Chapter 720

In the first battle of JIANMENGUAN, Shen Ze stepped on the battlefield again several years later.

Every time Shen Ze leads a battle, he is invincible and has never been defeated.

This time, Shen Ze also led the battle and did not lose.

If it's true, it's a draw with the Xiong troops.

Of course, this is the worst of Shen Ze's past achievements.

Because all the battles Shen Ze fought before were victories, not only no defeats, but also no draws.

As for Shen Ze's deployment of the northern border and his personal participation in the battlefield to resist the attack of Xiong's 300000 elite troops, the people of Longguo praise him very much, and trust and respect him even more.

"Now it seems that Shen Diaolong really played an important role in the Dragon kingdom. At the beginning, the imperial court should not have removed his position as Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the title of Dragon God."

"Yes, Shen Diaolong was a pioneer for the country and the people. He was the Grand Marshal of the army and the supreme Dragon God."

"Now that the imperial court has restored Shen Diaolong's position as Grand Marshal of the army, let's take advantage of the heat and strike iron, and then restore Shen Diaolong's position as Dragon God."

"Yes, I also propose to restore Shen Diaolong's status as dragon god!"

"Shen Diaolong is worthy of the title of Dragon God. I also suggest that the imperial court restore his title of Dragon God."

People's eyes are bright. When you do something bad, people will criticize you. When you do something good, people will praise you.

Shen Ze led the Northern War Zone and resisted the attack of Xiong troops, which made the people of Longguo say good things about him. Many people called on and advocated the national court to restore Shen Ze's position as Dragon God.

Among the members of the national assembly, some of them, headed by Huang Shiping, have been prejudiced against Shen Ze, while most of them, like Lei Ming, have no prejudices against Shen Ze and just treat him normally.

Of course, because of the communication with Shen Ze last time, Lei Ming, the second leader of the National People's court, has a more objective understanding of Shen Ze and appreciates Shen Ze very much.

As for the appeal of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, Huang Shiping did not want to restore Shen Ze's position as Dragon God, but Lei Ming did.

It's not only a reward for Shen Ze's leading the Northern War Zone to resist the attack of Xiong Guo's troops, but also conforms to the public opinion. It's a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, the restoration of Shen Ze Long's status in the national court can also reflect the normal reward and punishment system of the national court.

If you do something wrong, you should be punished. If you do something good, you should be rewarded.

Although the people headed by Huang Shiping didn't want to restore Shen Ze's position as Dragon God, it has become a general trend and they can't stop it.

So, in the end, the imperial court restored Shen Ze's position as Dragon God, which was obviously a happy thing for all.

In this way, Shen Ze restored all his previous positions.

For Shen Ze himself, it is not important to restore the position of Dragon God.

Of course, the court made such a decision, and he accepted it without shirking it.

After all, he is qualified to sit in this position.

What's more, the people of the state of dragon also recognize that he has these honors and positions.

After a while, Shen Ze finally became the commander of his western war zone, the Grand Marshal of the army, and the Dragon God.

From being to nothing, and then from nothing to being, Shen Ze still has some feelings. However, he didn't think much about it. Everything was indifferent. How to do it or how to do it.

In the name of the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, Shen Ze immediately begged the imperial court to pursue those soldiers who died in the battle of JIANMENGUAN.

The imperial court had intended to do so. After Shen Ze, the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, pleaded with him, the imperial court immediately pursued and rewarded those soldiers who had died.

Although people are gone, everything is not important, but these awards and posthumous can be regarded as a kind of comfort, can make the living people feel more comfortable, not cold.

In this battle of Jianmen pass, the Dragon Kingdom won, and the whole nation was in a slightly jubilant atmosphere.

Of course, the people of Longguo also know that it's not over yet, and they can't be happy too soon.

After that, there may be even worse things to happen. We can't be careless.

It's just like Xiong turned his head to suppress and punish the Dragon Kingdom after he was crushed at Jianmen pass.

Xiong is the only superpower in the world after all, stronger than long in all aspects.

In the face of bear state's full-scale sanctions and crackdown, dragon state is under great pressure. The domestic situation is not optimistic. Even with the help of rat state, which has become an alliance country, it is still unable to resist.

"Xiong Guo is doing something again. It's disgusting and annoying!"

"Xiong Guo is really a shitty stick. What's the advantage of his coming to our dragon kingdom? He has to do these thankless things!"

"I don't think Xiong has suffered enough. He has even stepped up efforts to suppress and punish our dragon kingdom."

"Even if Xiong tries his best to punish and suppress our dragon Kingdom, our dragon kingdom will still be able to survive and will not be destroyed by him."

"I believe that the Dragon kingdom can support us and will not be destroyed by the Bear Kingdom."

"I hope everyone can unite and make it through together!"

"Even if the state of Xiong concentrates on dealing with our dragon state this time, our dragon state is not empty of him."

"No matter what Xiong Guo does, let's unite as one and work hard. If we don't work hard, don't get into trouble. Let's get through this together."

Bear's all-out crackdown and sanctions, let the Dragon up and down twisted into a rope, reached an unprecedented state of unity.

Before that, Shen Ze took the lead to clean up the garbage dignitaries who brought disaster to the country and the people in Yanjing. Later, the National People's court also took the lead to clean up the garbage dignitaries in various places.

Now, there is no such kind of garbage power in Longguo, so we can really unite to fight against external pressure.

Of course, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. Among them, there are still a few people who make trouble, but they are all in a small number, and they can't make any big waves, so they can be ignored directly.

With nearly one billion people, Longguo is the most populous country in the world.

One billion people unite as one, and the power gathered is obviously terrible.

In addition, the Dragon kingdom can also get the help of other states such as the rat Kingdom, which stands out to resist the Bear Kingdom's full sanctions and suppression.

However, despite the resistance, the domestic situation in Longguo is still not optimistic, and the whole country is in a bad situation.

Longguo is like a bog. It's hard to move, let alone have a good development. Bear's full sanctions and crackdown can be seen.

For a while, it's obvious that the Dragon kingdom can't reverse this difficult situation!