Chapter 715

As the jeep gets closer and closer, the soldiers of dragon and bear clearly see the little flags standing on the hood in front of the jeep.

"That little flag has a silver dragon pattern on it. Doesn't it represent the Silver Dragon carving?"

"Every jeep has a small flag with a Silver Dragon carving on it. Is it a Silver Dragon carving?"

"Damn, it's like the Silver Dragon carving is coming!"

Silver Dragon carving is the most mysterious organization in the Dragon Kingdom, but it is familiar to others internationally.

Because the Silver Dragon carving has done a lot of international things, and has achieved great fame.

Every time the Silver Dragon carving appears, it will set off a bloodbath.

It's like the pronoun of a devil. Everywhere he goes, there is a disaster of blood.

The Silver Dragon carving's prestige in the world makes the world scared.

The horror of the Silver Dragon carving can be seen.

"I didn't expect that our rescuer was a Silver Dragon carving. It's really wonderful!"

"Silver Dragon carving is a very terrifying and powerful organization. When they come to help us, it's really like a tiger adding wings, which makes our combat effectiveness greatly improved all at once!"

"Thousands of jeeps, I feel the Silver Dragon carving is all here, this is really the first time to see!"

"Yes, before the Silver Dragon carving appeared, it was only a part of its members, but this time it seems that all of them are out!"

"If we have Silver Dragon carving to help us, we will not be the bandits of bear country at all!"

"The rescue is a Silver Dragon carving. We can launch a counterattack!"

"Come on, start the counterattack. I've been mad for a long time!"

"Damn, the rescue is a Silver Dragon carving. I didn't expect that our combat effectiveness would become stronger. It's time to fight back!"

"As soon as the Silver Dragon carving comes, our strength will not be weaker than that of the Xiong troops."

"I didn't expect to come to the rescue, and I didn't expect that the rescue was Silver Dragon carving. It's very good that we have hope to resist the Xiong army."

"I'm so lucky to be able to fight with the Silver Dragon carving."

"Here comes the Silver Dragon carving. You can let those guys in bear country taste our power!"

For the Silver Dragon carving to help, the Dragon soldiers are very happy.

At the same time, they are a little excited.

He had been beaten by Xiong's troops and killed many brothers, which made the soldiers in Longguo feel angry and angry.

With the arrival of the Silver Dragon carving, they can see the hope of counterattack. How can they not be excited?

For the soldiers of the Bear Kingdom, the arrival of the Silver Dragon carving is obviously a very bad and bad thing.

The ferocity and ferocity of the Silver Dragon carving are well known all over the world.

If it's other dragon reinforcements, the soldiers of Xiong will not be so afraid or worried about it. But this is a Silver Dragon carving, so they have to face it squarely, and even feel a little headache.

Although they haven't dealt with each other, the soldiers of Xiong also know that the fighting power of the Silver Dragon carving is terrible because of its international reputation.

If the silver dragon Eagles join the battlefield, they are really not good at attacking.

Xiong soldiers even feel that as soon as the Silver Dragon carving is added, the war situation will change greatly.

However, although they were afraid of the Silver Dragon carving, the soldiers of Xiong did not shrink back and still launched a fierce attack towards the territory of the Dragon kingdom.

No matter which state soldiers, there is a kind of bloody.

It's obviously not a soldier's style to admit defeat before fighting.

I don't know if I can make it.

Even if you can't fight, you have to fight, because it's a military order, and it can't be violated!

What's more, now that the war has reached such a point, where is the reason to retreat?

Therefore, even if the arrival of the Silver Dragon carving, the bear side is very afraid, but still did not change the meaning of attacking the dragon.

Due to the short distance, thousands of jeeps soon came to Jianmen pass.

Add the silver dragon to the battlefield!

The combat effectiveness of the Silver Dragon carving is really terrible. As soon as it joins the battlefield, it has an immediate effect.

Previously, the basaltic army could not stop Xiong's elite troops, but because of the appearance of the Silver Dragon carving, this situation immediately did not exist.

Although the addition of Silver Dragon carving will not give the Dragon Kingdom an absolute overwhelming advantage, it can still turn the situation around, but the Dragon Kingdom has changed from a disadvantage to a kind of balance, or even an advantage.

Although it was the first time that the Silver Dragon carving and the basaltic army fought together, they still had a tacit understanding.

The Xuanwu army is in charge of defense, while the silver dragon eagle is in charge of attack. With the cooperation of both sides, the Xiong army is slowly repulsed.


The members of the Silver Dragon carving are all wearing silver battle clothes and receiving silver hot weapons. They are like a group of ghost soldiers from hell. After joining the battlefield, they directly reap the lives of the soldiers of the Bear Kingdom by incredible means.

The addition of Silver Dragon carving has greatly changed the war situation.

Previously, the basaltic army was passive defense, and they were always beaten by the Xiong troops. After the silver dragon Eagle came, they changed from defensive state to offensive state.

Of course, because the reinforcements are silver dragon sculptures, the basaltic army is more excited and more aggressive.

The anger they had accumulated before seemed to be released at this time, and became more fierce.


The people drank the word and started the clarion call of counter charge.

Later, the Silver Dragon carving cooperated with the Xuanwu army and launched a counterattack against the Xiong army.

Before that, Xiong's troops almost all crossed the Jianmen pass and attacked the territory of Longguo.

In principle, Xiong's troops have invaded the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, but because it is a no man's land near Jianmen pass, it has not caused other casualties and other property losses.

Therefore, it is very suitable for the Dragon kingdom to launch a counter offensive now.

Of course, before that, there had been a lot of casualties in the basaltic army.

This is a good time for us to avenge our dead brother.

The arrival of the Silver Dragon carving has greatly boosted the morale of the basaltic army. To be right, the morale of the Xiong army has become lower.

And this change can be fatal on the battlefield.

Therefore, combined with the situation in all aspects, Xiong's troops lost momentum and were overwhelmed by the counter attack jointly launched by the Xuanwu army and the Silver Dragon carving.

Previously, the Xuanwu army was beaten and retreated by the xiongguo army. Now, the situation is reversed. The xiongguo army is beaten and retreated by the Longguo army.

All of them rushed back to the end of Jianmen pass to let the soldiers return to bear country.

Of course, it is easy to say, but very difficult to do.

Even with the help of the Silver Dragon carving, the Dragon kingdom can take counter offensive and counter killing measures, but it will still pay a great price to drive all the soldiers back.