Chapter 752

Ning Yansong is the highest leader of the former Longguo. He can be said to be the predecessor of Huang Shiping.

Ning Yansong calls Huang Shiping by his name and criticizes Huang Shiping. He has such qualifications.

However, Ning Yansong is now retiring, and Huang Shiping is in the first position of the Dragon kingdom.

Although Ning Yansong is Huang Shiping's predecessor, he obviously can't say that Huang Shiping is not.

After all, Huang Shiping is now the top leader of the Dragon kingdom.

Ning Yansong is a very calm man. He is always polite and methodical. He can't do things like this.

Just now, Ning Yansong didn't mean to be impulsive, but really thought it over before he said so.

At the beginning, in Ning Yansong's eyes, Huang Shiping's personal ability was not very good, not so suitable to be the highest leader of the Dragon kingdom.

Ning Yansong would not willingly step down and give up his position to Huang Shiping if it was not for Huang Shiping's control of power and his reluctance to let the Dragon Kingdom fall into chaos.

Now, in Ning Yansong's view, what Huang Shiping has done is that he has not made any progress, and his ability to deal with things is still so poor.

Being told by Ning Yansong in front of Shen ze that he has not made any progress, Huang Shiping is very upset and angry.

How can the supreme leader of tangtanglong state let a person without a position say so?

Huang Shiping's ugly face became more ugly.

He looked at Ning Yansong, and said: "Ning Yansong, you are not qualified to tell me what to do. You should pay attention to your identity. Don't rely on your elders here!"

Ning Yansong, the former Supreme Leader of the state of dragon, does have seniority and qualifications, but Huang Shiping just doesn't like it.

In Huang Shiping's opinion, if Ning Yansong doesn't give him face, he naturally won't give Ning Yansong face.

Therefore, when Huang Shiping said these words, he didn't leave a feeling for Ning Yansong, which can be said to be mutual hatred.

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, Ning Yansong was like a broken jar. He said angrily, "I really want to rely on the old to sell the old today. Let's talk about you, Huang Shiping!"

Ning Yansong seemed to be angry, and then he said, "you said that Huang Shiping has been the first leader of the Dragon kingdom. Why is he still so brainless?"

"I really don't understand why you don't support the initiative to launch a war and let Shen Diaolong attack Xiong?"

"Don't you know that there is no other way to break the situation except to initiate war?"

"Even if you don't support Shen Diaolong's attack on Xiong, you still have to stop him. You are just caught in the door, so you do these things!"

At this time, Ning Yansong did not leave any feelings for Huang Shiping, saying what he should and shouldn't say.

Besides Shen Ze, the faces of Qin Chao, the old man in black robe and Ouyang Qingfeng all became a little strange.

Even if Huang Shiping did not do well in some places, he was the highest leader of the Dragon Kingdom after all. Would you rather say it in such a straightforward way?

Huang Shiping was originally a person who wanted to face a lot. In addition, he is now the highest leader of the Dragon kingdom. Obviously, he can't accept Ning Yansong's saying that.

After listening to Ning Yansong's rebuke, Huang Shiping was like eating a fly. His face was as gloomy as if he wanted to drip ink, and his eyes were burning with anger.

"Ning Yansong, don't think you are the former leader, so you can rely on the old to sell the old and speak ill of others here!"

Huang Shiping looked at Ning Yansong fiercely and said in a harsh voice: "I warn you, if you dare to speak rudely to me again, I will punish you severely!"

Ning Yansong smell speech, show a pair of disapproval, disdain appearance.

"I'm not scared. Don't scare me with such words."

Ning Yansong met Huang Shiping's eyes and said, "Huang Shiping, you can't do things by yourself. I'm just telling the truth. You can't change this fact if you don't like to hear it."


Huang Shiping obviously didn't agree with what Ning Yansong said. He snorted coldly, and then said coldly, "I know what I'm going to do. I can't get anyone else to say three or four things."

Huang Shiping pointed to Ning Yansong and threatened again: "old man, I'll warn you again, don't speak ill of me, or I will let you disappear from here."

When Ning Yansong heard the speech, he seemed to have a temper. He gave Huang Shiping a scornful look in his eyes and said, "come on, let me see how you want me to disappear from here!"

"Huang Shiping, if you really have the ability, do what you say."

"If you just talk but don't do, I really look down on you."

Later, Ning Yansong said that he was very angry. He wanted to force Huang Shiping against him.

Ning Yansong's insincere remarks over and over again made Huang Shiping very upset. His anger was already burning and could not be extinguished.

Huang Shiping can't bear to be told this by Ning Yansong. If he doesn't teach Ning Yansong a lesson, he will lose face and can't get down.

So, after listening to Ning Yansong's words, Huang Shiping immediately said, "OK, since you old guy don't know what's good and what's bad, so you want to be taught, then I'll help you!"

Then, Huang Shiping said to Ning Yansong in an indisputable tone: "Ning Yansong, I now command you as the highest leader of the Dragon Kingdom, get out of here at once!"

Huang Shiping is obviously pressing people with force.

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, Ning Yansong's mouth curved with sarcasm.

He said nothing and didn't move.

Obviously, Ning Yansong won't follow Huang Shiping's orders and get out of the camp.

Seeing this, Huang Shiping said coldly, "old man, I've given you an opportunity. If you don't grasp it yourself, you can't blame me."

Huang Shiping's eyes flashed fiercely. Then he turned to the old man in black robe and ordered, "throw this old man out!"

Hearing this, the old man in black robe once again fell into a difficult choice.

Ning Yansong is the former top leader, how can you say throw it out?

Previously, when Ning Yansong was the supreme leader of the Dragon Kingdom, he was very popular with the people.

The black robed old man also respects Ning Yansong very much. No matter what the reason is, he doesn't want to fight against Ning Yansong.

At the moment, Huang Shiping orders him to throw Ning Yansong out, which makes him very embarrassed.

For a moment, the old man in black robe was restless and didn't know what to do.

Seeing that the old man in black robe was still in a daze, Huang Shiping was furious and yelled, "do as I say now!"

Huang Shiping once again ordered that the old man in black robe could not continue to dally. He could only grit his teeth and nodded his consent.