Chapter 729

As for Shen Ze's proposal and the reasons given, we all fell into serious thinking.

What Shen Ze said is obviously true.

Today, the bear and Eagle countries have completely united to blockade the dragon and rat countries.

Both the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom began to consume resources, and their national strength began to weaken.

Now is indeed the best time to fight back, because when resources have been consumed and national strength has become very weak, resistance will not play any role.

What's more, there is really no good way to break the blockade between bear and Eagle countries and initiate war on their own initiative. It is really a way of resistance with a little chance.

Shen Ze also put forward in detail to use force against Xiong.

Because it is in the interests of both sides, the bear and the eagle are united.

If we use force against the Bear Kingdom, let the Bear Kingdom fall into the mire of war, or let the Bear Kingdom suffer great losses, then the alliance between the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom will no longer be as strong as it is now.

After all, the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom are at odds.

If the Bear Kingdom falls into the mire of war, and the eagle kingdom is in peace, then the Bear Kingdom will become weaker than the eagle Kingdom, and its competitiveness with the eagle kingdom will become weaker.

On the lighter side, if on the heavier side, seeing the bear country in trouble, the eagle country may even give the bear country a knife in the back, making the bear country fall into the ranks of superpowers and become the only one.

Obviously, Xiong does not want such a thing to happen, nor does he want to see such a situation happen.

At that time, in order to ensure his own interests and consolidate his position, it is normal for Xiong to choose compromise.

After all, even if they really want to suppress the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom, Bear Kingdom will never take themselves in because of doing so.

Of course, although Shen Ze's method is very feasible, it is still full of huge risks.

After all, launching a war is not a good thing for any nation, because it is really a matter of great consumption of resources. If you are not careful, you will put yourself into it all.

For the current dragon Kingdom, if the war is lost, then it will really fall into the situation of irreparable.

This matter, can only succeed, cannot fail!

However, both the bear state and the eagle state are superpowers, and the armed forces are among the most powerful.

If the state of dragon launches a war against the state of bear, because the strength of the army is weaker than that of the state of bear, then the probability of failure is very high, and the probability of success is very small.

Therefore, for the Dragon Kingdom, which can only succeed but not fail, it can be said that doing so is very risky, and even makes people see little hope.

The way is a way, but because of the existence of realistic factors, it is not such a good way.

The members of the National People's court are all intelligent people. Naturally, we can think of these.

After what should be said, Shen Ze said nothing more. He sat back in his seat.

After a while, everyone began to discuss Shen Ze's method, and the quiet hall became lively again.

"The Grand Marshal's proposal to take the initiative to launch a war against the state of Xiong is indeed a feasible way, but the risks involved are too great. A little carelessness will accelerate the decline of our dragon state."

"It's really a very risky thing, but there's a good saying. If you don't take risks, how can you get the benefits you want and achieve the goals you want?"

"There is really no good way now. When we can make the most powerful counterattack, it's worth taking the risk, because if we don't do it now, there may be no chance in the future."

"The risk and reward are proportional to each other. The current situation is that we have to fight back. Otherwise, the Dragon kingdom will be finished sooner or later. No matter what way we fight back, there will be risks. Even if this method mentioned by the Grand Marshal will take great risks, we can do it as long as it is feasible."

"The risk of this is too great. Even if it is feasible, the probability of success is too small for us to take such a big risk. I think we should think of a more secure way."

"Yes, the arms of Xiong and Ying are more powerful. We, the Dragon Kingdom, take the initiative to fight against them. There is no possibility of victory at all. Even if it is an obviously unsuccessful thing, why do we do it?"

"Because this is a thing doomed to failure, doing it will only make the Dragon Kingdom fall into a greater predicament, so why do you want to do it?"

"After weighing the pros and cons, I don't think I can take this approach."

Among the members of the National People's court, it is obvious that some of them support Shen Ze's proposal, while some of them do not.

This is obviously a normal thing. After all, it is difficult for us to keep the same view.

"Now there is no other good way. If we want to break the game, we can only try this method. Even if there are great risks, we have to try it. Otherwise, we will become lambs to be slaughtered, which will be even more bad and painful."

"Now we have to recognize the reality. We only have one chance now. If we don't try, we won't even have the chance to resist!"

"I support the initiative to launch war against the Bear Kingdom, so as to disintegrate the alliance between the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, so as to ease the pressure of the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom."

"I also support the initiative to launch a war against bear state!"

"It's really too risky to take the initiative to launch a war against bear country, and it's almost impossible to achieve the goal successfully. I'm against it!"

"I'm also against taking the initiative to wage war against bear country. We'd better think of other safer ways."

"I'm against it, too!"

The meeting suddenly formed two camps, one supporting the initiative to launch a war against Xiong, the other not supporting.

Everyone began to argue with each other, and the scene suddenly became a bit chaotic and noisy. The hall was like a vegetable market, and the scene was obviously not very good-looking.

"Well, let's stop arguing and keep quiet."

Seeing the bad scene, Huang Shiping said calmly.

Huang Shiping's words were obviously very important. After listening to his words, all the people closed their mouths and fell into silence.

Seeing that everyone had calmed down, Huang Shiping immediately said, "according to the old rules, we will vote to decide whether to initiate a war against Xiong."

Huang Shiping is the kind of person who likes to be emperor in the area of one mu and three cents. He obviously opposes Shen Ze's proposal to initiate war against the Bear Kingdom in order to break up the alliance between the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom.