Chapter 736

What Shen Ze has done makes Huang Shiping very unhappy. He has prejudice against Shen Ze. In a rage, he has the idea of withdrawing Shen Ze's position.

However, Huang Shiping is very clear now that the state of dragon still needs Shen Ze. He knows that Shen Ze can't be removed now, otherwise the situation in the state of dragon will become worse.

Although he was very angry, Huang Shiping had to bear it first.

"Contact Shen Diaolong immediately and ask him to explain why he wants to mobilize the Qinglong army to the Northern War Zone!"

At Huang Shiping's order, the national court criticized Shen Ze, saying that Shen Ze could no longer mobilize his troops without authorization. Shen Ze did not refute, but he just listened to the rebuke from the national court, and did not rest assured.

Of course, after Shen Ze was reprimanded by the imperial court, he gave orders to the Qinglong army not to act rashly, especially not to attack Xiong.

Earlier in the Congress, Shen Ze proposed to use force against Xiong state, but the court was worried that Shen Ze would do so. After all, Shen Ze is really the kind of person who can do such a thing.

Before it happened, the imperial court gave a death order to the Ministry of war and could not launch a war against Xiong.

Shen Ze just listened to this.

In order to make better deployment in the first time, Shen Ze also went to the Northern War Zone when the Qinglong army went north.

Ning Yansong has promised to help, so he followed Shen Ze to the Northern War Zone.

The incident of Qinglong army's going north not only attracted the attention of the national court, but also made the people of Longguo have a heated discussion on it.

"The Ministry of war has transferred all the 300000 Qinglong troops to the Northern War Zone. Is it going to fight against Xiong?"

"If there is no reason, the green dragon army will not go north without any reason."

"The state of dragon and the state of bear have reached a very serious situation now. It's really normal for both sides to fight."

"Bear country and Eagle country are blocking us like this. If they want to kill us, we don't have to talk to them. If you want me to say it, just do it!"

"Yes, if we are carried on like this by the state of bear and the state of eagle, the state of dragon will come to an end sooner or later. We'd better take advantage of our ability to fight with the state of bear and the state of eagle."

"I hope the Qinglong army will go north this time just to attack xiongguo. Anyway, it's not easy. No matter how bad it is, it doesn't matter."

"The Qinglong army is the most powerful force in the Dragon Kingdom, and it is under the command of Shen Diaolong. If the Qinglong army attacks, Xiong's side will be very angry and have a headache. After all, the Qinglong army is not so easy to parry."

"At this time, it is necessary to fight back with violence, otherwise our dragon kingdom will have no chance to turn over."

"It's really a feasible way to attack the Bear Kingdom and let the Bear Kingdom reduce its blockade on the Dragon kingdom."

"Damn it, no matter whether the Qinglong army is going north to defend or attack Xiong, as long as it can solve the problem."

"It's all for the sake of this. I think we should fight with Xiong Guo directly! Until the state of bear removes its blockade on the state of dragon. "

"He won't be honest if he doesn't beat Xiong Guo to the point where he can't bear it."

"There is nothing to say at this time, and there is no good way to solve the current problem. If we continue to carry on, the Dragon kingdom will be finished sooner or later, so we should simply do nothing and go to war directly, in order to change the current situation."

"The green dragon army's going north this time really means to attack Xiong."

"I also think it's normal to attack the Bear Kingdom now. After all, the joint blockade of our dragon kingdom by the Bear Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom has made our dragon Kingdom go downhill. If we can't solve all this as soon as possible, our dragon kingdom will never turn over."

"Yes, now we really have to fight with the state of bear, forcing the state of bear to stop blocking the state of dragon. If the state of bear does not agree, we will fight until he agrees!"

"Well, if we take the initiative to start a war, the risk is still very high. The strength of our army department in the Dragon kingdom is generally not better than that of Xiong kingdom. If we really fight, we really can't get any benefits here."

"It's true that we can't get any benefits, but we have to do some things even if they are not good. If we don't do them now, we may not even have a chance in the future."

"Although we don't want to sacrifice our soldiers and consume too much resources, we still have to fight some battles. If we don't want to fight, we can only fight with our heads firmly!"

The people of the state of dragon have talked about it one after another and expressed different views.

"Let's not think about things too simply. The situation of our dragon kingdom is very bad now. If we take the initiative to launch a war and let ourselves have greater loss, it is to kill ourselves, make ourselves weaker and weaker, and join in the fall."

"It can be said that launching a war against bear country is really a very risky thing."

"It's true that the risk is very good, but there's a saying that if you don't succeed, you will become benevolent. Now there is no better way, so you can only do it."

"I think as long as Shen Diaolong personally leads the Qinglong army in battle, he will surely succeed."

"I also believe that as long as Shen Diaolong leads the battle, there will be no big problem. After all, Shen Diaolong is the first God of war in the world who is invincible."

"I also believe in Shen Diaolong. If Shen Diaolong really leads the battle, I think nine times out of ten he will succeed."

"Shen Diaolong has already created many miracles, and I believe he can create miracles again."

"It is said that Shen Diaolong has gone north. It seems that he is really ready for a big fight."

"If we want to go to war with Xiong, let's wait and see what happens."

The attention of the people of the Dragon Kingdom and other states converged to the Northern War Zone of the Dragon kingdom.

What kind of action will Shen Diaolong and 300000 Qinglong troops take when they are all in place?

Everyone will see.