Chapter 728

People in the National People's court think that things are very difficult now.

Bear country and Eagle country are the only two superpowers in the world. They are too powerful to unite completely. Even if dragon country and mouse country unite completely, they are still invincible.

Whoever has a hard fist will listen to him.

Bear country and Eagle country are the real overlord in the world after they are completely united.

They blockade the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom, and other countries can only ignore them. Even countries that have good relations with the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom will not risk offending the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom to help the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom.

Therefore, the current situation is that this kind of blockade has been formed. Although it is not sealed to death, it is also enough to make the Dragon Kingdom and rat Kingdom weaker.

This kind of situation was unexpected.

After all, Xiong and Ying have always been enemies. Even if they have cooperated before, they are not sincere cooperation.

It is not only the Dragon state and the mouse state that did not expect, but also other states that did not expect the bear state and the eagle state to completely unite.

Now, after the bear and Eagle countries are completely united, no camp in the world can compete with them.

If the two countries unite completely, they will really be able to fight against the whole world. Even if all other countries unite, they are not empty. We can imagine how powerful this force is.

In any way, the United camp of the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom can not confront the United camp of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.

Therefore, in the eyes of the court, there is no way to turn the situation around.

"The only way I can think of to break the situation is to let the alliance between bear and Eagle break down and let them no longer unite, but the feasibility is too low."

"The collapse of the alliance between the bear and the eagle countries can really fundamentally solve the problem, but there are some difficulties to achieve this goal."

"Everyone can see that bear and Eagle are completely united, so it's hard to separate them. It's really unrealistic to break up their alliance."

"Even if it's impractical, we still have to do it like this, or we'll really sit and wait to die!"

"It's true that the alliance between bear and Eagle should be broken down, but what should be done?"

"I can't think of a good way to break up the alliance between bear and eagle."

"Now bear and Eagle have a common goal. In order to safeguard their own interests and international status, they do not want to have a third superpower. It is in their common interest to suppress dragon and mouse together."

"Bear country and Eagle country are united now. They are grasshoppers with a rope. It's hard to separate them."

You and I have not come up with a good solution.

After a while's discussion, it seems that we can't find a good way to break up the alliance between bear and eagle. We are all in silence.

The crowd frowned and looked thoughtful.

Because everyone didn't make any more noise, the whole hall fell into silence, and the atmosphere became a little dull and depressing.

Just as they were silent, Shen Ze stood up from his seat.

Shen Ze's tone was calm, and he said slowly: "now there is only one way to break the situation, that is to take the initiative to launch war against the bear country and the eagle country."

Shen Ze's voice was not big, but it was accurately transmitted to all the people present.

Shen Ze seldom comes to the Congress, and even if he does, he hardly speaks.

At this moment, when we heard Shen Ze's voice, we all turned around or turned our heads, all of them turned their eyes to Shen Ze.

Of course, then some people questioned Shen Ze's proposal.

"How can it be a good way to take the initiative to wage war against bear and eagle?"

"The strength of the arms of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom is stronger than that of the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom. If we take the initiative to fight against the eagle Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom, it is obvious that we are looking for death."

"Yes, we take the initiative to fight against the bear country and the eagle country. That's asking for trouble. It's just like a chicken's head bumping against a stone. We can't do anything good."

"The arms of Xiong and Ying are so powerful that they can't compete with each other."

"Our defense against bear country and Eagle country is almost the same. It's obviously a very unwise choice to take the initiative to attack bear country and Eagle country."

"If we take the initiative to attack the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, we are flying moths to the fire and weakening our own strength. How can the Grand Marshal say that this is a good way?"

"Yes, let's go to fight bear country and Eagle country, that is to pay the price in vain, there is no return at all!"

Most of the people present questioned what Shen Ze said.

Shen Ze was not affected by this.

He was very patient and not impatient. When everyone stopped speaking, he said, "I have a reason."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, everyone did not speak any more, but waited for Shen Ze's words.

Shen Ze didn't sell the ball, and said, "to break up the alliance between bear and eagle can really solve the problem fundamentally, but now there is no other good way to break up the alliance between bear and eagle."

"Bear country and Eagle country have conducted a comprehensive blockade on dragon country and mouse country. If we don't break the situation as soon as possible, then as time goes on, our national strength will become weaker and weaker, and the chance of counterattack will become more and more slim."

"For any nation, they don't want to start a war, and bear and Eagle countries are no exception. Even if they concentrate on blockade of dragon and mouse countries this time, they didn't start a war."

"We can only do the opposite, and launch a large-scale war before the resources are completely consumed, so as to seek some variables."

"I know it's a big risk, but if I don't take it now, I may not even have a chance in the future."

"Of course, we can't act rashly. If we are going to start a war, I suggest we fight bear country."

"We don't have to fight against both the bear and the eagle at the same time. We just need to fight the bear close to the eagle."

"If one side is beaten and the other side is not beaten, the alliance between bear and eagle will not be so strong."

"If we go to attack the Bear Kingdom and make the Bear Kingdom suffer great losses, or even fall into the mire of war, then the Bear Kingdom will not try its best to blockade the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom."

"After all, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are still antagonistic after all. None of them wants to be compared with each other. When we fight the Bear Kingdom, the Bear Kingdom is certainly not comfortable."

"Both bear and eagle will weigh the pros and cons, and then their alliance will be divided and unstable."

Shen Ze's reasons were reasonable. After listening to them, they didn't refute them. All of them were thoughtful.