Chapter 737

Shen Ze and Ning Yansong sit side by side on a special military plane flying from Yanjing to the Northern War Zone.

"Sure enough, the court will be very upset to know that you have transferred the Qinglong army without authorization." Ning Yansong said to Shen Ze with a smile.

Shen Ze light smile, said: "there will be such a thing, I have long thought of, no big deal."

Ning Yansong smell speech, after smiling, the words have words to say: "or your boy is fierce, can do their own way, can regardless of the court there meaning."

Shen Zeyi put it bluntly: "I'm not in trouble either. It's called that the general will not be subject to military orders abroad."

Ning Yansong gave Shen Ze a white look, "you are just talking nonsense."

"For such a big thing, if you don't listen to instructions, you don't listen to instructions?"

Shen Ze smelt speech, smile, didn't refute, what also didn't say.

Ning Yansong seemed to suddenly think of something, and said with some emotion: "you boy is really a good leader in war, but even this character can't be very good."

"With your temperament, I don't know which day you will do something very shocking."

Shen Ze said with a smile: "don't worry, although I'm a little bit playful, I don't have no brain and won't do anything very bad."

"You know I'm not a fool."

Ning Yansong nodded and said, "you don't fool around, but I believe it."

"Of course, I still want to remind you that everything should be done safely, and nothing should be done carelessly."

Ning Yansong seems to have suddenly thought of something, and then he said: "for example, before you directly mobilized the Silver Dragon carving, you slaughtered those powerful people who disturbed the order in Yanjing."

"I know those guys should die, but you are too hasty to do the best. If possible, you should do it more safely."

Shen Ze may not care about other people's words, but he will listen to Ning Yansong's words.

So, after listening to Ning Yansong's words, he nodded solemnly and said, "OK, I've kept your reminders in mind. I'll be more secure in the future."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Ning Yansong nodded and said, "just have your words, and I won't talk too much."

Shen Ze looked at Ning Yansong, then said with a smile, "is it the older you get, the more wordy you become?"

Ning Yansong, hearing the words, glared at Shen Ze and said coldly, "what do you mean? Do you really think I'm wordy? I can say I'm wordy, but you can't

Seeing Ning Yan's angry appearance, Shen Ze smiles and says, "I find that you've not only become wordy, but also become more and more angry."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Ning Yansong's face is not very good-looking.

"Do you want to be beaten?"

"I don't want to."

Shen Ze smiles. He knows Ning Yansong can really beat him, so in order not to be beaten, he doesn't say anything about Ning Yansong.

Ning Yansong soon got well, and then he said with emotion: "ouch, I may be really not old, but people are really old, many things are a little out of their ability."

Shen zeben wanted to tease Ning Yansong, but he finally held back and said nothing.

"We should arrive before the green dragon army in this trip." Ning Yansong then changed the topic.

"Well." Shen Ze nodded and said, "we must have been faster than the green dragon army in the past."

Ning Yansong look seriously said: "how do you plan to deploy?"

Shen Ze said: "there's nothing to deploy, just fight."

Ning Yansong's face became dignified when he heard the speech.

"Let's dispatch the green dragon army. It's very noisy. Xiong Guo must have noticed it and will take corresponding precautions."

"If we attack rashly, are we likely to have an accident?"

Shen Ze seriously said: "as long as the force is strong enough, everything is nothing."

Shen Ze suddenly thought of something. He looked at Ning Yansong with a smile and said, "believe it or not, if I want to, I can take the green dragon army to fight to the capital of Xiong state?"

Shen Ze said this like a joke.

But Ning Yansong listened, but did not hesitate to nod, said: "I believe."

"As long as it's what Shen Diaolong wants to do, there's really nothing he can't do."

"Yes, this time it's your Shen Diaolong's deployment. I'm too lazy to worry so much. I'll wait to see a good play."

Shen Ze said with a smile: "all the affairs of the Ministry of war can be handed over to me, but you still need help from the imperial court. You can't just watch the theater."

"You are better at coordinating the national court. You can help Lei Ming."

In Shen Ze's opinion, Ning Yansong, the former Supreme Leader of the state of dragon, is very clear about the affairs of the national court and knows how to allocate resources.

Although Lei Ming is now the second leader of the National People's court, he is still inferior to Ning Yansong in some aspects.

Ning Yansong helps leiming. Even if this matter does not get the positive support of the National People's court, it can go on well.

Ning Yansong naturally understood Shen Ze's good intentions, so he didn't hold it. He nodded and said, "OK, I'll help you with thunder."

"Well, with you, I'm relieved." Shen Ze nodded and said.

Ning Yansong said solemnly: "this matter is more difficult than we imagined."

"Now the national court knows that in order to prevent us from waging war against the Bear Kingdom, we will definitely keep a strict eye on it. If we have any action, I'm afraid we will be found. It's certainly not very convenient to do things like this."

"Well." Shen Ze nodded with approval and said, "but even if there are many difficulties, we still have to do all the things we should do."

"If we do it with all our heart, there's no way for the court."

"That's true, but without the full support of the National People's court, there are still many difficulties."

Ning Yansong said: "but now you don't have to think about it. Since you have made a decision to do it, you should do it to the end."

"Moreover, as long as our side really starts, I'm afraid the imperial court can only give full support."

"Even if that group of people in the imperial court no longer have brains, they should know that if we really lose, the Dragon kingdom will not be able to turn over."

Shen Ze and Ning Yansong share the same view: "our side is really moving. If we go to fight Xiong state, the national court will definitely support us."

"It happened, it can't be changed, and it can only win, it can't be defeated, anyone will know to give their full support, instead of just sit back and let us toss."