Chapter 750

Because of his special identity, Huang's visit to the Northern War Zone was highly confidential.

In advance, no one else knew. Only when Huang Shiping arrived in the northern theater did they know. Of course, Shen Ze was one of them.

"Huang Shiping actually came to the Northern War Zone in person. It's really inspiring."

Shen Ze said in a playful tone: "it seems that Huang Shiping doesn't want me to lead the army to attack Xiong."

"Otherwise, he won't come to the Northern War Zone in person. Of course, there must be some reasons why he wants to mess with me."

Shen Ze is very clear in his heart that there has been a strong conflict and resentment between him and Huang Shiping. He knows that there can be no good between them, at least for now.

Shen Ze was not in any mood except a little surprised when Huang Shiping came to the Northern War Zone, while Ning Yansong and Qin Chao were not happy and indignant.

"Huang Shiping, an old man, is not successful enough to be defeated. When he is not in Yanjing, he has come to the Northern War Zone to deal with his affairs. He has a brain problem!" Ning Yansong is outspoken and criticizes Huang Shiping.

Qin chaoleng said: "that old man is not a good bird."

"If you come here at this time, you will not be able to help, but will only cause more trouble."

Qin Chao was very upset and said, "I don't know what Huang Shiping wants to do. He does some mindless things."

Ning Yansong also said: "Huang Shiping came to the Northern War Zone just to stop Shen Xiaozi from leading the army to attack Xiong."

Qin Chao said with dissatisfaction: "no one can stop what Grand Marshal wants to do, even if Huang Shiping comes."

Ning Yan said in a deep voice, "if someone else comes with the people from the martial arts association, it will be easier to handle this matter, but Huang Shiping leads the team to the Northern War Zone, it will not be so easy to handle this matter."

"After all, Huang Shiping is the highest leader of the Dragon kingdom. His status and status are extraordinary. If he insists on stopping, there will be a lot of trouble."

In Ning Yansong's view, Huang Shiping is the highest leader of the Dragon Kingdom after all. No matter what, his identity and status in the Dragon kingdom are the largest and the highest, and no one else can compare with him.

If Huang Shiping, the supreme leader of the Dragon Kingdom, wants to stop Shen Ze, it is obviously feasible, because everyone should obey Huang Shiping's advice.

If Huang Shiping himself gave orders not to attack Xiong, even if Shen Ze was a Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, he would be affected.

Qin Chao, with a horizontal face, said in a fierce voice: "Huang Shiping's visit to the Northern War Zone is a mess. I want to say, let's just put Huang Shiping under house arrest."

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Ning Yansong's face became very dignified.

"Huang Shiping is the highest leader of the Dragon kingdom. It doesn't mean that house arrest can lead to house arrest."

Ning Yansong said in a deep voice: "if you put Huang Shiping under house arrest, it's treason and committing the crime of beheading."

"That's not right." Ning Yansong shakes his head, obviously not in favor of what Qin Chao said about putting Huang Shiping under house arrest.

If Huang Shiping, the supreme leader of the Dragon Kingdom, is really put under house arrest, it will certainly cause a lot of trouble.

After all, there has been no case of house arrest of the top leader before.

After listening to Ning Yansong's words, Qin Chao seems to have calmed down a lot. He frowns tightly, looks gloomy, and doesn't speak any more.

In fact, what Qin Chao said just now means that his mind is suddenly hot and then he speaks impulsively.

After he calms down at the moment, he also feels that his proposal just now is not right. After all, Huang Shiping is really the top leader of the Dragon kingdom. If he is put under house arrest, things will be very difficult to clean up.

When Qin Chao and Ning Yansong communicated, Shen Ze didn't say a word.

After they were both silent, Shen Ze seemed to have an idea. He said in a flat tone: "I think Qin Chao's proposal is good."

"For the sake of convenience, we can really put Huang Shiping under house arrest."

In Shen Ze's view, as long as Huang Shiping is put under house arrest, Huang Shiping will not be able to give any more orders and cause any trouble.

House arrest of Huang Shiping will solve the most fundamental problem.

"As far as the present situation is concerned, house arrest of Huang Shiping is really a matter of saving a lot of trouble, but there will be more trouble after that." Ning Yan said in a loose voice.

Shen Ze said, "we'll talk about the next thing later, and we'll solve the present thing first."

Ning Yansong took a look at Shen Ze and said, "is this a little too radical?"

Ning Yansong knew that Shen Ze was the kind of person who did what he said. Since Shen Ze said so, he really had such a plan.

Of course, whether it's Qin Chao's proposal or Shen Ze's intention to do so, Ning Yansong still feels that it's not appropriate to do so.

After listening to Ning Yansong's words, Shen Ze said, "we have done so much to solve the current problems of the Dragon kingdom. Now we have reached this point. We can't give up all our previous achievements just because of Huang Shiping."

Shen Ze tone firmly said: "this matter I will do, afterwards what responsibility also by me to undertake."

Seeing that Shen Ze had made plans and was determined to do so, Ning Yansong sighed and said nothing more.

Qin Chao looks at Shen Ze. He wants to talk but stops. In the end, he doesn't say anything.

No one can change or stop what Shen Ze has decided.

Now that Shen Ze has decided to put Huang Shiping under house arrest, he will act according to Shen Ze's will.

Huang Shiping's visit to the Northern War Zone is aimed at Shen Ze.

After getting off the plane, Huang Shiping takes the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng to the commander-in-chief camp where Shen Ze is.

Huang Shiping's trip to the Northern War Zone this time is completely confidential, and not many people know about it.

Therefore, even if Huang Shiping arrived in the Northern War Zone, he was not welcomed and caused no sensation.

Of course, commanders like Shen Ze and Li Guangrong all know that Huang Shiping has come to the northern theater.

As soon as Huang Shiping comes, he goes straight to the dashai camp and wants to see himself. Shen Ze is very cold, and he doesn't want to see Huang Shiping.

Shen Ze wants to keep Huang Shiping out of the door, but Huang Shiping is the highest leader of the Dragon Kingdom after all. He also brings two top martial artists, the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, he chooses to meet Huang Shiping.

When meeting with Huang Shiping, the superficial work still needs to be done in place. Shen Ze asks Qin Chao to meet Huang Shiping. He and Ning Yansong still sit in the same place.