Chapter 722

For bear and eagle, even if they can't move to each other, they should always be the only superpower in the world, always have the right to speak in the world, and control most of the world's interests in their own hands.

In the face of the rise of the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom, and the threat to the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, in any way, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are intolerable.

Bear country and Eagle country obviously don't want dragon country and mouse country to threaten their international status and the benefits they want in the world.

Now, both bear country and Eagle country clearly realize that dragon country and mouse country have threatened their international status, and have a positive position to challenge them.

If the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are allowed to develop, then the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom may replace the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

This kind of thing, bear country is eagle country never want to see, also don't want to let it happen.

Therefore, before all this has become a foregone conclusion, before it happens, bear and Eagle countries will obviously go to nip out such signs, directly making dragon and mouse countries unable to continue to develop and grow, then things will not happen in the future.

After all of these things were understood and made clear, both bear and Eagle countries united again with tacit understanding, and this time, the alliance between the two countries became closer, almost an all-round cooperation.

This kind of thing has never happened before.

In the past, Xiong and Ying were old competitors. They seldom cooperated. They often aimed at each other and wanted to win each other over.

Today, the two rogue states are completely united.

From this, we can see that the threat of the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom to them is really great.

The only two superpowers in the world who have completely united have formed a huge force. There is no doubt that they are the most powerful force in the world.

As a superpower, both the bear state and the eagle state have the ability to attack many countries.

Now, the bear and Eagle countries are completely united. It can really be said that they are able to fight against all other countries. The strength of the forces they formed can be imagined.

Bear country and Eagle country united completely, and the suppression and sanctions imposed on dragon country and mouse country were undoubtedly unprecedented terror.

For a moment, the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom were completely blocked, unable to connect with the world.

This kind of intensity of repression and sanctions has obviously had a very good effect, making both the dragon and the mouse countries unable to resist. The domestic situation of both countries has become very turbulent and uneasy.

What Xiong and Ying have done is to cut off the connection between the dragon and rat countries and the outside world. There is no flow of resources, so they can only rely on themselves.

Even though both dragon and rat are big countries with their own circulation system, they are still extremely difficult to support, because the internal consumption is very huge, and there is no external supply, so there is almost no possibility of development, and they will continue to be weak.

Like boiling frogs in warm water, the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom will eventually become very weak and backward, just like chronic death.

Frankly speaking, the state of bear and the state of Eagle are going to slowly kill the state of dragon and the state of rat.

Of course, bear and Eagle countries will also pay a great price for doing so.

However, both bear and Eagle feel that it is worth doing so, so even if they will lose a lot of benefits, they will continue to do so.

They won't end it until the Dragon Kingdom and rat kingdom are completely destroyed.

In doing so, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are just like murdering the lives of nearly two billion people, which makes the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse Kingdom very difficult.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are both very angry and unhappy. At the same time, they are also full of complaints and bad voices.

"The Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom unite completely to make the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom die!"

"If the two superpowers unite completely, the power they form is too terrible. Even if the dragon and the mouse unite, they can't resist."

"In the past, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom had their own hands, and they would not unite completely. But now that they have done so, we can't exploit the loopholes. We feel that we can't find any vitality now."

"Xiongguo and Yingguo have concentrated all their strength to completely blockade our dragon Kingdom and rat kingdom. Our two countries have no external resources to absorb. If this kind of internal friction goes on, it will be over sooner or later!"

"In the past, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom did not do their best. Now they do their best to engage us. It's really hard to resist!"

"Damn it, even if we can't fight back, we can't admit defeat. Since both the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are killing us, let's fight back with all our strength. We don't care about anything. We'll go straight to the death net!"

"We don't have the power to resist. Since neither the Bear Kingdom nor the eagle Kingdom wants us to be better, we don't want them to be better either."

"Since Xiong and Ying feel that they haven't suffered enough from the things that happened before, and they still have to come to us stubbornly, let's not be steady, and fight back with all our strength. If it's a big deal, we'll burn both the jade and the stone!"

"Damn it, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom deceive people too much. We didn't provoke them. They have come to us repeatedly and provoked us everywhere. We don't care about 3721. We'll go straight to the end with them!"

"Even if our dragon Kingdom and mouse kingdom are really destroyed in the end, we will bring Bear Kingdom and Eagle kingdom into the water, so that they will never become superpowers again."

"Yes, don't think about anything now, just fight with them forever."

"The country of bear and the country of Eagle are on the verge of death. If they want to do this, we will help them and do it directly."

"We'd better calm down. We can't get any benefits by fighting against the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom like this. Moreover, we are in a weak position. We may be half dead at that time."

"I don't think it's necessary to take the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom to the dead end. There is a saying that those who know the current affairs are heroes. Since we know that we can't fight against the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, we'd better take the soft side and seek survival."

"Yes, if we can't fight against the country of bear and the country of eagle, let's stay away. First, we should pay some price and benefit to stabilize the country of bear and the country of eagle, and then we can make other plans."

"If we fight with bear and eagle, the end will be very miserable. Do you really want to be like that? I think it's better to sit down and have a good talk. "

Most of the people in the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are very angry about the complete alliance between the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom against the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom. They propose to fight with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom to the end, but some of them propose to be aggrieved.