Chapter 730

Huang Shiping just wants to be the first leader of the Dragon kingdom.

In Huang Shiping's opinion, Shen Ze's proposal to initiate war against Xiong kingdom is a very risky thing with only disadvantages but no advantages.

In Huang Shiping's mind, if he did this, it would only accelerate the decline of the Dragon Kingdom and make him weak, and he would not be able to better sit in the first position of the Dragon kingdom.

This is obviously not what Huang Shiping wants, so he does not support launching a war against Xiong. Of course, another part of the reason is that Huang Shiping does not have the courage to do so.

To put it bluntly, Huang Shiping has no great talent.

Although he did not support the idea of taking the initiative to launch a war against Xiong, Huang Shiping did not express it.

After all, as the supreme leader of the Dragon Kingdom, Huang Shiping knew that he could not express his views freely.

Of course, even if he did not support Shen Ze's method, Huang Shiping still stood up and asked everyone to vote.

Huang Shiping knows very well that he still has to do some superficial Kung Fu.

As the highest leader of the Dragon Kingdom, Huang Shiping's words should be listened to and followed.

Therefore, after Huang Shiping's speech, no one was arguing.

Later, Huang Shiping asked people to vote.

In order to express his opinion, Huang Shiping deliberately voted before everyone voted.

In Huang Shiping's capacity, he is sitting on the high platform that the whole audience can see.

Therefore, when Huang Shiping voted, everyone could see it very clearly.

Then, under the gaze of the public, Huang Shiping voted against it.

Although he didn't say it in words, he expressed his opinion in this kind of action, which is more advantageous than words.

When people in the National Assembly saw Huang's vote, they obviously knew Huang's ideas and ideas, which made people have some thoughts in their hearts.

Huang Shiping is the supreme leader of the state of long. His ideas and ideas are obviously very important and will attract the attention of the people in the State Council.

Because Huang Shiping has clearly expressed that he does not support Shen Ze's proposal, those who belong to Huang Shiping's camp will obviously follow in Huang's footsteps and vote against it.

Some of those who had supported Shen Ze's idea were affected by Huang's statement.

At first, there were a little more people in the court who supported Shen Ze's idea, because Huang Shiping had such a hand. In the end, more people opposed it than supported it, and more people voted against it than supported it.

Previously, there was no result in the dispute between the two sides, and when such a vote came out, the matter almost came to an end.

For Huang Shiping, he wants to see such a result.

Therefore, as soon as the voting results came out, Huang Shiping made an announcement.

"There are more negative votes than support votes, so we can't take the initiative to launch a war against Xiong."

After Huang Shiping announced the result, although some people were still not reconciled, they did not say anything more.

Among them, Shen Ze is also included.

Shen Ze was obviously dissatisfied with the result of the vote.

In his view, the best way now is to take the initiative to launch a war against the bear country, in order to seek to break the situation.

He thought that the brains of the members of the National People's court were not bad, and most of them would support launching a war against Xiong, but he didn't expect that it would be like this in the end.

Shen Ze is not stupid. He knows that Huang Shiping has a lot to do with the voting result.

There's an old saying that goes very well. It's really a bear's nest.

Because Huang Shiping, the highest leader of the Dragon Kingdom, has no courage, so along with others, he has no courage to take risks.

Shen Ze stares at Huang Shiping, who is sitting on the high platform. He does not shy away and says directly: "Huang Shiping is really not suitable to be the highest leader of the Dragon kingdom."

Shen Ze said it in a very positive tone, which directly reflected his judgment.

Huang Shiping is the highest leader of the Dragon kingdom. Any dragon people who say this is obviously a kind of treason and disrespect to Huang Shiping.

In ancient times, this is disrespectful to the king, is to kill the head.

Disrespectful to Huang Shiping, though not beheaded as in ancient times, is still a very bad thing. After all, it is not a good thing to offend Huang Shiping, the supreme leader of the Dragon kingdom.

In the presence of reason, other people obviously would not like Shen Ze to say such disrespectful words to Huang Shiping.

Lei Ming sits next to Shen Ze. He hears what Shen Ze says.

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Lei Ming was stunned. He didn't expect that Shen Ze would say such words.

Isn't that a little too simple and crude?

Even if Huang Shiping has something inappropriate, he can't say it directly, can he?

Just when Lei Ming thought something was wrong, Shen Ze turned his head and looked at him.

Shen Ze said calmly: "I'm more and more firm in my previous thoughts. If you are the highest leader of the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon kingdom will develop in a good direction."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Lei Ming pondered for a long time and then said, "if it can be better, I really don't know. I don't know until I have practiced it."

"We can't make such a rash decision without practice."

Speaking of this, Lei mingdun, and then he said with a smile: "I really don't think I will do better than Huang Shiping as the highest leader of the Dragon kingdom."

"No one dares to say that they can sit in that position before they have sat in that position."

After hearing thunder's words, Shen Ze nodded and said, "what you said is very reasonable. It's my rash decision."

"However, even so, I still think you are more suitable than him to be the top leader of the Dragon kingdom."

Thunder smell speech, some wry smile can't: "how do I feel your obsession a little deep?"

Shen Ze said, "I don't feel it."

Thunder heard the words, but he laughed, and said nothing more.

Shen Ze seems to have suddenly thought of something. He looks very serious and asks Lei Ming, "do you support the initiative to launch a war against Xiong?"

Lei Ming also looked serious and said, "I just voted for it, which has clearly expressed my views."

"Of course, I support the initiative to wage war against bear state."

Shen Ze's eyes on people are very fierce. He can see that Lei Ming is telling the truth. Of course, he also believes that Lei Ming is a man and will not lie to him.

Shen Ze seemed to be pondering something. After pondering for a while, he said, "since you support the initiative to launch a war against the Bear Kingdom, how about we join hands to do it?"

After these words, Shen Ze stared at the thunder without blinking, waiting for the latter's answer.