Chapter 723

Because everything is done by the bear and the eagle countries, so whether it's the people of the dragon country or the people of the mouse country, they all feel that the fault lies in the bear and the eagle countries.

In both dragon Kingdom and rat Kingdom, most people angrily propose to fight Bear Kingdom and Eagle kingdom to the end. Only a small number of people propose not to fight Bear Kingdom and Eagle kingdom to the end, but a way to survive.

Of course, this phenomenon is normal, and it is reasonable for us to have different ideas.

As for whether the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom want to fight with the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom or compromise, it mainly depends on the decision-making of the leaders.

What is happening now is obviously the most important thing of all. We should not be careless, because it has a bearing on the fate of the whole nation. Both the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom are treated with unprecedented solemnity.

For the first time, both the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom held a Congress.

The two countries intend to hold a joint meeting after internal consultation to exchange ideas and finally decide on a result.

No matter the leader of the Dragon kingdom or the leader of the rat Kingdom, they are obviously more rational than the people of the two countries. They both view the issue that the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are completely united to deal with the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom in a normal way.

Of course, the leaders of the two countries feel a headache for such a thing.

After all, this time, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom completely united, and the strength they gathered was too terrible for the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom to resist.

Both countries are in an unprecedented crisis. If we can't think of a good way to solve it, the collapse of the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom will be a sure thing.

This kind of situation, the dragon country and the mouse country obviously do not want to happen, also do not want to see such a thing happen.

But now the situation is that things have already begun and are in progress. If dragon country and rat country can't come up with a good way to deal with it, then everything is over.

So how can the leaders of the two countries not have a headache? Not anxious?

Because it is related to the life and death of the state, both the Dragon state and the mouse state are very cautious. The largest Congress ever convened and the largest number of people participated in it.

According to the leaders, they are trying to find a way to solve the current dilemma.

Because of the importance of this meeting, the national court also issued an imperial edict to Shen Ze, allowing Shen Zelong's top figures to return to Yanjing to attend the parliament.

Shen Ze hardly attended any national assembly meeting before. If he followed his habits and temperament, he would not attend the Congress.

But this time he went. After all, this Congress is really important.

Of course, Shen Ze also has some ideas that he would like to discuss with the leaders of the National People's court.

Therefore, after receiving the imperial edict from the imperial court, Shen Ze took a special plane to return to Yanjing from the Northern War Zone.

Shen Ze returned to Yanjing after going down. Because the Congress was held the next day, he went back to his courtyard in Yanjing.

That night, Ning Yansong, who had said hello in advance, came to Shen Ze's courtyard.

Usually, nothing happened. Shen Ze and Ning Yansong seldom met each other.

This time, Shen Ze and Ning Yansong have the idea of meeting each other because of what is happening now. So this evening, Ning Yansong came to siheyuan.

Shen Ze knew Ning Yansong was coming, so he cooked a good dish himself.

At about 8 p.m., Shen Ze and Qin Chao, Ning Yansong and Zhang Che sit in the courtyard, drinking and eating.

Of course, in the process, Ning Yansong and Shen Ze have to chat.

"Here, congratulations on your restoration to the throne of Dragon God."

Ning Yansong raised his glass and said to Shen Ze.

Shen Ze smelt speech, smile: "what good congratulations."

Although he said so, Shen Ze still raised his glass and touched Ning Yansong.

After they had a big drink, Ning Yansong immediately said, "it's like a child's play to do things in the imperial court now. If you knew earlier, why should they have forced you to withdraw from the position of Grand Marshal of the army and the position of Dragon God? They had withdrawn before, but now they are still restored. What's the use?"

Shen Ze smiles and says nothing.

After a while, Shen Ze suddenly thought of something and said to Ning Yansong, "if you were still the first leader of the Dragon Kingdom, these things would not have happened."

Ning Yansong waved his hand and said, "this kind of thing is already impossible. Don't talk about it now."

Shen Ze didn't think so. He nodded and said nothing more.

Ning Yansong took a bite to eat. After putting down his chopsticks, he immediately said, "do you have any ideas about the complete alliance between the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom against the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom?"

When he said this, Ning Yansong had a dignified look and a very serious tone.

Shen Ze pondered for a moment and said, "I really don't have any idea now."

Ning Yansong heard the words, frowned and fell into silence.

For a moment, Shen Ze and Ning Yansong did not speak.

In Shen Ze's and Ning Yansong's view, there is no good way to solve this problem.

After all, both bear and Eagle are superpowers. When they unite, the power they form is really huge. It's hard for both dragon and mouse to resist.

Of course, there is no good way to break the situation, because the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are both in a weak position. Even if the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom are completely united, the strength they gather can not be compared with the strength of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

When it comes to this topic, everyone's heart becomes a little heavy.

No one spoke. Everyone ate and drank in silence.

However, in this process, Shen Ze and Ning Yansong are secretly thinking about the way to break the situation.

I don't know how long later, Ning Yansong raised his head, looked at Shen Ze and said, "now the bear and Eagle countries have launched a comprehensive blockade on the dragon and the mouse countries. Other countries will not risk offending the bear and the eagle countries to help the dragon and the mouse countries. Everything can only depend on us, and we can only rely on ourselves to break the situation."

"We don't have so much power to break the blockade imposed by bear and eagle, so we can only break the jar and take tough measures!"

Speaking of this, Ning Yansong stopped.

Shen Ze understood Ning Yansong's meaning and said thoughtfully, "do you mean we can only start war?"


Ning Yansong nodded heavily, and then said in a low voice: "now other methods are useless, only to take the initiative to fight against the bear and Eagle countries, and seek some changes!"