Chapter 727

Shen Ze is not a sentimental person. He usually doesn't recall the past or miss his old friends.

If Ning Yansong had not mentioned it tonight, he would not have thought about Su Shiman.

Of course, Su Shiman is unusual in Shen Ze's mind. It's normal for him to think about Su Shiman.

There are thousands of words in the world, the most difficult to understand is love.

Shen Ze is not that kind of person who is stubborn, but after such a long time, he still did not completely put down Su Shiman.

Of course, Shen Ze still has self-knowledge, and has his own dignity. What he can't get will not be forced.

Today, Shen Ze has no illusions about Su Shiman. Even if he still misses and remembers Su Shiman, this kind of emotion has become a kind of plain feeling, which is not as strong and profound as before.

Time is a good medicine, it will cure all the pain.

Shen Ze stood alone in the yard. He didn't know how long it took him to go back to his room to have a rest.

The next day, after breakfast, Shen Ze put on his special clothes and asked Qin to take him to his destination.

About an hour's drive, Shen Ze arrived.

"Master, I'll wait for you in the car."

After the car stopped, Qin Chao got out of the car for the first time and opened the door for Shen Zela.


Shen Ze let out a sound. He got out of the car and went inside alone.

Today, the important members, almost all of them present, have come to attend today's meeting.

When Shen Ze entered the conference hall, many people had gathered.

Shen Ze glanced around the hall, then casually sat down in a small position.

Before the meeting started, Shen Ze had nothing to do, so he closed his eyes.

No one dares to be late or absent for such an important meeting, so all the participants arrive on time before the meeting starts.

Because of Shen Ze's identity and status, as well as the reputation of mixed reputation inside, as well as the style and character of dealing with people.

We don't know whether it is because of fear or awe of him that we dare not sit beside him.

Therefore, the seats around Shen Ze are all empty, which is a little strange and eye-catching in the whole hall.

However, just before the meeting began, a middle-aged man in a grey Chinese tunic came to Shen Ze and sat down.

This middle-aged man is no other than thunder.

After leiming sat down, he turned his head and looked at Shen Ze, who closed his eyes to refresh himself. He gently reminded him, "the meeting is about to start."

Shen Ze's awareness is very sharp. Although he didn't open his eyes, he noticed the thunder when it came.

Hearing the thunder, Shen Zeyou opened his eyes.

Shen Ze glanced at Lei Ming, then said, "no one else wants to sit next to me. Why do you want to sit next to me?"

Thunder, like hearing a funny joke, said with a happy smile: "I want to sit next to you. I've come to sit next to you. There's no reason."

Shen Ze smell speech, picked to pick eyebrow, then he asks again: "you don't avoid suspicion?"

Thunder smell speech, the corner of the mouth smile become more rich some: "we are our own people, what good avoid suspicion?"

Although Lei Ming said it with a smile, Shen Ze could see that Lei Ming was serious and said it from the bottom of his heart.

Shen Ze nodded and didn't ask any more.

Thunder seemed to suddenly think of something important. He immediately gathered his smile on his face and asked Shen Ze seriously: "what do you think about this time that X and y are completely united to deal with L and S?"

Shen Ze knew that Lei Ming wanted to ask if there was any good way to break the game, so he shook his head and said, "there is no good idea. Now the situation is very difficult."

Listen to Shen Ze say so, the face of thunder becomes very dignified.

Thunder's eyes twinkled a few times, and then his voice was very low and said, "is there really no good way to break the game?"

Shen Ze also did not avoid, truthfully said his own ideas: "I can think of, only take the initiative to make things."

Hearing the thunder, his face became more dignified.

Thunder's eyes looked at Shen Ze suspiciously and said in a deep voice, "there is no better way than this one?"

"There is no better way," Shen said calmly

"After the meeting starts, I'll say what I think and give reasons for that."

Seeing that Shen Ze was serious, Lei Ming didn't ask any more questions and nodded.

"Then I'll hear your reason later."

Shen Ze nodded and said nothing more.

At this time, all the participants were present, and someone spoke, and the meeting began.