Chapter 721

The state of dragon can't get out of trouble for a while, and the state of bear can't press the state of dragon to death for a while.

It's like forming a kind of seesaw battle, and it's impossible to decide the outcome in a short time.

And the end result is likely to be that we can't tell the difference all the time.


At the same time of the battle of JIANMENGUAN, there was a fierce exchange of fire between the rat Navy and the eagle Navy.

The navies of the two countries fought in the territorial sea of the rat country.

Yingguo is also a super power. The arms department is very powerful, and its weapons are also the most advanced in the world.

In all respects, the eagle Navy is obviously more powerful than the rat Navy.

The battle between the two sides is obviously better than that of the eagle Navy.

However, because the battlefield is in the territorial sea of rat country, the navy of rat country has more supplies and more reinforcements.

Therefore, the two sides still fought back and forth, and many people died.

It's similar to the first battle of JIANMENGUAN, and the dead soldiers of rat country and Eagle country are similar.

However, due to the fierce firepower of the eagle Kingdom, some buildings and military bases in the territorial sea of the rat kingdom were destroyed. Generally speaking, the loss of the rat kingdom was even greater.

Rat country knows that if it continues to fight, it may lose more on its own side. However, rat country has never been soft and has always been hard with Eagle country.

Because the battlefield is in the territorial waters of the rat Kingdom, even if the eagle Kingdom sent ten warships, they still can't bear it.

Eagle can launch a large-scale attack at most, and then because there is no supply, its firepower becomes weaker and weaker, and finally it can no longer attack rat's territorial waters.

The leader of the eagle kingdom is not a fool. If you attack the territorial waters of the rat kingdom without supplies, you will lose more than you gain.

Therefore, after launching a large-scale attack, the eagle Navy piloted its warships and withdrew from the territorial waters of the rat kingdom.

The war between the two sides, on the whole, was supported by the rat Kingdom, which did not allow the eagle kingdom to advance too far and completely invade the territorial waters of the rat kingdom.

Of course, as long as a war is launched, it will be a huge consumption for both the eagle and the rat countries, and neither side can get along well.

As a weak party, rat state damages more interests.

Many soldiers were sacrificed, and many buildings and military bases in the territorial waters were destroyed. Fortunately, the eagle navy was resisted, causing no more losses.

As for the eagle Kingdom, it's almost the same as the Bear Kingdom, and it's a bit shriveled in the battle of territorial waters.

As the only superpower in the world, whether it is the bear or the eagle, they always crush the other side when they launch war.

This time, no matter the Bear Kingdom attacked the Dragon Kingdom, or the eagle Kingdom attacked the territorial waters of the rat Kingdom, they did not absolutely suppress them. Instead, they fought very hard, and they couldn't fight well. They all had a lot of losses.

The battle of JIANMENGUAN and the battle of territorial sea let people all over the world see the strength of the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom, and realize that the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom have really risen and become less provocative roles.

Imperceptibly, people all over the world believe that the current international situation has really changed, and the pattern has also changed a lot.

In the eyes of the world, the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom have become very powerful. They have the strength to challenge the superpowers like the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom. Because of the strength of the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom, the international pattern is really different.

In the past, because the bear state and the eagle state were superpowers, no state could compete with them. Now the Dragon state and the mouse state can do it. For other states, it is obvious that there is an alternative camp.

In the past, most states could only belong to bear and Eagle states. Now, other states have one more choice, that is, they can join the camps of rat and dragon states.

After all, Xiong and Ying are rogue states. They used to play the role of a troublemaker. Other states have a very bad impression of Xiong and Ying.

Of course, bear and Eagle are still the only superpowers in the world. The choices of some countries have changed, but some countries have not. Most of these unchanged countries are dependent countries supported by bear and eagle.

On the whole, the pattern of the world has really changed, and everything has become uncertain.

For the rat Kingdom, this battle of territorial waters can be reluctantly accepted, but for the eagle Kingdom, it is not so well accepted.

Hawk and bear are almost the same. Before the war, they both felt that they could crush each other and beat each other all over the ground. However, the result was far from ideal, far from what they expected.

Like the state of bear, the state of Eagle has no good way. It has no choice but to do something about it.

Moreover, after launching the first attack, they could not launch the second attack in a short period of time, so they had to go back to their own country to rest.

After the battle of JIANMENGUAN and the war of territorial sea, although both Xiong and Ying were very upset, they didn't achieve the goal they wanted and wanted to continue the means they should have, they obviously would be cautious about using force against the dragon and the mouse again.

After all, launching a war is also a great consumption for bear and Eagle countries, and there are too many uncertain factors in it. Bear and Eagle countries are also afraid to let themselves sink deeper and deeper, and eventually lose more.

The strength of the army displayed by the Dragon state and the mouse state is so impressive that the bear state and the eagle state are afraid to act rashly.

For this reason, the two countries are also very clear. Both countries know that they will not be attacked by bear and eagle for a while. Therefore, the two countries join hands to resist the suppression and sanctions from bear and eagle.

Even if they can't fight against the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom again, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom have no plans to let the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom go.

Before this fight, both Xiong and Ying felt that they could clean up the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom and suppress them.

But since the economic war and the hot war, both bear and Eagle have not gained any benefits, and they have clearly realized the strength of dragon and mouse, which makes both bear and Eagle begin to doubt themselves.

Therefore, bear and Eagle countries clearly realize that dragon and mouse countries are really powerful, and they have the strength to challenge them, and they have been able to threaten their status.

What is more obvious is that after the war of JIANMENGUAN and the war of territorial waters, other countries are ready to move, and some even have the idea of joining the dragon and mouse camps. This will undoubtedly change the world pattern and make great changes in the international situation.

This change in the pattern and situation is obviously unacceptable to bear and Eagle countries.