Chapter 714

Because of its superiority in weapons, Xiong's firepower and combat effectiveness are obviously stronger than those of the basaltic army.

Because of this, in the face of the attack of Xiong's troops, the basaltic army was a little overwhelmed.

Even though relying on a large number of soldiers, Xiong Guojun's troops were intercepted in the area of JIANMENGUAN in a short time, but in the long run, they will not be able to hold on.

Every soldier of the Xuanwu army fought hard and died. They were not afraid to give their lives and tried their best to resist the Xiong army.

For every soldier in the Dragon Kingdom, it is their responsibility not to let Xiong's troops pass through the area of Jianmen pass and enter the territory of the Dragon kingdom.

In order to achieve this goal, they are not afraid of hardship, fatigue and sacrifice.

Of course, because of the great disparity in combat effectiveness between the two sides, even if the basaltic army is willing to die to resist, it is still a little weak.

Moreover, the casualties of the basaltic army became very terrible, and the number of casualties rose very fast.

Of course, the casualties of Xiong soldiers are also increasing.

Shen Ze is on the top of the highest mountain, overlooking the whole battlefield. He can see everything in the battlefield.

Shen Ze can clearly see that the Xuanwu army can't hold Xiong's troops.

Seeing this scene, he had thought of it for a long time, so he didn't feel surprised, and there was no huge emotional fluctuation.

Of course, he didn't want to see such a scene.

After all, it's not a good thing that the Dragon army is defeated by the bear army.

"The gap in weapons is still huge." Shen Ze said helplessly.

The strongest force in the Dragon kingdom is the Qinglong army led by Shen Ze.

In Shen Ze's opinion, it would be very difficult to let 300000 Qinglong troops resist Xiong's 300000 elite troops.

Even if we can keep Xiong's troops out of the Jianmen pass, we will pay a great price, because the gap between the two sides in weapons can not be changed after all.

"It's necessary for the Dragon kingdom to vigorously develop arms." Shen Ze said to himself.

In Shen Ze's mind, if the weapons of the Dragon kingdom can be developed to the most advanced in the world today, then the troops of the Dragon kingdom will not be afraid of the troops of any other country, even the troops of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

In recent years, Longguo has developed very well and is already very strong, but it is not strong enough. In many aspects, it is not strong enough and it can not reach the level of leading in the world.

In Shen Ze's view, the Dragon state needs to be a world leader in all aspects, so that it can have the confidence and the strength to be afraid of any country.

Of course, this is also a necessary condition for becoming the world's first power.

It's really a long way to go. It's a long way to go!

The Dragon Kingdom has a long way to go.

Shen Ze didn't want to see the basaltic army retreat, but he had no way. He couldn't change the situation when there was a huge gap between the two sides.

He has done his best before, and now he can't help much.

Even if we kill some Xiong soldiers again, it will not change the overall situation.

Now the only thing that can change the situation is the Silver Dragon carving resisting the sword gate pass!

In Shen Ze's view, as long as 30000 Silver Dragon Eagles resist Jianmen pass, the current war situation can be reversed.

As the founder of Silver Dragon carving, Shen Ze is very clear about the strength of Silver Dragon carving.

As a famous mysterious organization in the world, the terror and power of the Silver Dragon carving are obviously extraordinary.

If the number of people is the same, yinlongguo can be said to be the strongest army in the Dragon kingdom.

The members of the Silver Dragon carving are all martial arts masters. After all, they have the most advanced training in the world. Even if they are not equipped with the most advanced weapons, they are not much different.

Although the Silver Dragon carving has only 30000 members, it is comparable to the 100000 green dragon army. Moreover, under special circumstances, the 30000 Silver Dragon carving is more powerful than the 300000 green dragon army!

Just like now, Shen Ze believes that as long as the Silver Dragon carving resists the Jianmen pass, it can turn the situation around in an instant and turn the Dragon kingdom from a declining trend to a crushing one.

Thinking of this, Shen Ze looked back at the territory of the Dragon Kingdom and whispered to himself, "hold on for a while, the Silver Dragon carving should be coming."

After receiving Shen Ze's instructions, all the 30000 Silver Dragon sculptures stationed in Yanjing set out to rush to the northern border.

Although there are a large number of people, the secret keeping work of the Silver Dragon carving is very good. No one knows about it except Shen Ze and Qin Chao.

As a mysterious organization, Silver Dragon carving is obviously familiar with this kind of secret work and is very good at it.

Thirty thousand silver dragon sculptures came from Yanjing to the Northern War Zone.

Silver Dragon carving is a well-trained organization. It is not too much to say that it is more formal than the establishment of troops.

Knowing that the war was urgent, the silver dragon Eagle did not stop for a moment and came to the northern border as quickly as possible.

It's better to come earlier than it is. Just when the basaltic army is more and more unable to resist Xiong's army, it almost falls on one side, the silver dragon is here!


With the sound of the engine, thousands of jeeps, like thousands of tigers, are running towards Jianmen pass.

Because they didn't know in advance, neither the Dragon soldiers nor the bear soldiers knew who these thousands of jeeps were.

Of course, because this is coming from the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, it is not difficult for the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom to think that this is the rescue sent by the Dragon kingdom.

In this regard, the soldiers of Longguo are very happy, while the soldiers of xiongguo look a little ugly.

These basaltic armies are hard enough to solve. If the Dragon Kingdom sends troops to rescue, it will be even harder to attack?

However, although I think so, there is no big mood fluctuation in Xiong's side. After all, in their opinion, the troops of the Dragon kingdom can't beat them. With their strong fighting capacity, even if more people come to the Dragon Kingdom, they can't stop them.

In the eyes of Xiong soldiers, the soldiers of the Dragon kingdom are vulnerable to attack. Kill as many as you come!

For the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom, although they are very clear in their hearts that Xiong troops are very difficult to stop, as long as more brothers come, they can help more or less. At least they have some comfort in their hearts, no matter how much they can play.

Thousands of jeeps don't look strange, because they are all ordinary jeeps. Apart from the large number, there is nothing surprising.

But there are little flags on the hood in front of these jeeps.

If you look carefully, you can find that these little flags are all purple, and they are carved with a silver dragon pattern. This little flag is an outstanding indication of the Silver Dragon carving!