Chapter 751

Before long, Qin Chao took Huang Shiping, the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng into the camp.

After Huang Shiping entered the camp, Shen Ze and Ning Yansong still sat on the chair and did not move. They lowered their heads and drank tea leisurely, as if they did not see Huang Shiping coming in.

Huang Shiping was obviously very upset when he saw their appearance.

As the highest leader of the Dragon Kingdom, how can Shen Ze and Ning Yansong ignore him?

If you don't pay attention to him like this, you'll be at a loss!

Huang Shiping gave Shen Ze and Ning Yansong an angry look in his eyes. Then he couldn't help saying, "your airs are really big!"

When Huang Shiping said this, his tone was full of indecency and anger.

Shen Ze and Ning Yansong both knew that Huang Shiping was talking about them. They pretended not to hear them and didn't pay any attention.

Seeing Shen Ze and Ning Yansong deliberately ignore themselves like this, Huang Shiping's anger gets more and more intense. His eyes seem to be bursting with fire, and his face becomes very ugly.

"I'm all standing, and you're all standing up for me!" Huang Shiping said angrily.

Shen Ze and Ning Yansong both heard Huang Shiping's words, but they still pretended not to hear them, and there was no response.

Seeing this, Huang Shiping was so angry that his chest seemed to burst open. His face was blue and his eyes were angry.

"Throw out whoever doesn't stand up!"

Huang Shiping angrily turns around and orders the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng.

Huang Shiping is very angry. Because his words don't work for Shen Ze and Ning Yansong, he plans to be tough.

If anyone doesn't follow his will, he'll clean them up.

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng didn't move for the first time.

Shen Ze and Ning Yansong are not ordinary people. They can't move easily!

One is the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, the Dragon God under one person and above ten thousand people, and the former Supreme Leader of the Dragon kingdom?

The old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng will obviously listen to Huang Shiping's words, but it's really hard for them to choose between Shen Ze and Ning Yansong.

The old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng's face were in a dilemma.

Seeing that the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng didn't mean to start, Huang Shiping was even more angry and unhappy.

Because he was too angry, his face was a little twisted, and he looked very ferocious.

Huang Shiping yelled at the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng with extreme displeasure: "don't you understand what I said?"

The old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng became more embarrassed when they heard the speech.

It's so fuckin 'hard to do!

Both sides can't be provoked. What should we do?

Just when the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng were very anxious and didn't know what to do, Shen Ze put down his tea cup, then raised his head and said to Huang Shiping, "don't embarrass other people."

"If you think we're sitting, you're standing, and your heart is not balanced, then you're also sitting," Shen Ze said in a neutral tone

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Huang Shiping's face became more and more gloomy.

He stares at Shen Ze coldly. After a while, he says coldly, "you're easy."

"You two dare to sit like this when you see me coming. You really don't pay attention to me!"

When Huang Shiping said this, he stared at Ning Yansong coldly.

Ning Yansong has been drinking tea with his head down, but still has no reaction.

Seeing this, Huang Shiping snorted coldly.

Shen Ze was not interested in talking nonsense with Huang Shiping. He said directly, "boss Huang is driving to the Northern War Zone. What can I do for you?"

Shen Ze said this clearly because he knew it.

Huang Shiping also knows this, so, in the face of Shen Ze's inquiry, he gives Shen Ze a clear look.

"Shen Diaolong, do you mean to ask me what I'm doing in the Northern War Zone?"

"If it wasn't for your good deeds, how could I have come to the northern theater?"

Shen zepo has a kind of meaning of pretending to be crazy and acting silly. He said lightly, "I remember I didn't do anything good. Why did Huang say that?"

Huang Shiping heard the speech and gave a cold hum.

Huang Shiping obviously saw that Shen Ze was pretending to be crazy, but he didn't want to go on like this with Shen Ze. He said straightforwardly: "Shen Diaolong, the national court has denied your proposal to attack the bear state. You are absolutely not allowed to lead the army to attack the bear state now!"

"I came to the Northern War Zone this time just to stop you from leading the attack on Xiong state!"

When Huang Shiping said these words, he seemed to have a great reason. He said them in a righteous and forceful tone.

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, whether Shen Ze, Ning Yansong or Qin Chao, there is a touch of irony in the corner of their mouth.

You Huang Shiping really don't know how to step up to the top of the Dragon kingdom. Even if you don't adopt good decisions, you still have to resist good decisions. What a brain problem!

Shen Ze said, "I don't know where Huang always heard that I'm going to lead the army to attack Xiong? Don't hold on to me such a false thing. "


Huang Shiping gave a cold hum to Shen Ze, and then said, "Shen Diaolong, don't deny it. The whole dragon Kingdom knows what you want to do, so don't pretend to be a fool in front of me."

Speaking of this, Huang Shiping's mouth curved with sarcasm. "Shen Diaolong is also a character. How can you dare to do it, but you don't dare to do it?"

Shen Ze smelled the speech and gave a little smile. Then he asked back, "I didn't do it. How dare I say it?"

"OK, if you want to say that and try to be reasonable, I won't talk to you any more!"

Huang Shiping was resolute and said in a tough tone: "Shen Diaolong, I don't care what you do. Anyway, I will never allow you to lead the army to attack Xiong state!"

"If you dare to disobey my will and disobey the instructions of the court, I will punish you severely."

Huang Shiping said this very strongly, leaving Shen Ze no leeway.

Huang Shiping said this with a sense of tearing the skin.

As soon as Huang Shiping's words came out, the atmosphere in the commander-in-chief camp suddenly became a little tense and depressing.

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, a cold light flashed in Shen Ze's eyes. His eyes twinkled, as if he was thinking about something. For the first time, he had no words.

No one spoke any more, and the camp fell into silence.

When everyone fell into silence, Ning Yansong, who had not moved and had no words, had something to say.

Ning Yansong slowly put the cup on the tea table, then he slowly raised his head and looked at Huang Shiping with a kind of iron hating eyes.

Ning Yansong said: "Huang Shiping, how come you haven't made progress after so long?"