metal collisions are ringing one after another.

Although they are invisible arrows, the lethality of each arrow is very terrible.

Armored combat vehicle, as the name suggests, is a kind of combat vehicle made of special hard material.

Even though the armored vehicles are very hard, they are shot through or broken by these arrows. The power of these arrows is terrifying, which can be seen.

Because it was an undifferentiated attack, and there was no specific point attack, these arrows shot down. But because there were enough arrows, they shot the hundreds of armored combat vehicles that were in the front of xiongguo.

The hundreds of armored vehicles were shot into wasps' nests, pitted and dilapidated.


The Xiong soldiers sitting in these hundreds of armored vehicles were all shot by invisible arrows.

These Xiong soldiers are all flesh born, and can't resist the invisible arrow.

Invisible arrows penetrated the bodies of these bear soldiers.

Blood donation splash, all kinds of shrill screams, one after another sounded.

In a flash, however, hundreds of Xiong's armored combat vehicles at the front were all scrapped and turned into scrap metal. None of the Xiong's soldiers sitting in these armored combat vehicles were spared and all of them were shot dead by invisible arrows.

A face to face, bear soldiers died nearly 3000 people!

So terrible!

"Hiss, hiss..."

Inside and outside the Jianmen pass, there was a sound of cold breath.

The soldiers of the Dragon kingdom were shocked and excited when they looked at the armored vehicles of Xiong Kingdom, which had been turned into scrap iron and covered with blood donation.

Is this the grandeur of the Grand Marshal?

In a single glance, it destroyed hundreds of armored vehicles and killed nearly 3000 bear soldiers.

This means, this hand, also too damn cow force and terror!

Is this something that people can do?

The Grand Marshal is worthy of the existence of half man and half god. He is too strong!

The soldiers of the Dragon kingdom are very excited about Shen Ze's miraculous performance.

By doing so, Shen Ze obviously inspired the soldiers of the Dragon kingdom again.

Shen Ze's hand was like a slap in the face for the soldiers of Xiong country, which caused a very serious blow to them.

Before your mother started fighting, she lost hundreds of armored vehicles and nearly 3000 soldiers. How can you play?

Is Shen Diaolong still a man? How could it be so powerful?

If Shen Diaolong has been doing this all the time, how can they cross the Jianmen pass and enter the territory of the Dragon kingdom?