Chapter 708

Shen Ze's martial arts strength and means are obviously out of the scope of human cognition, and reach the limit of human today.

After all, a normal person can't do such a thing.

With just a wave of his hand, he destroyed hundreds of armored vehicles in Bear Kingdom and killed nearly 3000 soldiers in Bear Kingdom. This method is too shocking and terrible!

Of course, people all over the world know that there are some rare strong warriors who have been separated from the category of human beings and can no longer be measured according to common sense.

But there are very few people as terrible as Shen Ze.

Even if you follow Niubi, you can't force Niubi to the bottom!

Isn't it a little over the top?

At the moment, this is the idea of all the bear soldiers present.

Because of Shen Ze's appearance, Xiong soldiers have been greatly affected. Now, after seeing Shen Ze's skill, Xiong soldiers are greatly affected.

Previously, it was only a slight impact, but now it has become very big, which can be said to have affected the morale of the Xiong troops.

"This Shen Diaolong is really terrible. He is so tough. How can we fight with him to guard the Jianmen pass?"

"Yes, this Shen Diaolong is not a human being, and his whole body of force is too terrible!"

"Just a wave of the hand will destroy hundreds of our armored vehicles and kill nearly 3000 brothers. This kind of means can't be used by human beings!"

Because of Shen Ze's skill, Xiong's soldiers were greatly frightened.

Because the soldiers of the Bear Kingdom were afraid and didn't want to die without any reason, the armored vehicles of the Bear Kingdom suddenly braked, stopped and didn't move on.

As the armored vehicles in the front stopped, the armored vehicles in the back could not move forward and could only stop.

But after a while, the remaining tens of thousands of bear armored vehicles all stopped.

The gate of Jianmen, which was very quiet, suddenly became quiet.

Everything was quiet, but the tension and depression were still there.

"All armored vehicles have come to a halt. The bear troops are counselled!"

"The Grand Marshal's demeanor is still the same as that of those years. It's true that one man is in charge of the pass, and ten thousand people can't open it. Just one person will frighten thousands of troops and horses!"

"The Grand Marshal is really a man of God. He is too fierce and tough!"

"It's lucky to have such a person as Grand Marshal in the state of dragon."

"The Grand Marshal is a model of our generation. Men should be like that!"

"It's a great honor to see the Grand Marshal!"

"If you can fight side by side with the Grand Marshal and share the glory with him, you will have no regrets even if you die."

"Damn, I'm boiling with blood now. Even if all those guys in Xiong country rush over, I can stop them all!"

"I have the will to fight now. I'll kill as many as I come!"

"Damn, now I'm not afraid of the 300000 elite troops of Xiong state!"

"It's nothing to do with the Grand Marshal here!"

"Grand Marshal is the God of war who is invincible. If we follow him, we will not lose the battle."

"Yes, we will win this war!"

"With the Grand Marshal, we are sure to win."

Seeing that all the armored chariots of the Bear Kingdom stopped like fear, the soldiers of the Dragon kingdom were even more excited, and each of them had a burning will to fight.

Shen Ze's exertion of this skill is very costly to himself, but at present, it seems that it is very worthwhile for him to do so.

It not only has a good deterrent effect on the soldiers of Xiong country, but also has a good effect on the morale of the soldiers of long country. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

When the two armies are going to fight, morale is obviously very important.

If there is overwhelming morale on one side, it will be fatal to the other.

After all, if you really come to the battlefield, you will work hard. If you are not determined enough, you may be in a different position.

The soldiers of Longguo are very grateful for Shen Ze's deterrence and demoralization.

After all, Shen Ze's doing this is helpful to everyone.

For Shen Ze, the method he just used can't be used continuously. After all, every time he used it, he would consume a lot of money.

Although as a top warrior, he has been separated from the category of human beings, he has not become a real God.

For any top martial arts player, it will cost a lot to use Shen zegang's method, and it can't be used continuously.

After all, if this means can be used continuously, it is really God, not man.

Shen Ze's breath is not very stable after he has just used his method. He is in disorder and his Qi and blood are also churning.

Shen Ze's injury has not been completely healed, and his martial arts strength has not recovered to the peak. It's hard for him to use that kind of means just now.

After using this method, he obviously can't continue to use it.

Of course, Shen Ze didn't plan to continue.

The reason why he came here is to give the Xiong troops a bad impression and try to delay as long as possible. When the silver dragon Eagle arrives at Jianmen pass, he has achieved this goal.

Shen Ze, standing on the top of Jianmen pass, puts his hands on his back and looks down at Xiong Guo's troops.

Seeing that all the armored vehicles of Xiong country had stopped, Shen Ze's face showed a touch of satisfaction.

What we want is this effect. At present, it looks good. If we can delay a little time, we can count a little time.

Although Shen Ze is a top martial artist with strong fighting power, he still has self-knowledge.

After all, he is still a man, not a God. He can't stop Xiong Guo's 300000 elite troops by himself. What he can do is to use some means to delay time.

Although shocked by Shen zegang's means, both the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom know very well that Shen Ze can't stop the Bear Kingdom's troops alone, even though Shen Ze is a top warrior with very strong fighting power.

The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom calm down after excitement, while the soldiers of the Bear Kingdom calm down gradually in fear. They return to their senses and return to normal.

Although shocked by Shen zegang's means, Xiong's soldiers did not lose all their confidence.

"Even if Shen Diaolong is a top martial artist, he is not a God after all. He can't use that kind of means continuously. We don't have to be afraid of him!"

"Shen Diaolong is still a mortal. He alone can't resist our 300000 troops!"

"Shen Diaolong did this just to scare us. We can't be scared by him."

"Shen Diaolong is powerful, but not so powerful that one person can resist thousands of troops. We don't have to be so afraid."