Chapter 779

Therefore, if Zhao Xinghua leads the Qilin army to support slowly, and Shen Ze consumes the supply resources, then everything will not work.

At that time, both sides were buried in the enemy territory, and the Dragon kingdom would never have a chance to turn over.

This situation is the worst, but it is possible and has to be taken into account.

Some people have raised it, and we are aware of such a problem.

So, everyone looked at Shen Ze again, waiting for Shen Ze's answer.

"That's really a problem, and I've taken it into account."

After a pause, Shen Ze said, "Zhao Xinghua, they have entered the territory of the enemy country. If there is no accident, they will arrive at us at night."

It's morning, Zhao Xinghua and they are able to arrive here at night, of course, without other accidents.

For Zhao Xinghua with Kirin army to support, the enemy was surprised to find out.

The enemy took corresponding actions and mobilized part of its forces to intercept Zhao Xinghua.

Therefore, it is not easy for Zhao Xinghua to come here.

If they can't get to the city in three days because of the interception of enemy troops, the consequences will obviously become very bad.

You can naturally think of this.

After pondering for a while, Li Guangrong said, "Grand Marshal, if Zhao Xinghua and they can't get here in three days, we will be in a very bad situation."

"At that time, our resources and supplies were almost exhausted, and there would be no fighting for the whole army. It would be almost impossible to break through again at that time."

"What's more, the two sides haven't met yet. There are uncertainties in many things, whether it's the Kirin army or our side."

"The enemy will certainly mobilize its forces to intercept Zhao Xinghua, and the forces of the enemy surrounding us are not sure when they will attack us."

What Li Guangrong said was true and reasonable. After listening to what he said, everyone agreed and nodded.

Shen Ze also thought Li Guangrong was right, so he thought for a while and said, "let's wait until the evening before we make a decision."

At this time, Shen Ze can not only see the situation of Zhao Xinghua, but also bear the pressure from the enemy to the greatest extent.

As for Shen Ze's proposal, we also thought it was ok, so we didn't say anything more.

"Take a good rest and try to save your strength. The next battle will only become more and more fierce." Shen Ze said in a deep voice.

When they heard the words, they all nodded.

Then, after Shen Ze discussed some military affairs with you, the meeting ended and the people broke up.

It's a rare opportunity for the whole army to take a good rest and conserve their energy, because the next battle will only become more and more difficult.

Only when we have a good rest can we break through the encirclement. We all know this very well, so we will have a good rest.


Shen Ze's occupation of the enemy's capital, destruction of nearly 30 cities in a row, and the loss of nearly 200000 troops and tens of thousands of innocent civilians have made the whole enemy very angry and unhappy.

"We must kill all of them, not one of them!"

"Yes, what Shen Diaolong did was to commit a capital crime. They must not be allowed to leave alive."

"It's said that our troops have besieged Shen Diaolong in a small town. I don't think we can continue to besiege them like this. Instead, we have directly besieged them and killed them all."

"Yes, I want to hear Shen Diaolong's dead voice now. I don't want to wait for a moment."

"Don't hesitate. Go straight ahead and kill Shen Diaolong earlier. I'm so angry

The people of the enemy country were very excited. They all wanted to solve Shen Diaolong immediately.

Many people are angry and call on the enemy to destroy them as soon as possible. Instead of continuing the siege, they should take practical action.

However, although the whole enemy country was very angry, the enemy country still did not lose its mind.

The enemy knows very well that if it adopts offensive encirclement and suppression, it will cause casualties on its own side and make the losses even greater.

If Shen Ze had been besieged in a small town all the time, so that they would have consumed all their resources and weakened their fighting capacity, then the enemy would encircle and suppress them again. At that time, the enemy's losses would obviously be very good.

Therefore, under the rational circumstances, the enemy did not want to encircle and suppress them so soon. Even if the people were excited, they all wanted to kill them earlier.

For the sake of the overall situation, the enemy country plans to encircle Shen Ze and take no offensive action.

It was to wait until Shen Ze and his men lost their fighting power before they carried out encirclement and suppression.

It was because of the enemy's plan that Shen Ze had time to rest and recuperate, and the Qilin army had time to come.

However, the enemy is not a fool. Knowing that Zhao Xinghua and Shen Ze are here to support them, the enemy will try its best to stop them.

Therefore, the enemy mobilized a lot of troops to intercept Zhao Xinghua.

However, because most of the troops were sent to encircle Shen Ze, not many of them were sent by the enemy to stop Zhao Xinghua.

Of course, the enemy did not want to completely stop Zhao Xinghua. They just wanted to delay as much time as possible so that they could not quickly resist Shen Ze.

The enemy wanted to drag Shen Ze to death by delaying Dafa. After dragging Shen Ze to death, they could solve Zhao Xinghua's problem.

Zhao Xinghua was naturally able to get the enemy's intention, so he tried his best to kill Shen Ze regardless of the situation.

As long as we can achieve the ultimate goal, no matter how much we pay!

Zhao Xinghua is holding such a mind, so the whole Kirin army is very brave and has an irresistible momentum.

However, Zhao Xinghua and they still can't get to Shen Ze in a short time.

Everything is more difficult than imagined.

In the evening, Zhao Xinghua killed them 300 kilometers away from Shen Ze, and then they fell into the mire of war, unable to move forward for a while.

Shen Ze's heart became heavy when they heard the news.

The current situation is obviously very bad. If Zhao Xinghua and his family can't arrive in time, they will lose everything.

Everyone was in a bit of a hurry and couldn't help taking some action.